2,935 Topics
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Basic background information Mariadb Ver 15.1 District 10.11.6 MariaDB Glarea cluster, one with three nodes: Node1: Node2: Node3: Among them, Node1 node was restarted after a power outage of 1 hour, and after executing the system ctl start mariadb, it was stuck for a long time (running for … | |
I need to get a set of results from the db (server) but at times I would get the same result back and I would like to cache the result instead of making the same call to the db. Any ideas? | |
The term SQL stands for Structured Query Language, it's a programming language that's used to update and communicate with the database. SQL skills are indispensable and are in demand as with the boost in technology, data is piling up. And, In today's world this data has become a necessity for … | |
I want to insert the deleted data into another table (Like table history) in sql server database using visual basic 2008 by scanning QR Code data. What I have done in my source code program is like this; Private Sub btnDel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDel.Click … | |
I want to split my data in 3 partitions training, validation and test: 70% training, 15% validation and 15% test for regression. Python provides a way to do that only for training and testing by cross_validation.train_test_split. Any Ideas? | |
I am using phpmydirectory and am having problems logging in. We had a power outage yesterday and this morning i cannot access my Control Panel. I am just getting teh error message that i have used so many login attempts and when i get to 5 attempts i will need … | |
Do you think blockchain will replace the traditional database | |
Please I have a problem in vb.net. The problem is this, I have a combobox, cboSearchBy, with four column names (FileNo, Lessee, Location and TFNo). I need a code that when i select any of the four items in the combox then the data under that column in the sql … | |
It has been a few years since I actually did real coding... well a few years since i had a job for that. Just dumping about 1000 photos from a directory and want to display them. No magic of fancy stuff. Thanks | |
Hi! When I am running this code, the output looks how I expected it to be, but the problem is that I cannot go back to home page whenever I want to. I dont know why but when I tried to go back to home page after visiting the tips … | |
<?php $firstname = $_POST{'firstname'}; $username = $_POST{'username'}; $emailaddress = $_POST{'emailaddress'}; $password = $_POST{'password'}; $contact = $_POST{'contact'}; //Database connection $conn =new mysqli('localhost','root','','registration'); if ($conn->connect_error) { die('connection failed : '.$conn->connect_error) }else{ $stmt = $conn->prepare("insert into users(firstname, username, emailaddress, password, contact) vlaues (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") $stmt-> bind param("ssssi",$firstname, $username, $emailaddress, $password, … | |
Hey , I am a begginer in vb.net and I want to retrieve my data from access database as well as manipulate indivial record according to my choice..Can you help me with this Thanks & Regards | |
Good day! I am new in vb.net and I want to detect if there is a duplicate of the record that a user will try to add. If the user adds an existing username from the database then it will show an error that the username has already been used. … | |
<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $kategori = $_POST['kategori']; $nama = $_POST['nama']; $harga = $_POST['harga']; $deskripsi = $_POST['deskripsi']; $status = $_POST['status']; $filename = $_FILES['gambar']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['gambar']['tmp_name']; $type1 = explode('.', $filename); $type2 = $type1[1]; $newname = 'produk'.time().'.'.$type2; $tipe_diizinkan = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); if(!in_array($type2, $tipe_diizinkan)){ echo '<script>alert("Success")</script>'; }else{ move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, './produk/'.$newname); } } ?> **Error … | |
I am new for PHP. I tried to display text box value based on drop down selection. it seems code working. no error display here. But when i change the drop down, text box value shows empty. Even print the data it will display only null. HTML:- <select name="cat" id="cat"> … | |
Hi guys im using VisualStudio2017 to make a chat program from a youtube video i keep getting an error and wondered if one of you might be able to help me out. Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in MySql.Data.dll The code: Imports System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.IO Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Module Con_Add Public usernamefriend As … | |
I have a fillin form , which has a submit button. In order to get to the fillin form, the user has already been authenticated and a session has been created, and variables have been added to the session. In order to process the information, I have another 'insUpSel.php' file … | |
Hi there, Not sure if I am in the right place, but I wanted to ask where I can access a csv file for all the streets in Belgium? | |
Hello, I'm new here and I have experience in using PHP with MySQL but right now, I need to convert my code so that it can be used to connect to my DB in my SQL server. I have try out the code as follows db.php <?php date_default_timezone_set ("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"); // … | |
hi guys i have one issue with apache mod_ssl, not showing on directory i have installed via cmd "dnf install mod_ssl" and i get -> Operation aborted. :( also ssl configuartion is missing from /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf i have tried to reinstall procedure but without success what is the issue :( | |
a) Write MARIE code to: 1. Input a number and store it in X . 2. Y will be equal to “ | |
Dear sir, Please help me about below query. here is two table sale and purchase. i want product wise result in output table like below picture. please help me ![22222.jpg](/attachments/large/4/f8a1f4cfc8eaaad4bde70a850826b310.jpg) | |
Hi there i need help on how I am supposed to do this ER Diagram based on this question. I need to have entities, attributes, relationships and primary/foreign keys. here is the question You are given the following business scenario. SmartService is a newly setup car repair and servicing workshop … | |
I have a nested query that is counting how many invoices have been raised for a customer between a daterange which is working fine EXCEPT..... I am getting null in the Invoice_Count field and I would like to change this to 0. I have tried isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN Inv1.ih_credit = 1 … | |
I have to get an instance of Oracle XE running on my laptop. This is so I can test a plsql package I have been working on at my house. Currently out of the job. I seem to remember when I did this the last time I had to configure … | |
I am crafting a code generator for something, and I have encountered some things that I do not know yet. Excuse the scambled eggs in this code, but could you please tell me what a job is, and how to get it to run a stored procedure for me? I … | |
I need a simple external table definition for preforming loads from FIXED WIDTH files. I don't remember how to do External tables in oracle. This would be a Fixed width, not CSV. I am creating a generator and I need the external table definition. | |
Hi all :) Currently now I used MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I have an existing table with data already store on that table. Table Name : Application Column : Categories (nvarchar(1), null) Sequence (nvarchar(1), null) Detail (nvarchar(150), null) I would like to ask how to add primary key … | |
Hello. I have a quick question. I am making a database as a personal project (I am using Microsoft SQL Server therefore I am using its SQL syntax). All it does is that it keeps track of singing groups and bands, the members in these groups, albums they made, songs … |
The End.