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1,359 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Dani

Tech fora? Not so much these days, though I still check the [ forum]( from time to time, and am on the Discord for the [Craft Computing YouTube channel]( I am mostly on LGBT+ related Discords lately, and the forum and Discord for the [Whateley Academy]( web serial novel series.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Yaw_905

I would like to add one piece of advice on the topic of tutorials. There are many, many tutorials on Python programming, either as web pages or as YouTube videos; some are great, some are only okay, but most are pretty bad. It can be hard to judge which are …

Member Avatar for CodeWorked
Member Avatar for Mallika_1

I haven't had the chance to look through this code in detail, but two things immediately strike me: * The use of `<conio.h>`. This is a non-standard library which is specific to certain ancient MS-DOS and Windows compilers, and won't be supported by any modern compiler library. * The declaration …

Member Avatar for Maria_36
Member Avatar for Neo_769

A forum is just a central meeting place, or (in this case) a place where you can talk with others about some topic. More specifically, it is a synonym for "message board". In other words, you are already using the forum. The link Dani gave should help you with this …

Member Avatar for pcbugfixer
Member Avatar for Kate_12

I would recommend moving away from the older C-style `srand()`/`rand()` combination, and use the C++ [`<random>`]( library, which is both more flexible and gives finer control. While it requires more effort to set up, it would be well worth that effort. #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <ctime> #include <iomanip> #include …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for venanciodayao18

You don't. The algorithm (or rather, the elaborate set of algorithms and heuristics, though most people mistakenly refer to it as just 'the algorithm') is a tightly kept corporate secret (which in any case is so complex that no one individual can understand more than a small part of it), …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

I've been working on the GUI portion of my [C++ Connect-N game project](, and have gotten it to would could charitably be called a working state. However, the game AI, not to put it to finely, stinks. I was wondering if anyone here has more experience in implementing a minmax …

Member Avatar for Lieutenant_1

If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you are writing new VB 6.0 code in 2022? I would strongly advise against trying to beat that dead horse any further, if you have any choice in the matter.

Member Avatar for Lieutenant_1
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

[Ranged Numeric Types in C++]( I've started writing a simple template class for automating range checking in specialized numeric types, inspired by the ranged types in languages such as Pascal and Ada. At the moment it is mainly meant for integer types, though I've made it flexible enough that it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for exploretech

Itself, since PHP is in fact a programming language. One for a specific set of uses, but a programming language nonetheless. As for which *other* language it most resembles, that's a bit of a judgement call, really. I would say... well, no, that would be giving you the answer, which …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sweety8789

We would need a lot more information than that to be able to help you with it, starting with the code in question and the error you are getting.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Braxy

We'd be happy to help if you had some code to show us, so we could give pointers for it. Solving your homework for you isn't helping.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Yolie_b

First off, we don't do other people's homework for them. Second, we *don't* do other people's homework for them. And third, ***we don't do other people's homework for them***. Sensing a pattern here yet? No one here will simply hand you a solution on a silver platter. If you show …

Member Avatar for toneewa
Member Avatar for NewAccount

Several of us have VB6 experience, but for most of us it would be several years since we've used it - VB6 was released in 1998 and support for it was mostly discontinued by 2008. It is extremely inadvisable to write any new code using VB6 in 2022. Also, while …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for pop_015

In the future, please post the code into your message (using the Code Block button, `</>`, in the editor window menubar), rather than as a link to a copy on another site. Also, please tell us *what* is failing, in detail. We need to know what you expected the code …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Bright_5

> i have posted the code.its a bit bulky because i had to repeat one function four times. i know there is a shorter way to do this but i have not figured out how. One thing you can do is, rather than having separate `final_search`*n* and `newest_list`*n* variables, use …

Member Avatar for Bright_5
Member Avatar for isyae

There are two approaches you can take: you can either make `scP1` and `scP2` globals by moving their declarations to the top level outside of the `main()` function or - preferably - pass them as references to `Score()` so that they could be updated. Note that similar issues exist for …

Member Avatar for isyae
Member Avatar for gabbigrdn

Fortunately, the assignment gives a good deal of detail as to how to go about it, and seems focused on how well you understand basic OOP development. From the assignment, you know that: * You'll have a class called `Account` * `Account` objects will have member (instance) variables for the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for isyae

If I might recommend a bit of an improvement: void ShowCardP1(int cardP1, string cardName[], string p_code[], string type[], string plusMode, string system[]) { cout<< "Product code: " << p_code[cardP1] << " " << endl; cout<< cardName[cardP1] << " " << endl ; cout<< "Type: " << type[cardP1] << " " …

Member Avatar for isyae
Member Avatar for Amelia5068

Unfortunately, there's really no way to read Python code when the indentation has been lost. I'll try to puzzle out your intentions here, but it isn't straightforward. As it is, I can't even tell if this is all supposed to be one function, or the function followed by some top-level …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for kaykayandcoffee

While it is an extra step, I would recommend converting the date text value to a `System.DateTime` value and perform the operations on that before converting back to text.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for kamaid

I can see a number of issues with the code as given. * You define a class `Shapes` but then declare `Circle` as a subclass of `Shape`. The names need to match in order to be valid. * You never `#include` the header `Shapes.h` in the `Circle.h` header. * You …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Jash_1

Uhm, 'struggle'? I have no idea what that refers to in this context. OTOH, `void` just means a function doesn't return a value, or conversely, that a pointer doesn't have a type. Mind you, I don't think this code would even compile under most compilers today, or at least would …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Laura_16

First off, we don't do other people's homework for them. Second, we *don't* do other people's homework for them. And third, ***we don't do other people's homework for them***. Sensing a pattern here yet? No one here will simply hand you a solution on a silver platter. If you show …

Member Avatar for 65_Sudhir
Member Avatar for Ashley_30

[Definitely homework](, apparently from University of Technology of Jamaica (which fits with the reference to [Norman Manley Airport](, a real airport in Kingston). If that link is anything to go by, the project is meant to be solved in Java. If so, I guess my first question to the OP …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for RC_820

If you want it to run in a browser, then yes, you almost certainly want to use JavaScript. While there are other languages which can be used, such as TypeScript or ClojureScript, they all get translated into JavaScript anyway. There are [many video tutorials]( on this topic, and [many web …

Member Avatar for RC_820
Member Avatar for West_3

First off, we don't do other people's homework for them. Second, we *don't* do other people's homework for them. And third, ***we don't do other people's homework for them***. Sensing a pattern here yet? No one here will simply hand you a solution on a silver platter. If you show …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Bill_47

There is a developer on the [OSDev forum](, David Cooper, who managed to do something like this for his OS project, though I am pretty sure he started off cross-developing his toolkit. He created what he describes as a sophisticated suite for editing code in hex, though presumably if you …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Jon_4

Pseudo-code **doesn't** work; that's the whole point of it. It is a higher-level description of a problem without the details that would make it a running program. Pseudo-code isn't a specific language - it is just a description of the program in a way that resembles actual code, but omits …

Member Avatar for Suman_19
Member Avatar for Jeph_1

From what I've read, MIPSMARK is intended for checking and grading MIPS assembly language programs. Are you compiling the C code to MIPS assembly, and if you are, with what compiler and compiler invocation? Where is MIPSMARK available from? Do you know of a download site for it, or a …

Member Avatar for Jeph_1

The End.