I am using Windows 10 and there is a lot of space in my system. But still its working too slow. Any app could take several minutes to open and even any website. also while I was try using any app it shows me message that, "App not responding".
I dont know whether it is a hardware or software problem. I have licensed anti virus in my system so I ams ure its not because ofvirus as I hve scanned it thoroughly.
Please help me guys what could be the problem and how to resolve the same?

happygeek commented: I smell a big fat rat - as poster owns a laptop repair company -4

How much RAM (main memory) do you have?

Make sure you have only one anti-virus package running. You might also try disabling your anti-virus (temporarily) to see if that speeds things up. If that works then it is time to switch to another anti-virus.

Its 4 GB RAM.
and also I have only one antivirus running. I have tried disabling that but after 2-3 hours of avtivity the problem still persisits.

I seriously don't get what shall I do.

@SN_1. So it's only 4GB RAM. What's to complain about? Here my complaint is I don't have the Speccy report to look at. Help others help you?

Using Task Manager, what apps are using the most CPU and memory? If you go to the Performance Tab and click on Open Resource Monitor (bottom of screen) you may get more useful info.

Try upgrading to a OCZ or Kingston SSDNow SSD. Even these brands from 2013 are still fast. Hard drives can't compete with these brands. I assume there any & all viruses are absent from your pc

Have you run Ccleaner?
It will clean all caches in the computer and much more.
Go to RUN and type %TEMP% and run it.
That will take you to a temp folder and delete everything.
Go to Windows\temp\ and delete everything.
Have you tried 'windows defrag'.
That will move files closer and may speed it up.

Thanks everyone for actively participating in the thread. Your replies helped a lot to know the problem with my system.

@ rproffitt- No need of such reaction. My work has been through MS-word/ google docs, spredasheet/ MS-Excel, and only surfing through some of the websites, since I am a content writer.
So I was using system with such low specification and still its running slow, was my problem.

Anyways Thanks for the help.

What an odd question for the owner of 'India's number one mobile and laptop reparing institute' to ask. Anyone would think that either the question is some kind of failed spam attempt or you don't actually know that much about repairing computers at all...

commented: I wondered about them as well. Even a seasoned tech asks for help. +15

hmmmm will this post??? i know i signed up for this site about 10-11 years ago and lets see what happens

Personally i would test between windows 10 and another version or kali linux. As Windows 10 seems to come with major unknown issues. Just a thought

Hello brother,
I also faced same issue in my system. My system configuration is Windows 10 operating system, AMD processor A8, 4 GB RAM and 1 TB Hardisk. According to me, Windows 10 is slow as compare to other windows. This is not hardware or any other software issue. You can't do anything. I recommend you to buy new system whose processor is i5 or i7. Because the speed of these system is too fast as compare to normal system.

Install and run Malware Byres (free edition).
Here is the link. This will eliminate most of the hidden virus/malware/threats from your computer.

Let us see the results.

check the task messenger which app use the more ram and cpu and if it then disable it if this will not fix your problem then scan the whole computer

tresh old file and update your antivirus .and scan your full pc

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