1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajat_15

Learning to code is one such skill that sets your kid apart from the crowd. In the same way, it also helps your kid in landing some amazing opportunities in his/her career. Some Points are: 1) Take baby steps 2) Block-based for beginners 3) Python programming course for kids 4) …

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Member Avatar for aroundme

Hi everyone, This is Aroundme Directory. Looking forward to participate in helpful discussion.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nouraaaaa

Design a three-bit counter using T-FFs. The counter has one input X. The counter counts odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) if X = 0 and counts even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6) if X = 1. If X = 1 and the current number is odd, the counter will …

Member Avatar for Skillz_1
Member Avatar for nouraaaaa

Design a three-bit counter using T-FFs. The counter has one input X. The counter counts odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) if X = 0 and counts even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6) if X = 1. If X = 1 and the current number is odd, the counter will …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Catherine King

How to display text in modal popup from the grid's cell by clicking the hyperlink In jquery part I used window.open the code I wrote opened a new popup window so I changed it to modal popup but it loads while pageload before the click of hyperlink and blurs the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for eshach2221

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1061 'SignupScreen' does not contain a definition for 'BtnSubmit_Click' and no accessible extension method 'BtnSubmit_Click' accepting a first argument of type 'SignupScreen' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) WpfSignupscreen D:\Visual Studio Work\WpfSignupscreen\WpfSignupscreen\SignupScreen.xaml 23 Active

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Member Avatar for babar125

I am making speech to text app in C# window form it was working fine and running in vs but I want to make I have add a button in my application I want to make when I click on the button it start recognizing when I clicked on the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for john.craig889

Hi! I need a web application for my business. Should I hire an agency or a freelancer? What's the better value? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hey guys am trying to pass values entered by a user in a form to an **ASP.NET** controller for processing to a database context. I do not know why the values in the form are not being passed to the controller method with the same parameter names, because when I …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for nouraaaaa

A number m is called a proper divisor of n if m<n and m divides n. A positive integer is perfect if it is the sum of its proper positive divisors. For example 28 is perfect because 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 . 1, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for complete

This is on a Windows 10 computer. I have successfully completed setting up IIS and system settings for running a web page written in Classic ASP. I can launch it from my IIS manager and it comes up in my default browser. iis: Enable Client-side debugging: true Enable Server-side debugging: …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for complete

What are the pros and cons of plain PHP or Classic ASP? PHP and Classic ASP are server-side scripting languages. What is wrong with having a website written in this instead of the trendy JavaScript Frameworks like React, Angular etc.? If memory serves me correctly, there is an issue with …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jessica_16

I am new to web development but I want to enhance my skills, so please be nice to me. I build a blog already, using wordpress, but is there anyone here build a website for an artist/actor before? Like, for real? Because i knew, we have a copyright for images, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nalb4242

Hello i have question i am new at using aspx and c# .. after i get my website from server using FTP i can access the aspx page only but i can not view the code of c# behind it .. i think they are saved in bin file but …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for thomasdoejr

Write a program using for loops to produce an R by C rectangle, where R and C are provided by the user. The following are the triangles for different values of R and C. R is the number of rows and C is the number of columns

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for questionpond

Hi all, Used Asp.net Menu Control have designed a navigation bar .Using touchscreen Desktop in Internet Explorer(IE11), single tap not appear but double tap submenus appears but in Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome browser not appear submenus by single tap/double tap . Touch is working in Edge/Chrome by single tap in other …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jessica_10

Hi! I have existing system already, I am using ASP.NET. I am using a separate VOIP/Softphone so we can call. I want to know if it is possible to do predictive dialing in ASP.NET. I've heard that it is possible in C#. I am new in Web Development, so I …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for gaauiop5

I'm trying to redirect user to "userinfo.php" after successful registration, but the browser terminates the redirection because it goes into endless loops.

Member Avatar for Dani
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Member Avatar for Ajit_786

Hlo Plz anyone give a coading of classic asp i want to save my csv and excel file in databse

Member Avatar for smart_saru
Member Avatar for Cindy20

Can you help me decrypt the message with the given information. I figured out the first line is using Xor ciphers but how do I figure out the rest? Y[ZU[XZWZ\XXZjZ[[WWVWU Ogaqkxpgbqbfiof! Cyw'ss bun! Zqksxl cywd lnepwvs uozneh. Qjc mgabiy nfx vmz-djrhkfalfq. Xnjfx ai qjvi viqi uat pgw odjwp. The radio …

Member Avatar for mekineer

I would like to start building a search database, by providing a portal for users to search a search engine, like Google. Is it possible for a visitor to the portal site, to present to Google their own IP address, instead of the portal site's IP address? Is it also …

Member Avatar for Web_14
Member Avatar for Syed_22

Hi guys can anyone help me i need to learn how to use OR and AND in loop conditions using javascript

Member Avatar for Emmason
Member Avatar for programuesi

1) Create an application in the form (Windows forms) which will fix the problem of: a. Product registration and its data such as: name, purchase price, price of sales, VAT, and profit. i. Name it in a string string [N] ii. Purchase price, selling price, VAT, and profit to be …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mr.matrix251
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for vijaytechauthor

Which will be the best programming langugaes to start with in this pandemic situations which is facing by world? I am reading a research of then found this link https://insights.dice.com/2020/04/02/5-best-programming-languages-to-learn-during-covid-19-lockdown/ over the web and does not clear and asking the same to you all, Suggest me your thoughts on it.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Nobu_1

Hello,i learned how to used the C++ but i have problems to analysis the problem in my project. Write a program to process monthly paycheck for all contract workers of an organization. Each worker will have the following information: Identification number (at-digit integer), the worker's name, hourly pay rate, and …

Member Avatar for iverve

Now every web developer need a local web development envoiurment but i don't know how to set up Full-Stack ASP.NET Web Developmental Environment. any one can here to explain me.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Petrus_1

can you help me add a write and read function to the program below #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct daerah { char kel[50]; char kec[50]; char kota[50]; }; struct data { int nomor; char nama[50]; char tinggi[20]; char status[20]; char pekerjaan[20]; …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Pranu_1

I Write code to send e-mail from an ASP.NET application..Is this correct for that or need some changes..any changes in the code will be happilly acceptable.. MailMessage mailMess = new MailMessage (); mailMess.From = "abc@gmail.com"; mailMess.To = "xyz@gmail.com"; mailMess.Subject = "Test email"; mailMess.Body = "Hi This is a test mail."; …

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The End.