286 Topics
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I'm trying to implement a hangman game using linked lists but not getting anywhere. I want guessed characters to be inserted in a Linked list of chars at a position that corresponds to the character's position in the word they are trying to guess.(See example at bottom.) For some reason … | |
Hello, I have to write a program that will solve polynomials by user input, my program compiles, but gets an exception error. Here is my code: import java.io.*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.LinkedList; public class PolynomialList { private Node first = new Node(0, 0); private Node last = first; private static … | |
So here's my problem I have inner structure inside of client. How can I know while reading from txt file that I'm reading item data or client data for my list? struct item { char item_name[30]; char item_state[30]; float item_price; char item_status[30]; float item_price_if_not; struct item *next; }; struct client … | |
A complete C implementation of Linked List...tested on Linux GCC | |
I'm trying to make make project for my programming class. All that's left is deleting elements and editing elements. Basicaly my question is how would I do it for my inner list? Or how would I delete single client from list? Would I first have to free the client's inner … | |
Im writing project for my programming lessons and right now got some problems with output from function AddItemToClient, basicaly its mainly with date, in first node its correct one but after this its just random. Could someone explain what I'm doing wrong here? #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include … | |
I have following problem: I have 2 structures: Clients and items for example structure clients would have name and list of items from another structure asigned to this specific name I have to do this with singly linked lists. I simply have no idea how to do this would be … | |
I'm having a small issue here with my linked list. I built a linked list with strings and it worked perfectly. Now since i'm using strtok() to separate the string I need help on storing the struct separately but keeping them connected. Hope i explained it well for now here's … | |
there is a very frustrating problem with my queue linked list. the functions all work its just that after enqueue, dequeue or display the menu displays along with "Enter choice : Only one of the above can be your choice ". whats wrong? #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include … | |
so this piece of coding is having a problem. namely the search funtion. it will search but the result would only be the first element. the second will not be seached. like for example first element is lily and second element is john. search for the name lily will result … | |
Hey everyone, I posted recently an issue that was almost resolved but I have a similar question but have different variables. I'm really new to C and I'm a bit confused. Like I said on the other post I need to seperate a string using strtok() and store the seperated … | |
I'm new to C and I i have an assignment where I have to build a dictionary (Linked List). Basically the user inputs several words,year and their definitio likn this: Example: > love_#_2004_#_LOVING `trade_#_2001_#_INVEST` etc... Now what I need is to have a function that will scan the definition which … | |
Hi there everyone, I'm a bit new to see and I need your help please. I'm stuck with a merge sort problem where it's support to sort my nodes in lexicographical order. Can you please have a look on my code because i've posted everywhere and i'm not getting the … | |
Hi there, I made a linked list program to add, delete, add in the middle and delete from anywhere. I'm searching to make a function to sort the string data that I have in lexicographic order. Here's my struct: struct node { char data[100]; struct node *previous; // Points to … | |
This is an example of a singly linked list allowing you to enter a number of names and associated ages. The twist is that the names are inserted into the list in ascending order. When the list is displayed, it is already sorted by name. Note: This is not an … | |
Hi. I was wondering if someone could explain to me how to make some new node point to the first element in a list. | |
hello fellow programmers, i am doing an assignment for class and i am having a bit of trouble. So the assignments reads Given two sorted (in ascending order) lists of size M and N, write an O(M+N) algorithm to find the sorted (also in ascending order) union of the two … | |
Good Afternoon, I have 2 senarios to which I need some clarification. I have an Access 2010 frontend with linked tables to mySQL using ODBC. Senario 1: I need to add a few fields to the main table and the software is used 24/7 if I add new fields will … | |
How do you create a node with fullName and studentID in the "add" method and then put them into the correct positions which the name_first and name_second should move until the name in the name_first is larger than the new_Name and name_second is smaller than the new_Name? public class NodeDemo{ … | |
I have to do a second assigment on doubly linked lists. Problem description: Create a class to implement a doubly linked list to store student records. Besides the basic operations, the class should include a sorting method that allow the user to sort the records in the list. Programming Requirements: … | |
I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS QUSTION AND I ONLY HAVE 48 HOURS TO COMPLETE IT.. I DONT EXPECT ANY OF YOU TO DO IT FOR ME.. BUT I REALLY NEED SOMEONE WHO WOULD TEACH ME.. EMAIL : nifhail_torres@yahoo.co.uk As everyone knows that Malaysia is going to have the 13th … | |
I have to accept user input, a string, into a doubly linked list and print the output reversed and forward. My professor gave us the following program and told us to modify it. However, I cannot figure it out. /* Program to reverse a doubly linked list */ #include <stdio.h> … | |
I want to know how I can implement a function to open a file and read its contents into a linked list, and then print the contents reversed #include <stdio.h> typedef struct stack { char b[100]; int top; }stack; void push(stack *s,char k) { if(s->top==99) printf("\n Stack is full "); … | |
I'm trying to make a dictionary program using linked lists. I need four classes, one that holds the word and the meaning. One that creates the node of information and its link field. Another class that creates and maintains a linked list of words and their meanings. And then a … | |
Hello all, I would like to first state that it this is a question for a homework assignment, so I'm not looking for exact code but rather just help on something that is frustrating me. We have to create our own ADTs for this assignment and not use built in … | |
In my Advanced Data Structures class we have an assignment to implement a linked list using arrays. One array holds the data item, while another contains a reference to the next item. I'm not really sure about how to add/remove items. // **************************************************** // Reference-based implementation of ADT list using … | |
I'm coding a contact manager using a doubly linked list that is manipulated by functions using pointers that reads in a contactList.txt file.But when I coded the first function to do a search I got the following error list: Error 8 error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Users\Brian\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\G00290342Manager.c\G00290342Manager.c\ContactManager.cpp … | |
Hi again! So, I have an object that gets appended to a linked list now. Now I need to have all of that item's data output in a formatted manner - something similar to this: CD Artist CD Title CD Length Track Name Track Length Arist name here Title here … | |
Basically, I'm getting an error when I try to append a CD object to my linked list. What error? This one: > First-chance exception at 0x550257aa (msvcr100d.dll) in Programming 3 Course Project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefee2. > Unhandled exception at 0x550257aa (msvcr100d.dll) in Programming 3 Course Project.exe: 0xC0000005: … | |
Alright so my problem is I am getting an error that says undefined reference to all of my functions related to DoubleLinked, DoubleLinked<string> dict, dict.add, etc. If anyone knows why that would be great. Thank you. Oh and if i add () to DoubleLinked<string> dict then i just have undefined … |
The End.