I am using visual basic dot net, with the asp.net add on. I have created a programme which works great, basically it has a logon, which uses mysql for the data, then loads a 2nd page using the username data. I am using the global variable to store the username between pages. Its all good, untill another person logs in at the same time as the first user, now when they log on, user 1 now has the globale variable of the 2nd user.
What I need is a globale variable that is unique to each user. Any idea how this is done, I am very new to asp.net.

I am not familiar with .net, but typically the way this is done across all web development languages is with the use of cookies. A cookie is stored in a user's web browser indicating a session ID. That session ID is then stored in your server and maps to what user ID that user is logged in as.

Ah, yes of course, hadn;t thought of cookies, I will look up how to use those, thanks for the advice.

Have you figured out how to do .net sessions with cookies? Sorry, I don’t have .net experience to be able to provide you with actual code examples.

If you’re still stuck, I can try to research a bit.

You can use Dynamic array to store your users.

commented: Very old post, user probably found a solution by now. :) -3
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