I am looking for a universal system that can replicate/Synronize database schemas and changed data for mysql,sql server,Oracle or atleast mysql and postgresql.

Our company has different branches each with its own local data but any changes in a local database is supposed to be replicated to the central database. The system should also be able to synhronize changes in database schema.

Syncronization is two-way i.e the site database should completely sync its data with central database and also receive changes in the central database to local storage. The reason for two-way is to ensure that client data is accessible from any of our branches and can therefore transact from any branch.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

I am looking for a universal system that can replicate/Synronize database schemas and changed data for mysql,sql server,Oracle or atleast mysql and postgresql.

The question you ask is not really related to PHP. It more suited in the database section.

I got no idea what you are asking. You mention alot of database software. It's hard to understand what you want.

You can read this sheet of this software which explain how it works:


Member Avatar for diafol

I think this should be moved to Databases or one of its subforums. What do you want to do mogaka?

Ok. I have different systems running on mysql,sql server 2005,postgresql and oracle. what i need is just a DATABASE SYNCRONIZATION AND REPLICATION SYSTEM THAT CAN:

  1. Replicate and synchronize all mysql databases across sites i.e branches to our cloud centre.

  2. Replicate and syncronize all postgres databases across sites i.e branches to our cloud/master database

3 Replicate and synchronize all oracle databases across sites i.e branches to our cloud/master database

In other words, this is not necessarly a database management system but a software that is generic in that the user can graphically connect to two remote and same databases like mysql<=>mysql database and synchronize their data. one is the source and the other is the destination.

Or take example of the banking industry databases. They are spread across their branches but customer data is accessible from any location meaning that local/branch data is replicated at given interval to the main database. that is basically what i want;Only that the system should have capability of synching a variety of Database Management systems.

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