Hello everyone, I wrote data arrays at the end of the exe with delimiter. After I compiled, the app it didn't work on Chinese Windows, only on English, I want to configure the app to work on Chinese windows as well, I know it will work if I change the system location, but that's not what I want. I want it to work without changing the system location. I am trying to find solution the last 3 days, and it's still doesn't work. Is does anyone have experience with visual basic 6? I have suspicions that the delimiter is the problem, but i am not sure. I am pasting the part of the code here. It's a simple encryption algorithm for protection software.

`Sub most()
Dim YO As String, Datos As String, sData() As String

YO = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"

Open YO For Binary As #1
Datos = Space(LOF(1))
Get #1, , Datos
Close #1

sData() = Split(Datos, "DELIMITER")

sData(1) = CGYIlOxrb(sData(1), "KEY")

Proc YO, StrConv(sData(1), vbFromUnicode)

Note: i was trying to change the delimiter like that:

sData() = Split(Datos, "ChrW(&H8FCE)")

But it's still doesn't work.

Any advice?

Also as i said, i am not sure if the delimiter is only the problem.

akvkota commented: As I remember, VB6 doesn't support unicode. But some people have done some work around for chinese you may find it on web. +0

Several of us have VB6 experience, but for most of us it would be several years since we've used it - VB6 was released in 1998 and support for it was mostly discontinued by 2008. It is extremely inadvisable to write any new code using VB6 in 2022.

Also, while you appear to have tried to format your code, you need to know that the inline code formatting using the backtick doesn't span multiple lines of code. For multiline code snippets, you need to indent the code by four spaces. The Cod Block tool ("</>") on the window toolbar will do this automatically for you.

There are far too many issues with vb6 and Unicode. For example: "Visual Basic controls are not Unicode aware."
Also, "Strings passed to API are converted to ANSI and vice versa"

But hey, good luck with your attempt, there are prior discussions about this but no one I know will attempt making new VB6 apps or anything beyond simple fixes (which this is not!)

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