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Eager Web Developer
137 Posted Topics
Re: You're an SEO Executive... but you don't know what robots are? | |
Hey guys, I recently started work on Minepress again, I'm having some problems however. I am trying to make a plugin which detects the ip of a minecraft server and results in printing out if its online or not here is display on my site: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/4404/beaa1f33dce74c6dbee14e6.png as you can see … | |
Hi all, Been trying to do this for a while, I have a .js script which utilises node.js and socket.io. I'm trying to make it so that when I have the page localhost:3000 open and I type !follow in an IRC chat it will change the web page. **Index.html:** <!doctype … | |
I have this snippet below, I'm trying to query if a cast is online or not (That part works when I take it outside the while loop) but then in the while loop run through until I find an online cast and then keep it there. If I remove the … | |
Hey guys, <?php $url = "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/greatbritishbg"; $json = file_get_contents($url); $json = json_decode($json); var_dump($json); foreach($json->streams as $stream) { echo $stream->channel->stream . '<br />'; echo $stream->channel->display_name . ' is playing ' . $stream->channel->game . '.<br />'; echo '<a href="http://www.twitch.tv/' . $stream->channel->name . '">Watch Live</a>'; echo '<hr />'; $status = $stream->channel->stream; } //PSUEDO … | |
Re: Right click the folder, select properties and change the security permissions for iweb_user to desired CHMOD settings. | |
Hey! Long time no speak ^.^ I've been trying to make a query which would follow this logic (Which works in phpMyAdmin): UPDATE member_food SET food_id=12 WHERE member_id=4 AND food_type="breakfast" However, when I do it in PHP: $sql_breakfast1 = "UPDATE member_food SET food_id ='$breakfast1' WHERE member_id='$id' AND food_type='breakfast'"; if ($mysqli->query($sql_breakfast1) … | |
Hey guys, I have a Table which utilises Twitches API where the offset needs to be in increments of 25. I want to make it so everytime you click next in a table of data it reloads the query but adds +25 to the offset. Here is what I have: … | |
Re: I love my hair. My Ginger Hair.. ooo and my blue glasses! | |
I am trying to make it so that the snippet below automatically creates extra pages to show me all the followers I have on my Twitch Channel. At the moment I have it at 25, but it does cap at 100. How can I make it so that it automatically … | |
Re: Contact them, for security purposes you want the latest version of phpmyadmin etc. Or move from 1&1. Only ever had bad experiences | |
**Having a few issues with IE8.** This is what the navigation looks like on all the browsers so far: http://puu.sh/5Jdw8.png <nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation" role="navigation"> <h3 class="menu-toggle"><?php _e( 'Menu', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></h3> <a class="assistive-text" href="#content" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Skip to content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Skip to content', 'twentytwelve' ); ?></a> <?php … | |
Working on a website which is meant to be responsive and getting a few errors which seem out of the norm. The way I would like it is to shrink the site and line everything up in single file. **Url**: http://profiledt.co.uk/SetTraining/ Index.php: <div id="frontpage-Button-Cont"> <div id="Align-content"> <div class="button-cont"> <div class="thumbnail"><div … | |
Re: I saw the same thing on my HTC Desire Z. Try going to settings and going to pc view and then scroll out | |
Re: You would need to work in the Local Area Network which they are all connected to. After this you setup a static ip for them to connect to (Usually a server) and do all the modifications on there, if they want to access to the intranet then you use the … | |
Re: Have you actually tried learning? You seem like a student who doesn't want to work.. | |
Re: This is very very interesting... I've not coded in COBOL but many of the IT guys around my area talk about using it 'back in their day' ;) | |
Re: Ohhh like time off! I thought you meant like come into the office and all the computers are randomly off!!! I usually go home and relax for a few hours, maybe nap and then go out to keep me busy (Or play a game) | |
Re: Have you tried looking at the WIFI drivers? | |
Really hate the way Moodle is written, was wondering if there was a quick way around this. $custommenu = $OUTPUT->custom_menu(); $hascustommenu = (empty($PAGE->layout_options['nocustommenu']) && !empty($custommenu)); <?php if ($hascustommenu) { ?> <div id="custommenu"><?php echo $custommenu; ?></div> <?php } ?> How can I add a seperator into the navigation e.g | Home … | |
Re: http://jsfiddle.net/CvhkM/ This is what you're looking for ;) | |
Re: I got myself a little Windows 8 touch screen for £60. Does the job. With Iphones you're restricted to what you can download, so why have 64bit? | |
Re: Hmm where can I get one cheap? :P | |
Re: You could always make a canvas in HTML5 and do it that way? http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/dnd/basics/ :) | |
Re: Your OS drive could be corrupt, resulting in there being no OS. First things first, remove any extra media such as a disk, usb drive etc etc * Insert your windows disk * Press any key after booting from disk * On the setup menu press R or select Repair … | |
Re: Why don't you wrap a class around it to overide and do it via CSS? | |
Re: In GWT if you wait for the page errors to come up you can remove them all and Google will automatically re-crawl the site. This should negate any errors ^^ |
The End.