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I am a Desktop Software Developer by profession who uses the .NET and .NET Core platforms to build cross-platform, effective and robust desktop software applications for the needs of Image and Video Processing.

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HP intel core i5 12th gen 8gigs DDR4 RAM 256 GB Ssd
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16 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have used Magick.NET to detect all the edges using Canny Edge Detection which basically converts an image to a binary version where the edges are in white and the rest of the image black However I have failed in using the library HoughLine method to detect rectangles or squares …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have tried the following code to reconstruct image without logo by first converting the image to a binary inverse where the logo appears to be white and the rest of the image black then using inpainting function to reconstruct the original image without the logo part. This is for …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hey guys is there a way to intercept shut down to make the user enter password if the state is in the locked state? Its just that I am engineering an anti-theft app and would to disable shut down from lock screen while the device is in the locked state. …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for Peter_124

Hello I can help you figure out what to do, I can help you and maybe grab a cup of coffee. Here is my email No one is an idiot just for the record, he needs help.

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hello guys am trying to implement Info Cards using the IInfoCard and IInfoCardFactory and IInfocards interfaces. If you know how to complete the methods of these interfaces to make a program show the forms for the respective categories, then you might just be the guy to help me. I have …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hey guys am trying to pass values entered by a user in a form to an **ASP.NET** controller for processing to a database context. I do not know why the values in the form are not being passed to the controller method with the same parameter names, because when I …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hey guys, I am trying to upload text entered by a user of my app in an edit text to a google firebase application. Tried to find some reference online on how to do this, the article suggested I add which I added to the project via the Nuget …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Good morning everyone, I have an MVC projet in ASP.NET and I got a little problem with the project, when I run the main **program.cs** script it breaks and says that the **Model** is null. I have followed every required step when implementing an entity relationship framework in ASP.NET. I …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I am trying to come up with an SQL query to return all the records earlier than a certain year with SQLite using DB Browser. I can't seem to come up with the right regex expressipn to use for filtering only the year from a row for comparison, below is …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Helllo guys am trying to build my first ASP.NET application here and I have a **Models** folder and **Controllers** folder. The models folder contains the class for an entity called customer whose properties are to be read from sqlite database. Thee is also a **Pages** folder that contains a folder …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Hello guys, am trying to access the windows in-built adapter from C# library known as Bluetooth LE (Low Energy). I have installed the nuget package and when I try to run my code, I get the error that **Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: [Plugin.BluetoothLE] No platform plugin found. Did you install the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Is there a way to print out numbers for pre-order, post-order and in-order traversals of trees using just recursion and a number. The trees are binary and n is the number of nodes from the parent to al children. Can anyone help me write the function to print the numbers …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Am trying to implement face detection using the PCA algorithm in C#,I have a button on my windows forms that is supposed to intitiate the learning process once it is clicked. It should use the images in a folder called training to compute the eigen values and eigen vectors so …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

Am working on a decipher algorithm that is supposed to take a string input of en english sentence flipped backwards and contains numbers, spaces and delimiters. I got code that removes numbers and special characters but also removes spaces, Can you help me tell this code to not bully the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

i have a script in clojure that can read a string of integers separated by commas from a file..the scrip is succesful and reads the line from the file as astring,all i want is some clojure loop to scan the string for integers and add to an integer array here …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for TimTheCoder

I have an array in python that has letters as strings and a comma as a string also. I have managed to find code that finds all the letters that come before that comma letter, there are other comma letters and i would like to iterate to list every letter …

Member Avatar for Husoski

The End.