29 Topics

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Member Avatar for cored0mp

More programming fun! OK this time around I'm trying to create a table with the statement, CREATE TABLE tablename ( recnumber SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, recordvalues VARCHAR ( 500 ) NOT NULL, datecreated DATE ) And it basically works, and I can add records using the dba account. However when I …

Member Avatar for cored0mp
Member Avatar for cored0mp

How do I create a table in postgres that's associated with a specific database? Obviously from the command line one can do Create table tablename (); But how do I make sure that the table is associated with the correct database? CREATE table dbname.tablename(); is giving me the error: ERROR: …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi there, recently I have created stored procedure in **Postgres Sql** which deals about with hashing passwords. When used via **pgAdmin** tool it works like a charm as stated below. SELECT horeca_user.update_token( 1, //user_id 1, //type 'sdsfsdfs' //token ) I have also installed extension **pgcrypto**. It works when called via …

Member Avatar for Mrewan79

I understand how to generate objects from the database, using Sinatra with formatting, and I understand from tutorials how to use POST to send information back, but I don't understand how to use POST to transfer information from the browser (for instance from a text field, or inside <p id="stufftotransfer"><%= …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for ikel

Hi, I am developing a mobile app for a health care institution. I'd like to get a suggestion on how to approach my database design. There are many user types of this app; residents, nurse, and general-staff. The "resident" has many information that other types don't have; unit_number, food_allergy, emergency_contact, …

Member Avatar for ikel
Member Avatar for WHchaz1027

Hello Guys, Good Day. I have this kind of error `OperationalError: no such table: table_name` when I make a query like `modelname.objects.all()` in **manage.py shell**. But I already did the ff: 1. settings.py > Databases > django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), }, 'db_foo': { …

Member Avatar for WHchaz1027
Member Avatar for sash_kp

Structures of my tables are as follow. Table Name : timetable [Image1](http://www.4shared.com/download/MYafV7-6ce/timetableTable.png) Table Name : slot_table [image2](http://www.4shared.com/download/9Lp_CBn2ba/slot_table.png) Table Name : instructor(this table is not required for this particular problem) I want to show the resultant data in my android app in a timetable format somewhat like this: [image3](http://www.4shared.com/download/oAGiUXVAba/random.png) **Question** : …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I am converting a PHP application from MySQL to PostgresSQL. The MySQL works flawlessly. The database for this application is a one to many relationship. I have a while loop nested inside another while loop <?php while ($movie_row = pg_fetch_array($movie, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { ?> [html code to echo various elements of …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for theodore.xrysohoidis

Hello guys!! I have a database and I store public tweets inside. I have lots of columns, including timestamp with timezone column. For example: timestamp | tweet_id "2013-07-30 11:14:07.404+03" 6598dsf4466a "2013-07-30 11:14:08.028+03" 87f9dss99s97 ... "2013-08-04 17:36:37.924+03" 646s4f64a64 "2013-08-04 17:36:38.891+03" 654asd9f654a So, I want to make clusters (time clusters) with these …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for McLaren

SELECT getdatabaseencoding(), current_setting('client_encoding'), current_setting('lc_ctype'), current_setting('lc_collate'), version(); returns UTF8 UNICODE C C PostgreSQL 9.1.7 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc-4.5.real (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) 4.5.2, 64-bit select lower('ČĘĖĮ') returns ČĘĖĮ Actually what I want is to seach surnames with ILIKE which is not working for those chars. WHy this can be?

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for 370b17m15

I have a CTE based query, to which I pass about 2600 4-tuple latitude/longitude values using joins - these latitude longitude 4-tuples have been ID tagged and held in a second table called coordinates. These top left and bottom right latitude / longitude values are passed into the CTE in …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for otttt

Hi Thgin i seek is to create a connection (android) to the latest postgresql 9.2 database. Theat is running on a distant server. Can i Do it? Is postgre 9.2 JDBC driver fro andoid out? & little bit distant question. If the prevous is doable. How i an write tet …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Elandir

Hello there! I've been trying to import data from csv file to remote postgre database with no luck. Locally i can do it with simple COPY query, but that only works because i'm superuser. \COPY command also works when i run it in psql. So the question is: how can …

Member Avatar for Elandir
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I want to write a wrapper around MySQL but I will in future extend it to support other databases. I will cover only nasic useful features (commons) but it should be extensible in future with minimal change. I want to write an interface but I cannot get good tutorial to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for khess

A new version (9.0) of [URL="http://www.postgresql.org"]PostgreSQL[/URL] is in beta and ready for public testing. If version 9.0 lives up to its proposed [URL="http://www.postgresql.org/about/featurematrix"]feature list[/URL], then it is serious competition for MySQL. PostgreSQL proponents have long suggested that PostgreSQL has always enjoyed superiority over MySQL. I beg to differ but that …

Member Avatar for evanx
Member Avatar for vjwilson

I have run into an interesting problem. I have inherited a database for daemon process that polls and accepts reports from remote embedded systems. Each site that has one of these systems can monitor over a dozen different fuel tanks. (In practice, most monitor 2, 3 or 4 tanks.) When …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for glycerine

I hope the title made sense. ok ive got a table in a PostgreSQL database that has a few coloumns in it. What im tryting to do is the following: [CODE]<?php $totaltimetodayresult = pg_query($link, "SELECT SUM(acctsessiontime) AS totaltime FROM radacct WHERE acctstarttime LIKE '%".$today."%'"); while($totaltimetodayarray = pgfetch_array($totaltimemonthresult)){ $totaltimetoday = $totaltimetodayarray['acctsessiontime']; …

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Member Avatar for DimaYasny

Hi All, I am trying to start writing a wiki-ish CMS I've been contemplating for a while now. the content will include pics, html content, and should be stored in a database (the current pick is postgres) A few questions for the more experienced folk 'round here: 1. how do …

Member Avatar for markmcwiggins

I am working on a psycopg2 application for a customer. I first used: SELECT * from table which worked fine with 'cursor.fetchone()'. But due to some technical details between the customer's database and the database on my company's side where I could not depend on the order of the fields, …

Member Avatar for markmcwiggins
Member Avatar for ankurmawanda

i am having some connectivvity issues i am using postgres 9.0 sql db i have installed a dns localhost using the postgres sql driver also i have the jdbc jar files in the lib dir of the tomcat my code is [CODE] <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %> <% Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); Connection …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi there, I have started working on a new C# app which will be installed directly onto our customers' computers to access our services remotely. I'm still in the phase of planning how everything will fit together. I normally use PostgreSQL for our back-end database needs, but I can't think …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for newuser17

I want to store data that user inputs [form based in form of xml] into a postgres database, so I would like to know is it wise to develop a web service or how do I transfer data. I am completely clueless how to head on with the problem

Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi. I am working on a visual C++ app and I was wondering if it is possible to use PostgreSQL for database interaction instead of the default SQL Server? I saw a connector for .NET but it's written in C#, will that work for a C++ app also? Or is …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M reading the book "Simply SQL" and I need to use the files for the book. It was suggested to be to use postgreSQL and now I've got it up and running on my Ubuntu machine. But I'M having a little bit of trouble getting started. When I first start …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am currently creating a small JS app. that will help me search PostgreSQL and print related data via PHP. I am using jQuery to help me but I have this small problem. I wanted to test if the code worked, by prompting the PHP file to print …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I am trying to retrieve some data from PostgreSQL using jQuery and PHP. I should be able to enter a date as input -e.g, as 2010-08-09 and retrieve all the data that is dated August 9th- however, when I execute my javascript, all I get as an output …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for tushartyagi

There are 2 questions that I have. After banging my head with mysql server for more than 4 hours, I've given up. The mysql server will start mysql service on windows 7, but will not start another service. (Is this somehow related to admin rights of 7. I am an …

Member Avatar for helios0684

Hey, I need help with setting up an authentication code. I am currently working on a project to build a blog server in python for an intro level python course. We are using the PESTO and POSTGRESQL wsgi and sql clients respectively. I am trying to authenticate against a user …

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Member Avatar for Rhydian

Hi, Does anyone know which grammar class SQL falls under (e.g. LL(1), LR(1), etc.)? Specifically the grammars for Oracle 10g and PostgreSQL 7.4? I need to build a parser for each language and want to select the most suitable class of parser generator for the task. Once which produces Java …


The End.