185 Topics

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Member Avatar for Warren_12

When my app loads I need to establish the membership "status" of a user. Their "status" will determine how the app behaves. Do I query the database for the "status" value each time the app loads, or can it be sourced from cache? The "status" could change for a user, …

Member Avatar for JohnEdward44
Member Avatar for Chris Hüneke

# Extract Schema.org Data Script # Maybe this is helpful for somebody... ## Description ## This script extracts Schema.org data from a given URL and saves it to a file. ## Usage ## 1. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. 2. Input URL: Enter the URL …

Member Avatar for suwaidi
Member Avatar for brooklyn1991

Hello, everyone!:) I am new to Daniweb and I would like a little help in implementing Binomial Heap subroutines in C, especially insertion in Heap. For my application it is necessary to implement max-heaps(i.e., roots storing the maximum value) in stead of min-heaps(i.e., root storing minimum value) in ANSI C. …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for shany0786

I have scenario where one user can refer two codes to other one will become right and other left.Now this right can have two child left and right and so on same for left child user.... So this is binary tree like strucutre so i am selecting a user from …

Member Avatar for shany0786
Member Avatar for Gà_1

I'm writing a simple program to figure out how Linked List works, but for now I'm stucking. I don't know which line cause the error or I had a mistake in thinking. I run my program by my hand and it works fine. But when run, it gets error at …

Member Avatar for Beingmahendra
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

what I am trying to do is store same letter to same node. For example: let say I have person, people is sent to be put into a node. This will create two node. I want to some thing like P: Person People Person and People are same note When …

Member Avatar for bernardo.mclobo
Member Avatar for LibraryCode

Hi,i have a code like this in .h file: #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include"iostream" using namespace std; // balance factor enum enum BalanceFactor { LH, RH, EH }; // treenode struct template<class T> struct TreeNode { T info; TreeNode<T>* left; TreeNode<T>* right; BalanceFactor bf; }; template<typename ItemType> class TreeType { …

Member Avatar for LibraryCode
Member Avatar for kamibwp786

Salam i want to write a binary tree code with left and right child my question is that when one left side and one right side child complete then system credit 700 to parent id plz any body from this forum can help me? i am thankfull to you its …

Member Avatar for kamibwp786
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi, I am trying to construct a binary tree using a list. class Element { private: list<Element*> _children; char* _name; //...other data members and methods } I have a class ("Element") that has children ("_children"), but I cannot figure out how to add children to the elements of "_children". I …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for man.chester.581
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for BENTABET

I wrote a template class named "Tree<T>" in C++ which attributes are : - T data - std::vector<Tree*> sons; I wrote the basic methods consisting of writing and reading in those two attributes. Now, I'm writing methods that return the min and max depth. I have no compilation problems but …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for infiniteloop56

Hey Guys, I am building app using a huffman tree, and am building this java program to just test a few things and I am having some trouble. I have everything working except that I am having troble decompressing a huffman string back into the original string. I would appreciate …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for kxjakkk

I'm trying to modify this code: class Tree: def __init__(self, cargo, left=None, right=None): self.cargo = cargo self.left = left self.right = right def __str__(self): return str(self.cargo) def print_tree_inorder(tree): if tree is None: return print_tree_inorder(tree.left) print(tree.cargo, end=" ") print_tree_inorder(tree.right) So that it adds parentheses around every operator and pair of operands. …

Member Avatar for kxjakkk
Member Avatar for m1m6jbr

hello i have an attribute in 'users' table called RegNo which refer ro region number ... so i have to select users and display them according to their region number . here is my code <body> <ul id="nav"> <li class="heb"> <a href="parentUrl" >hebron</a> <li class="bet"> <a href="parentUrl" >ramallah</a> <?php include …

Member Avatar for m1m6jbr
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

I am trying to learn element tree so that i cna work with xml files a little more indepth. I have researched it and everythign i have read says that my version of python should have ElementTree already installed on it. But every time i try to run my sample …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for stephen.teacher

hi all, this is some extra credit from class we sat around cleaning up code today this is what we came up with public boolean equals2(IntTree t2){ return equals2(this.overallRoot, t2.overallRoot); } private Boolean equals2(IntTreeNode r1, IntTreeNode r2){ if(r1 == null || r2 == null){ return r1 == null && r2 …

Member Avatar for stephen.teacher
Member Avatar for samertaha

hi , i am searching for a good tree menu design for products categories to use it in my website , i need it to be flexible so i could style it as needed and also simple so i can target it with my own javascript. thanks again.

Member Avatar for samertaha
Member Avatar for hannahaddad

Hello. I'm developping a project about the decision tree in Java. My project idea is about animals, but it's gonna be a big database and i don't have too much time to complete. So my question is: Can anyone help me to found a complete database about animals or about …

Member Avatar for hannahaddad
Member Avatar for dancks

I wrote this test program to test the binary tree for a particular purpose. The intent is to make 2 new tree nodes with new data and destroy the data of the parent data, as its no longer needed (essentially its supposed to imitate "splitting" but my design calls for …

Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys, so im creating a page using php html js etc and what i wanna do is have two tables on that page. the first table is populated by data from database(easy) the second table is tricky for me. in the second table i want to be able to …

Member Avatar for umairisrar

program that implements an event-driven simulation of a line of customers at a bank.Each customer enters a queue, waits until reaching the front of the queue, performs a transaction with a teller (bank employee), and then leaves the bank. You may assume that the bank has only one queue and …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for gu mi nam

this code was error.please help me fix it include <iostream> include <conio.h> include <algorithm> using namespace std; int a[]={1,5,7,4,9,8}; BST*binary_search_tree; struct BST{ int value; BST* left; BST* right; }; int search_bst(BST* node,int key){ if(node==NULL) return -1; if(key<node->value) return search_bst(node->left,key); if(key>node->value) return search_bst(node->right,key); else return node->value; } void insert_bst(BST* &treeNode,BST* newNode){ …

Member Avatar for gu mi nam
Member Avatar for dan.doca

so i got a class going for making and showing tree elements, i need some help with the following: i need to display the leaves and the height of the tree. here is the code: // ar.cpp #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class nod { public: char inf; …

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Member Avatar for Krokcy

Hey! So I am having trouble with this [problem](projecteuler.net/problem=18)! Basically you have to find the path that gives the largest sum down this tree: 75 95 64 17 47 82 18 35 87 10 20 04 82 47 65 19 01 23 75 03 34 88 02 77 73 07 …

Member Avatar for Krokcy
Member Avatar for Shekhawat_1

I have a problem in c, i want to achieve this kind of thing using the code i written below. The input and output should be like this: Input Freq Output Freq 1 0,1,4,2,5,3 add two first (0+1) 0,1,4,2,5,3,1 2 4,2,5,3,1 add min and last (2+1) 0,1,4,2,5,3,1,3 3 4,5,3,3 add …

Member Avatar for Shekhawat_1
Member Avatar for Qazi_1

Hi guys, Tomorrow is my theory paper exam of C++ OOP and Data Strucutre. Paper will be based on 50% theory Q/A and 50% on coding implentaion. Can you give me some hints to prepare for this coming exam? PS. I have gone throw all lectures slides and course material, …

Member Avatar for mathijs
Member Avatar for electrodelic

**hello peeps and geeks, i am missing the MinSpanningTree function here.. any help please? need to fill up the function to get a) Minimum spanning tree cost for the graph b)Spanning tree path for the graph. E.g in matrix or adjancency list. ** #include <iostream> #include <ctime> // For time() …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for muhammadnasiri

would any one give me idea or code about how to make a binary search tree of apple Ltd products prices. suppose products are: macbook i3, macbook i5, macbook i7, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, iphone 4, iphone 4s, iphone 5, iphone 5s, iphone 5c, ipand 2, ipad mini.

Member Avatar for CheerfulBiscuit

Hey everyone, I really need help in solving a problem that I have to use recursion for. I have a list of paper objects. Each paper object has its own author(s) objects. Each author object knows which paper(s) objects they belong to. I have to build a scholarly neighborhood for …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dp121307

I have to write the an AVLTree in python, followed all the instructions and I feel I have it just right, only problem is I can't figure out how to display my tree. I have to use the test given below, as well as the 2 methods below in the …


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