Hello guys, am trying to access the windows in-built adapter from C# library known as Bluetooth LE (Low Energy). I have installed the nuget package and when I try to run my code, I get the error that
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: [Plugin.BluetoothLE] No platform plugin found. Did you install the nuget package in your app project as well?. I have tried looking online to see if there is a GATTServer instance that needs to be started but did not succeed. Please help me access the adapter correctly without this exception being thrown. Here is the C# code am trying to use
public class BTClient
//define the adapter
static IAdapter adapter;
//declare variable to hold the UUID of a device
string UUID;
public BTClient()
//assign the adapter on constructor exit
//this adapter allows usage across various platforms
adapter = CrossBleAdapter.Current;
/// <summary>
/// the method below is for discovering bluetooth devices
/// nearby
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[DllExport("devices", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl),ComVisible(true)]
public static List<Plugin.BluetoothLE.IDevice> DiscoverDevices()
IGattServer server = (IGattServer)CrossBleAdapter.Current.CreateGattServer();
server.CreateService(new Guid(), true);
var devices = new List<Plugin.BluetoothLE.IDevice>();
var scanner = CrossBleAdapter.Current.Scan().Subscribe(scanResult =>
return devices;
class Solution{
static void Main(){
List<IDevice> devices = new List<IDevice>();
devices = BTClient.DiscoverDevices();
foreach(var device in devices){