I have a fillin form , which has a submit button. In order to get to the fillin form, the user has already been authenticated and a session has been created, and variables have been added to the session.
In order to process the information, I have another 'insUpSel.php' file which does two things:
- populates a MSSQL database via a stored procedure with the contents of the session
- retrieves the results from the MS SQL table and populates an HTML table with multiuple result rows.
I want to prevent users from running the 'insUpSel.php' form manually and if they do force users back to the login page.
Is there a way, where I can update a variable before the processing the fillin form data?
ie. $submitted = true (on fillin form)
then on the insupsel.php
i check if $submitted = true
- IF TRUE, I set it back to false and continue processing the data
- IF FALSE, i force the user back to the login page
Many thanks