Hello. I'm tring to burn an ISO to a DVD (Windows 10 installation disc). But all the burning programs tell me that somethingis wrong, for example

"Mediadetectie mislukt" which means "Media detection failed" and other programs keep the "burn" button gray.

Is there something I can do?

I'd like to hear more about this PC, the make, model, age of the DVDRW along with any other messages from say IMGBURN.

Is it possible you’re trying to use a DVD-R that has already been written to? Does your drive support DVD-RW as well as DVD-R?

When all else fails, use a USB stick instead :) You can turn a USB stick into Bootable Windows installation media.

Thanks Dani, I forget that some don't know to use new media. Long ago at the shop the client said the same and they were trying to burn to their old AudioCDs. "Why can't I burn to any CD?"

Thanks all, Windows 10 is up and running now.

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