two error come of (strcpy was not declare in this scope)
would any one show me, hw to remove this error, ... plz

                    Project Title: Student Record & Registration using Linked list

Description: This project is a Linked List application. If you would like to refresh you knowledge about linked list, you may read this article: Linked List. The project considers an engineering university having three departments: Electrical, Mechanical and Comptuer System Engineering(CSE). The university considers Metric(O-level) , FSc(A-level) and entry test marks for registering a student and calculate an aggregate based on a specific criteria. The project finds in which dept. a student should be registered and store its record(temporarily) using linked list. Note that this Linked list implementation just serves as a starting point. You may modify it (like adding other departments in the university and changing admission criteria) or extend it (for instance, writing the student records to a text file for later retrievel).

#include<stdlib.h>  //-->library for malloc & realloc...
using namespace std;

bool register_student(struct student *stud,struct list *ls);
double calculate_aggregiate(struct student *);
void addToList(struct student *stud, struct list *l);
void showList(struct student *stud, struct list *l);

struct student
    char name[20];
    int metric_marks, fsc_marks, entryTest_marks;
    student *next;
    //--> 10 % weightage to metric, 50% to fsc, 40% to entry test...


struct list
    char name[20];
    double aggr;
    list *next;


int main()
    student *s;     //--> creates an object of student...
    s = (struct student *) malloc(sizeof(struct student));

    struct list *ls;
    ls = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    strcpy(ls->name, "");
    ls->aggr = 0;
    ls->next= NULL;
    cout<<"Write 1 to register a new student\n";
    cout<<"Write 2 to display lists of students registered\n";
    cout<<"Write 3 to quit\n";

    int input;
    if (input == 1)
        register_student(s, ls);

    else if (input == 2)
        showList(s, ls);
    else if (input == 3)
    } while(1);


bool register_student(struct student *stud,struct list *ls)
    student *s = stud;
    cout<<"Write name of student\n";
    cout<<"Enter metric percentage\n";
    cout<<"Enter fsc percentage\n";
    cout<<"Enter entry test percentage\n";

    double aggregiate;
    aggregiate = calculate_aggregiate(s);   //-->call to function below...
    cout<<"aggregiate percentage is "<< aggregiate<<"\n";
    if (aggregiate >= 70)
        cout<<"Student registered in Electrical\n";
        return true;
    else if (aggregiate >= 60)
        cout<<"Student registered in Mechanical\n";
        return true;
    else if (aggregiate >=50)
        cout<<"Student registered in CSE\n";
        return true;
        cout<<"Sorry, the student can't be registered in engineering\n";
        return false;


double calculate_aggregiate(struct student *stud)
    student *s = stud;
    double aggr;
    aggr = s->metric_marks * 10/100  + s->fsc_marks * 50/100 + 
        s->entryTest_marks * 40/100;

    return aggr;


void addToList(struct student *stud, struct list *l)
    list *pointer = l;
    while (pointer->next != NULL)
        pointer = pointer->next;
    pointer->next = (struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list));
    pointer = pointer->next;
    strcpy(pointer->name , stud->name);
    pointer->aggr = calculate_aggregiate(stud);
    pointer->next = NULL;


void showList(struct student *stud, struct list *l)
    list *pointer = l;
    if (pointer->next == NULL)
        cout<<"No student registered yet!\n";
        cout<<"Students statistics are: \n";
        while (pointer->next != NULL)
            pointer = pointer->next;
            cout<<"Name of student is: "<<pointer->name<<"\n";
            cout<<"Aggregiate of student is: "<<pointer->aggr<<"\n";
            if (pointer->aggr >= 70)
                cout<<"Student registered in Electrical\n";
            else if(pointer->aggr >=60)
                cout<<"Student registered in Mechanical\n";
                cout<<"Student registered in CSE\n";

I compiled your program with VC++ 2013 and only got one error, related to deprecated strcpy(). That error easily goes away by disabling error 4996

#pragma warning(disable: 4996)

line 37: strcpy(ls->name, "");

Why use strcpy() here? Just set the first character to 0. ls->name[0] = '\0';

If this is supposed to be c++, why are you using so many C constructs and functions? For example you should use new instead of malloc(), and you could substitute std::string for char*.

Only write #include<string.h> instead of #include<string> error will be removed.

can i get this in python?

No one here is going to do your work for you. If you want it in Python you'll have to put in the work yourself.

can i get it too?

commented: It's free for the taking above as Ancient Dragon fixed it. +0

I'm trying to master the Python program now. I have some questions regarding functions. If I had more free time, I would deal with all this on my own. But I had to get a job and therefore I just can’t give that maximum attention.
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Any answers and suggestions appreciated.

commented: It's called cheating. And the scum who sell it should be in jail. -3
commented: "fast cheap essays" is not a job but a criminal enterprise. -3

This program is not displaying the "Student Statistics" and Name in the output.
Please solve this issue.

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