10,784 Topics
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Thank you all for being here to help me with this problem I'm having. I've used computers for years but this is over my head. I saw a post here when you guys helped a lady a few years back having a similiar problem with her software. I hope you … | |
Tell me the best antivirus that protect my PC from malware issues and keep secure all the data that i have in my computer. | |
Last year, CryptoLocker ransomware [hit the headlines](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/news/470427/cryptolocker-250k-infections-in-100-days-nets-300000-or-does-it) after infecting hundreds of thousands of computers and encrypting the data, and backups of that data to any connected device, with the promise of decryption on payment of a fee. This kind of IT extortion is profitable for the bad guys as it … | |
Ok so I have a Toshiba A105 s4284 that I just bought from a friend that bought it in january and it was working fine until just recently, all of a sudden the screen just goes completly black when I'm in the middle of something, I mean the computer doesn't … | |
With the demise of TruCrypt has any found a good replacement? I have been searching for weeks and have yet to find one that has all the same features. | |
Earlier last year, I bought the Acer Aspire E-16 START with a windows 8 operating system, I was using the lastest Kapersky 2015 which worked perfectly with the OS, Ever since I upgraded to windows 10 OS via the internet , Old files of Kapersky application were not executable, Luckily, … | |
After reading all the hype about the random ware virus I installed BufferZone Pro 64 bit. Worked o.K the first day but after booting today all my visual styles in windows 7 home premium disappeared ( aero glass etc) to make the opened windows really look poor. After uninstalling, everything … | |
Hey everyone. Ok, I just noticed that in my Add or Remove Programs window, theres a program called My Way Search Assistant........ obviously spyware or adware of some kind. I need to uninstall it but......... there is no button in the add or remove programs menu that allows me to … | |
HI There is many method to bypass Antivirus detection! The Best way is writing your own toolsespecailly using python language. My question is How to protect your self againt PE portable excuteble and how we make Antivirus to detect for example metasploit payloads? I will appriciate for yur help ![]() | |
Hey guys, Just a thought. Not that I myself do this: Many people these days still use old versions of Norton, McAfee, and other such antivirus programs. Most of them are from 2002-2006. My question is, do these companies stop supporting their older virus programs at the end of a … | |
CryptoWall 4.0 the newest ransomware to date is been spread by Angler Exploit Kits. A new drive-by download campaign is to blame for this attack. Heimdal was the first to discover the malware nearly one month ago. It's also more stealthier than previous versions and also a lot stronger. This … | |
You all should raise your guard! CryptoWall 4.0 has been released and analysed by Nathan Scott: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cryptowall-4-0-released-with-new-features-such-as-encrypted-file-names/ | |
I downloaded AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition on a computer that runs Windows 98 and uses a slow dial-up connection. When I went to install AVG an "Expired Download" box appeared, advising me to download the latest version. I ignored this and installed my AVG download 7.5.503. Everything went fine. But … | |
Hi there, my mouse curser has started darting about the screen on its own - it has been suggested this may be a virus - has anyone heard of this type of thing. I have run my anti-virus but nothing found | |
The UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) has said that it has dealt a "major blow to dark web markets." In a [statement](http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/news/news-listings/483-international-law-enforcement-deals-major-blow-to-dark-web-markets) issued on the 7th November the NCA says that a coordinated operation between law enforcement agencies in Europe and the US has "targeted market places for illegal commodities … | |
I'm aware that Adobe plays a big part in a virus how do you get rid of it? I deleted all the past issues on the Adobe volumes input but it doesn't seem to help . | |
Although it took eBay itself an absolute age to disclose that a serious breach had taken place, and then [completely screwed up the process of ensuring users change their passwords](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/viruses-spyware-and-other-nasties/news/479152/more-ebay-security-stupidity-exposed), this should come as no real surprise. Happygeeks' Law states: the larger the corporate, the longer it takes to admit … | |
The news that JPMorgan Chase & Co, which is the largest of the US banks with a reach that extends to half of all American households, has been breached will surprise nobody. At least not in the sense that this is old news, with a disclosure of the event happening … | |
My van was built 15 years ago by Mazda in Japan as a multi-purpose 'people carrier' vehicle with the unlikely name of a Bongo. It has survived the years well, and I have now converted it into a camper van. Another 15 year old that travelled across the globe has … | |
Hi, every. Im new around here. I just read about this article today http://www.btignitesolutions.com/how-to-remove-fake-java-download-infected-on-your-pc-from-javsoftware-com/ and it got me thinking that why would some fellows still choose to download some updates or plugins or video player from some websites of strange names? isn't that too obvious a lie? | |
Adobe Flash users have been under attack from cybercriminals again, this time courtesy of [a zero day exploit kit by the name of Angler](http://malware.dontneedcoffee.com/2015/01/unpatched-vulnerability-0day-in-flash.html). The exploit kit has been readily available on the dark market, and hits vulnerabilities to be found in Flash Players up to, as well as … | |
 Good day, I have been experiencing such problems. An error message keeps on reappearing on my PC saying that AVAST has blocked a harmful website(I have uploaded a picture of the error message). I ran all my antivirus software and are saying that no threat detected but the … | |
I do not notice a malware called Great Find in the system until the computer begins to slow down. Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari get rather small ads on the right top corner. Key words are underlined at times. My friend helped me with steps in [Chrome Help Forum](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6086368?hl=en-GB) and … | |
Good Day One of my pc has been infected by a Ransom:Win32/Crowti.gen!A virus and as a result all the files are are not accessible they appear as encrypted and the file extensions automatically default to .AAA whether be it a txt, ppt, xls, docx or pdf file. **Is there a … | |
How Can We Check Is our site has virus or not. Firstly our site will be slow down automatically if it is attacked by virus or some other activities also may showing that your site has been attacked by a virus. so spamy links showing in your site so its … | |
I have Windows XP (which I usually LOVE) on my HP Pavilion a820n desktop computer. I recently had to do a reinstall of XP, due to removal of an anti-virus software which (apparently) corrupted my computer. After doing a clean full reinstall of XP, some of my drivers are missing … | |
Hello, My computer has been slow and having problems for the last week or so. A message popped up the other day that my son said something about my internet provider found a threat or something weird. He closed out of the internet quickly, so I never saw it, but … | |
A couple of decades ago, in another life, I wrote a little script which would capture keystrokes and then store that data within the 'white space' of an image file. It was pretty crude, but it was also twenty years ago and to be honest nobody was really looking for … | |
I got infected right after a Java and Adobe update on my Windows7 machine. folder \jnihmpibahpjjmcodbopcpdaelkbpjnc is most likely a random generated folder. Note on malware **PriceLess** (pops up as Chrome extension, highlights strings for ads): PriceLess is in folders: C:\Users\HomeGroupUser$\AppData\Local\Chromatic Browser\User Data\Default\Extensions\jnihmpibahpjjmcodbopcpdaelkbpjnc\5.2 C:\Users\HomeGroupUser$\AppData\Local\Comodo\Dragon\User Data\Default\Extensions\jnihmpibahpjjmcodbopcpdaelkbpjnc\5.2 C:\Users\HomeGroupUser$\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jnihmpibahpjjmcodbopcpdaelkbpjnc\5.2 C:\Users\HomeGroupUser$\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\User Data\Default\Extensions\jnihmpibahpjjmcodbopcpdaelkbpjnc\5.2 … | |
hi, I was trying to download whatsapp for my pc and lots of rubbish came down instead. I have got rid of most of it but now every time I start IE searching.com comes up. Click on mu home page icon and ok. Also I've tried to uninstall all that … |
The End.