286 Topics

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Member Avatar for jackd12

An **Uber clone script** can be beneficial for several reasons: Quick and Cost-Effective Solution: Developing taxi booking software from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. By using an Uber clone script, you can save both time and money as the basic framework and functionalities are already pre-built. Proven Business Model: …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for existinglady

hello, can someone help me, when I put the codes from my book and edited them to use filestream, I encounter an error #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct nodeType { string info; nodeType *link; }; int main() { nodeType *head = NULL; nodeType *newNode; nodeType …

Member Avatar for Roy_264
Member Avatar for muhammadnasiri

two error come of (strcpy was not declare in this scope) would any one show me, hw to remove this error, ... plz Project Title: Student Record & Registration using Linked list Description: This project is a Linked List application. If you would like to refresh you knowledge about linked …

Member Avatar for J_7
Member Avatar for Belfina

Hello there guys! I must implement a linked list in assembly (using MIPS). We're supposed to dynamically allocate memory for the nodes. This is what I am asked to do: Write a program in assembly (MIPS) that implements a link-list. The client can choose among the following options. So the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sherwin_4

Below is my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // struct Edge // Represent one edge in the graph. Fields contain // two vertex numbers and a weight. */ struct Edge { int vertex_1, vertex_2, weight; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // struct Graph …

Member Avatar for Seif_2
Member Avatar for ayeswarya

[CODE]struct PCB* handleProcessArrival_PP(struct PCB *processhead,struct PCB *processtail,struct PCB *currProcess,struct PCB *newProcess,int currTime){ if(currProcess==NULL){ newProcess->executionStartTime = currTime; newProcess->executionEndTime = currTime+newProcess->totalBurstTime; newProcess->remainingBurstTime = newProcess->totalBurstTime; if(newProcess->processID==processhead->processID){ processhead= newProcess->next; printf("processhead in case 1 %d \n",processhead->processID); } currProcess=newProcess; printf("***current process = new process%d \n",currProcess->processID); contents(processhead); return currProcess; //return processhead; } if (currProcess->processID !=0){ contents(processhead); if(currProcess->processPriority>newProcess->processPriority){//new …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Emily_2

I'm trying to write a program that has a user input student names, their ages, their GPAs, and their graduations dates (i.e. 'F13', F for Fall, S for Spring, then the last two digits of the year). This information goes into a linked list, then the user can search a …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Kert

public Set<Product> getProductsByPriceFilter(Map<String, String> filterParams) { Set<Product> products = new HashSet<Product>(); String l = filterParams.get("low"); String h = filterParams.get("high"); BigDecimal floor = new BigDecimal(l); BigDecimal ceil = new BigDecimal(h); return products; } I have discovered an interesting phenomena. I have filterParams that should <String, String>. However, if I use filterParams.get …

Member Avatar for newcoder310
Member Avatar for brandon66

Im trying to implement queue with a linked list i think i have the enqueue function correct but im having problems with the dequeue. I can get it to delete the first number but then the rest of the list is empty can someone point me in the right direction? …

Member Avatar for brandon66
Member Avatar for Gà_1

**Problems 1: Spiral matrix - Advanced** Source of the problem: [Here (not in English)](http://www.spoj.com/PTIT/problems/BCACM11B/) Spiral matrix is formed by filling number 1 in 1st row 1st column, after that, filling with increasing number by clockwise, example: 1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 6 15 24 25 20 …

Member Avatar for tien.nguyen.3532507
Member Avatar for marcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcel

Hello, for a school assignment I was supposed to write an insertion sort algorithm for a doubly linked list. As the feedback system of this particular course is rather weak (actually non-existent) I would like to ask you for your honest opinion about how well this is implemented, what could …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Roger_2

this is my latest class assignment, i would really appreciate some assistence with my pseudo code to help me in the right direction. my code skeleton is provided at the end of this post. Deque A double-ended queue, often abbreviated deque and pronounced deck, is an object with the following …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Builder_1

kindly someone to tell me one advantage of a stack backed by a dynamic array over a stack backed by a linked list and one advantage of a stack backed by a linked list over a stack backed by a dynamic array...

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for senait.kifle.127

My Objective is to define a function, with a pointer to a list of elements of the structure I created as the first parameter, a C-character string (of type char * ) as the second parameter and one of the of the two values,num or name, from the above enumeration …

Member Avatar for kortneycoles

I'm working on this code for class, I am not expecting anyone to do my homework but help would be appreciated. Nodes are confusing for me and my professor did not explain well. The errors I am getting are where I declare the functions, I dont know the nodeType(?) that …

Member Avatar for nataraja833
Member Avatar for Necrozze

So I have writen a program that takes a linkedlist and shuffles it randomly using mergesort algorithm. The problam I'm having now is that the original list loses elements after the shuffle, and after som checking with some outputs it seems that it always one of the extra lists who …

Member Avatar for Necrozze
Member Avatar for sudesh.yadav.104

HI I donot understand where to start . I need ideas and help. void InsertList(c4735list *destinationList,c4735list *sourceList,node *startNode) { //=====================not implementd yet } this fn inserts source list into destination list.the nodes are inserted after the startnode in destination list.source list should be an empty list after this operation. the …

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Member Avatar for Bradoz

Hello below is my code for a program that reads in integers rom keyboard input and creates two polynomials from that input and then does some maths functions on them. I've got the addition working, having trouble with the multiplication though. Any help would be appreciated. thanks import java.util.*; import …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for diafol

Hello All. Been playing around with some linked dropdowns. It seems to be a recurring theme here on DW, so I thought I'd offer this up as a possible solution or for discussion, to see how it could be improved. The premise for this set of linked dropdowns is that …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ClaudeRhay

Say I have this definition: #define SIZE 2000 typedef enum { TRUE, FALSE }Boolean; typedef struct{ char jobTitle[30]; char jobDesc[255]; char jobLoc[255]; float salaryMin; float salaryMax; Boolean isAvailable; }jobInfo; typedef struct cursorNode{ jobInfo jobRec; int next; }HeapSpace[SIZE]; typedef struct hnode{ HeapSpace heap; int Avail; }*VHeap; typedef int List; typedef struct{ …

Member Avatar for Stefan_2

Okay. This weeks 'problem' is that I need to simulate a game. I have to make two singly linked lists which will contain a name of player, his attack (double/float) number and his defence number and so on for as many players as the user inputs. The point of the …

Member Avatar for Stefan_2
Member Avatar for Saba _1

Hey guyz, I've done with some coding, actually I've to submit it in the project form, what the question arises is that I dnt know where and what's the mistake in the coding. please help me out. but it's necesaary to do traversing through linklist. My topic is 'Departmental store', …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for diafol

**// EDIT 2014-04-07 //** New version (1.0.3) posted at the [bottom](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/code/476623/ajaxed-linked-dropdowns-select-fields-for-volatile-data#post2082327) Demo Page: http://demos.diafol.org/ajax-linked-dropdowns.php *********************************************** Hello All. Been playing around with more linked dropdowns (select form fields), following the code snippet posted for static-ish data [here](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/code/475238/linked-dropdowns-select-fields-for-static-ish-data). The static-ish version is of limited use (or of no use!) if data in …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for lazylibran82
Member Avatar for michelle.trinsky

I'm trying to create a sorted linked list without using Collections. I don't want to use Collections since I'd like to learn how to work with Linked List manually. I'm getting NullPointer exception when I'm comparing strings and comparison <0. Any suggestions and help are appreciated. This is the part …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for steven8579

I'm having a problem with my linked list. I want to add to the beginning of the list and delete from the beginning of the list. I get an AccessViolation which is coming from where I print out the list. I also don't think it's adding elements to the linked …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Complete_1

I can't work around these errors. Can someone help me out? Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int Error 3 error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';' Error 1 error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<' Code: #pragma once #ifndef …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ubhart

I am implementing Priority QUE as a doubly linked list. My structs: typedef int kintyr; typedef struct qElem { struct qElem *prv; kintyr *dat; int *priority; }qElem; typedef struct que { qElem *fr,*bk; int cnt; }que; And this is my functions to create empty PQ, and to insert elements: que …

Member Avatar for ubhart
Member Avatar for Pyler

Node inside a linkedlist SomeInterface has an addLast() method that should add a node at the end of the list public LinkedList<T> implements SomeInterface<T>{protected class Node<T>{ privateT data; private Node<T> head,tail; protected Node(T data,Node<T>tail){ this.data=data;head=null;this.tail=tail;} private T getInfo(){return this.data;} private void setTail(Node<T>newTail){this.tail=newTail;} private void setLink(Node<T>newHead){this.head=newHead;} private Node<T> getLink(){return tail;} }} …

Member Avatar for Pyler
Member Avatar for man.chester.581

1- implement a double linked list (node contains data and left pointer to the previous node and right pointer to the next node)

Member Avatar for rubberman

The End.