Hi, would anybody be king enough to assist me in completing this assignment?
A local bank is attempting to digitize a few of its services and
operations. In an effort to have a seamless transition for their customers –
from a physical environment to an online environment. You have been
contracted to implement a section of the application and simulates some
online banking transactions. More specifically, your application will mimic
some operations that can be performed with a customer’s personal loan and
savings account. An initial savings account has been sanctioned for the
purposes of testing your implementation, using: 258647 as the main account
number for customer Jane Doe, and 3284 as the PIN for accessing and using the

Using principles of the object oriented programming paradigm, you are
required to implement a computer program which simulates performing
banking transactions for Jane Doe at the “<Your Name> International Bank”.
Use the C++ programming language to create a menu-driven program that
allows it user to:
1st. Login. The user must enter their main savings account number and the
PIN (as given in the scenario). If either inputs are incorrect your
application must display an appropriate error message, and then allow
the user to re-enter the inputs or quit the application. However, if the
user is successfully authenticated, your application will display its main
menu as follow:
2nd. Create an account. Upon selecting this option, your C++
application will prompt the user to select and enter data for the
type of account they wish to create.
 Your solution to this task must demonstrate the concept of
inheritance. Specifically, you are to create a base class called
Account. Your Account class will have:
 Data members to store: a distinct account number, an
account type (either savings or checking); the amount of
monies in the account; the name of the primary account
holder; the name of a joint account holder (storing a
value is optional); and, an account transfer status (which
stores the status false if monies in the account is less
than $10,000; otherwise, the status is true). Note that
the account transfer status indicates if a user is allowed
to perform transfers that debits monies from the
 Member functions must be implemented to access and
modify each data member of the Account class
 You are to implement separate derived classes for Personal
Loan Account and Savings Account – both classes must inherit from
your Account class, and have specializations as follow:
Savings Account:
 Data member to store: the last three details of
transactions performed on the account. A transaction
detail stores the transaction type (either debit or credit)
and the amount of monies that was debited from, or
credited to, the account.
 Member functions must be implemented to access and
modify the data member of the Savings Account class. An
appropriate member function must also be implemented to
accept a value, k (where k ≥ 5000), and then initialize the
amount of monies in the account to k.
Personal Loan Account:
 Data member to store: an existing saving account number
(that is, each personal loan account must be associated
with a savings account); the loan amount (this is valued at
$1,000 × amount of monies in the savings account);
interest rate, r (where 10% ≥ r ≥ 5.5%); and, the
monthly payment (0.75% of the loan amount).
 Member functions must be implemented to access and
modify the data members of the Personal Loan Account class.
3rd. Transfer monies between accounts. Upon selecting this option, your
C++ application will prompt the user to select an account to
transfer from and also select an account to transfer to. You will
also prompt the user for a value, m (where m ≥ 0), and then
update the monies in each accounts appropriately. A user is only
allowed to transfer monies between savings accounts, and from
savings account to loan accounts; transfers between loan
accounts are restricted.

Weird assignment. No bank I know would code this in C++ today. It would be some web server and backend systems.
But hey who said what they teach you in school would be what is used today?

As per the Community Rules, show your work and if not at least tell where you are stuck. You should be at the point you can write code to present the menu at the very least.

commented: Agreed on what you said about how unrealistic this is, but as you say, no one ever sais class assignments had to be realistic. +15

Fortunately, the assignment gives a good deal of detail as to how to go about it, and seems focused on how well you understand basic OOP development. From the assignment, you know that:

  • You'll have a class called Account
  • Account objects will have member (instance) variables for the account number; the account type; the account balance; the account holder's name; an optional joint account holder's name; and the account transfer status.
  • The Account class has member functions to act as getters and setters for each of the member variables.
  • Account will have two sub-classes, which could be called something like SavingsAccount and PersonalLoanAccount, both of which extend Account in specified ways.

This seems to me to be the place to start.

So you want someone to do your homework (because that's very clearly what it is, your school homework) for you.

The answer to that from any programmer worth the job name is HECK NO.
We don't want fakers with diplomas they didn't earn in the profession as it makes our work that much harder. If you can't even do your homework, you're not going to be able to program yourself out of a bug report or feature request at even the most junior level if you ever got hired, and someone who can will have to do double hours to cover for you.

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