I am converting a PHP application from MySQL to PostgresSQL. The MySQL works flawlessly. The database for this application is a one to many relationship. I have a while loop nested inside another while loop

<?php while ($movie_row = pg_fetch_array($movie, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { ?>
 [html code to echo various elements of $movie_row]
 [a record in this part will have multiple records of information
    from another table in the db which the following code will 
    fetch and process]
<?php $movie_file_result = pg_query ($conn, "SELECT DISTINCT(cd_name)
            FROM movie_files 
            WHERE data_id=".$movie_row[id]."
            ORDER BY cd_name");?>
            <div class="files">
              <p>Find in:</p>
              <ul class="file_list">
<?php while ($filesrow = pg_fetch_array($movie_file_result, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { ?>
                <li class="cd_name">
                  <?php echo $filesrow[cd_name]."\n" ?>

<?php }?>
 [remainder of html code to iterate elements of $movie_row]
<?php }?>

For the nested while using $filesrow an infinite loop happens. Debugging in Netbeans sometimes the infinite loop happens only on the second while loop. Other times, I get a page full of the first layer while loop.

Thanks for the help. I interpreted the second argument of the three as optional. From the documentation:

Row number in result to fetch. Rows are numbered from 0 upwards. If omitted or NULL, the next row is fetched.

In case anyone else reads this thread, don't omit the second argument.

True, in this case the documentation is not very clear. But the second argument can be omitted if you pass only the first one:

$row = pg_fetch_array($movie_file_result);

this is possibile because the default value of the third argument is PGSQL_BOTH:

array pg_fetch_array ( resource $result [, int $row [, int $result_type = PGSQL_BOTH ]] )

Which will return an associative and indexed array, in an style similar to this:

    0 => array(
        0 => 'value',
        'title' => 'value',
    1 => array(
        1 => 'value 2',
        'title' => 'value 2',
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