I need help on how to calculate the total work hours in a 12 hour format. I have a database that has the columns for the time in and time out as well as the total hours.
If txtSCANRFID.Text = "" Then
reloadtxt("SELECT * FROM students WHERE RFIDNumber= '" & txtSCANRFID.Text & "' ")
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
reloadtxt("SELECT * FROM attendance_students WHERE RFIDNumber='" & txtSCANRFID.Text & "' AND Date='" & lblDATEtime.Text & "' AND Time_Out ")
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
lblSTATUS.Text = ""
lblDONE.Text = "Time In and Time Out
already recorded"
reloadtxt("SELECT * FROM attendance_students WHERE RFIDNumber='" & txtSCANRFID.Text & "' AND Date='" & lblDATEtime.Text & "' ")
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
updatesLogged("UPDATE attendance_students SET Time_Out='" & TimeOfDay & "', Total_Hours= Time_Out-Time_In WHERE RFIDNumber='" & txtSCANRFID.Text & "' AND Date='" & lblDATEtime.Text & "' ")
createLogged("INSERT INTO attendance_students (RFIDNumber,Surname,FirstName,Date,Time_In) VALUES ('" & txtSCANRFID.Text & "', '" & lblLastName.Text & "', '" & lblFirstName.Text & "', '" & lblDATEtime.Text & "', '" & TimeOfDay & "' ) ")
lblSTATUS.Text = "TIME IN"
End If
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
The time in and time out works fine but I couldn't get the total work hours between the two time. The result gives me incorrect result such as negative total hour. Can you correct my code? This is for my capstone project. Thank you.