73 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. Long time ago I think late last year my computer was infected and I had installed a VM from Oracle and had a number of OS(VMs) installed one of them was with Win7 but I don't know what happened one day, when I open the VM it was …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for krieg

The GitHub Repo is [here](https://github.com/apkrieg/foovm). This was part of a contest with someone I met on Omegle. The goal was to see who's VM could run a set of example app the fastest, the catch: We had about 24 hours to implement the solution. My language of choice was Golang, …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I've deployed a 32-bit Windows 8.1 on VirtualBox on Windows 10, yet when I am logging in on the VM, a few seconds after the desktop appears, it starts flickering like a looping refresh, and I am unable to see any icons. Any fix for this, without having to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for khess

It's hard for me to admit it but there are things, ten things to be exact, that I really hate about Linux. Sometimes I think it's just me but I do see other people stating a few of these in the forums so I'm at least not alone with some …

Member Avatar for Andrew_29
Member Avatar for ccandillo

I am not a big time developer but just a guy to likes to tinker with python. Most of the python scripts I write are for myself. And lately, I started reading up on virtualenv. So I get the wroking on various projects inside a virtualenv is a good thing. …

Member Avatar for somjit{}

![b62b330b33236e12160db60d6c858d9d](/attachments/small/3/b62b330b33236e12160db60d6c858d9d.JPG "align-right") booted from a flash drive to go into the live cd mode , there , as soon as i double clicked a flash video , the screen went all jumbled up , and my pc hanged up. later i tried to check it in oracle virtual box , …

Member Avatar for farmwife
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH]16171[/ATTACH] Windows 7 offers heaps of computing-gravy for users that are looking for something sweeter than XP and less bitter than Vista. It has been optimized and overhauled into a truly modern version of Windows. Unfortunately for a lot of users, upgrading from XP is a daunting task if you …

Member Avatar for db2xpert
Member Avatar for happygeek

Research published today by data governance software developer Varonis reveals that, when it comes to the virtualized environment, security awareness appears to be something of a black hole. The [study](http://eu.vocuspr.com/Publish/517692/vcsPRAsset_517692_109957_85137914-8b53-4005-b292-0c87aa89763a_0.png) found that data security in these virtualized environments can all too often be totally neglected, and some 48% of IT …

Member Avatar for vibinpattuath
Member Avatar for dihmen

hello guy pls i need someone put me through the stages involve on virtualizing in a virtualiztion machine using redhat 6.0 i have gone as far as installing rhe6. in a virtual form. thanks

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for fyra

Hi people. I wish you could recommend me a light server virtualization software for study purposes. Thanks.

Member Avatar for metalized
Member Avatar for rnyamonga

Hello guys, I hope am in the right forum. I am virtualizing Windows 7 on my Win 8 with Hyper-V, everything is working great, except the virtual machine is unable to find my wireless network adapter. I tried adding the legacy network adapter, nothing. It can get the wired adapter, …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for green_ning

Hello guys. I am an HP Probook 4430s user. I just want to ask if this laptop version enables **Virtualization**. If not, then how can I enable it? It is said that Virtualization is usually disabled by default computer manufacturers. And I am not sure either how to check whether …

Member Avatar for green_ning
Member Avatar for MastAvalons

Hi all! I need to intercept GDI function to save painted screen to hard drive. I have tried Microsoft Detours. Everything is good, but I need 64-bit version (Detours Professional do support but it costs much). Is there any 64-bit alternatives to Detours Professional?

Member Avatar for pipaman
Member Avatar for shcha

We are a Japan-Korea based software company that focuses heavily on virtualization technology and cloud system. We are currently looking for global partnerships to expand our marketing channel. Although we have strong sales channel in East Asia, we have limited knowledge and resources on other regions. Could anyone give us …

Member Avatar for jsepeta

I would like to run older versions of OSX on my Mac Mini. Apple dropped support for Classic Mode and for PowerPC code, which broke SoundDiver, an important tool in my home music studio. All I've been able to dig up so far about OSX virtualization is that it used …

Member Avatar for MichaelLAX
Member Avatar for suley04

can anyone actually tell me what the point is of using VMWare, and which version I should use if I want to run Ubuntu and MAC OS Lion? Also, if I wanted 2, could I use it 2 practice Network Security between the running OS's?? - obviously this is gonna …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Mourin @ Dell

Hey everyone, Our team at Dell SMB has recently put together a [Slideshare](http://goo.gl/oJtjH) of our most popular white papers. I hope this is helpful to the Daniweb community! Thanks, Mourin

Member Avatar for Smart_Viral

VPS (RAM:3GB) vs Dedicated server (Core2Duo 2.13GHz, RAM:2 GB) Which one have the best performance?

Member Avatar for platinum8
Member Avatar for AnkitGuru

hi guys i've created a program in vb.net using vs2010 now i want to convert it to a complete PE (platform independent) for that purpose i've downloaded xenocode (Spoon studios) I was wandering if ne one could help me on how to virtualize a vb.net application completely, a step by …

Member Avatar for flebber

Can I ask for a little help with virtualenv. I am looking at the docs here [URL="http://guide.python-distribute.org/pip.html"]http://guide.python-distribute.org/pip.html[/URL] and here [URL="http://www.jython.org/jythonbook/en/1.0/appendixA.html#virtualenv"]http://www.jython.org/jythonbook/en/1.0/appendixA.html#virtualenv[/URL] There are a few things I can't quite understand about it. First just to clarify I am on ubuntu and my default python is 2.7.1 1. I use virtualenv to …

Member Avatar for flebber
Member Avatar for markIDGCONNECT

Hi all, Just would like to introduce myself. My names Mark. My interests involve Social Media, Cloud Computing and Virtualization. I am currently co-running an IT Blog at IDG Connect. I believe that it is the only global IT blog aiming to compile thoughts, opinions and analysis from every country …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for khess

Hey Windows fans, would you like to take Linux for a spin to see what everyone's buzzing about? It's easy to do in just five easy steps. You can test Linux for yourself without having to setup multibooting, worry about partitioning or installing over your current Windows system. That's right, …

Member Avatar for ThisOldMan
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] Enterprise Linux now comes with built-in virtualization ([URL="http://linux-kvm.org"]KVM[/URL]) but is Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) about to go to the virtual mat with [URL="http://vmware.com"]VMware[/URL]? If you look at their [URL="http://www.redhat.com/v/swf/rhev/demo.html"]RHEL video[/URL], you'll come away with a resounding 'Yes' to that question. Red Hat purchased [URL="http://www.redhat.com/promo/qumranet/"]Qumranet[/URL] in 2008 to …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for jralexander137

I'm having an issue in figuring out how to connect to the website in question. This is just a copy of the original site that is being hosted on a VM on one of our servers. This is merely a development server to test the changes to the website. It's …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for khess

It's rare that a company like [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat[/URL] would remove a high-end feature from its popular commercial operating system but that's just what it did. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0 will ship without the [URL="http://www.xen.org"]Xen[/URL] hypervisor. Instead, it will include Red Hat's own [URL="http://www.linux-kvm.org"]KVM[/URL] virtualization. Has Red Hat done …

Member Avatar for Beastmanh
Member Avatar for aboell

My organization is researching entering into the world of server virtualization. I am needing to plan the number of virtual servers and which services should be ran on each in order to guide our hardware purchases. Currently, we have the following servers running the indicated services: [LIST] [*]Primary DC / …

Member Avatar for khess

This just in: [URL="http://www.redhat.com"]Red Hat, Inc[/URL]. just announced today that its Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (REV) now includes the ability to run Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI. I've been a long time anti-VDI voice but Red Hat just might be the one to pull it off and make it work …

Member Avatar for devangjani

Hi everyone, I am creating VM on Centos as a host and Ubuntu as VM , using KVM and Libvirt manger .. When i execute following command : [B] virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n r1u1 -r 2047 --disk vol=rf/r1u1 --disk path=/home/devang/ubuntutest.iso,device=cdrom,bus=ide,perms=ro --vnc --noautoconsole os-type linux --os-variant ubuntujaunty --accelerate[/B] I got Error …

Member Avatar for abhisek.sanyal
Member Avatar for khess

Did you hear that one of the web's most popular web-based collaboration suites, [URL="http://www.zimbra.com"]Zimbra[/URL], was purchased by virtualization leader, [URL="http://www.vmware.com"]VMware[/URL]? Zimbra customers like the idea of VMware owning the software suite. Industry observers have differing opinions on the topic. Formerly owned by [URL="http://www.yahoo.com"]Yahoo[/URL], Zimbra now has the advantages of VMware's …

Member Avatar for khess

I have a feeling that the desktop operating system as we know it is on its last leg. The reason I make such a bold statement is that cloud computing will replace our fat, bloated, virus-riddled, failure-prone desktop with something far more agile and elegant: A lightweight browser-based system. This …

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The End.