1,189 Topics

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

To put it mildly, it's been a bad week for cloud computing. First of all word got out that Microsoft, the keepers of the data for users of Sidekick phones [URL="http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Microsoft-T-Mobile-Sidekick-Data-Lost,8832.html"]completely hosed the data.[/URL] I mean kaput, gone, vanished. See you later, bye. If you don't have a back up, …

Member Avatar for yolov8
Member Avatar for juara
Member Avatar for TSC_Chazz

I have posted this question elsewhere and gotten zero helpful responses. Specifically on an Apple, with Python 3.9.10, I am using the socket sendall method to send a data buffer on a network connection that has successfully opened to a server. The data that I am sending does not reach …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mahnonog

Hello everyone, can you recommend a resource for downloading videos from YouTube? I will be very grateful

Member Avatar for lucytaylor01
Member Avatar for Hanhai_1
Member Avatar for ewrlszolna

Sincerely, I did not foresee the development of AI. I had thought that the unit of measurement for computer power would always remain ghz. Hardware rendering has been faster over time. But given that DLSS and other comparable applications use AI already, I'm concerned that it could eventually replace our …

Member Avatar for swshurts
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Am I out of date? For over a decade I never worried about any virus on MacOS/iOS. But https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/11di44n/do_i_need_antivirus_for_a_macbook/ is kicking it around like you need such a thing. And while I tend to be precise, folk today call everything a virus even if it's a trojan, malware or a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Yumensh

The code: using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; using NadekoBot.Common.Attributes; using NadekoBot.Core.Services; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using NadekoBot.Modules.CustomReactions.Services; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace NadekoBot.Modules.CustomReactions { public class CustomReactions : NadekoTopLevelModule<CustomReactionsService> { private readonly IBotCredentials _creds; private readonly DbService _db; private readonly DiscordSocketClient _client; public CustomReactions(IBotCredentials creds, DbService db, DiscordSocketClient client) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sanojsharma

Someone help me, I forgot my Mac wifi password, someone will tell me how to find my wifi password

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Adrian_3

I have read the microsoft documentation about creating a databinding source and target in order to change and update a Bindable property. Please can someone show me, with an example, of a **C# Data Binding of a dynamic CanvasView.X** property being changed by a slider. The CanvasView is created dynamically …

Member Avatar for macfan

How many people here does have BigSur installed? [Click Here](https://imgur.com/Yo2XKyV)

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Innocent_8

I have a website and I want to change the index.php and it is not working each time I add htaccess file code it will stop me from loging in as admin.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Freecoins24
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i ve tried to upload my first app on the App Store but i got this mesage from Apple. Any ideas how to proceed? *Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I want several dates at the top of each page of a 365 page document, but I don't want to plug them in manually. Attached is a segment of the dates I have in a document, and another attachment showing how the Mac document looks. I'm trying to avoid a …

Member Avatar for drzmbs
Member Avatar for jamesbrown11

I have been using Linux for the past year or two, it has been an amazing experience so far, aside of the lack of proprietary software support, namely Adobe products. I have been considering switching to MacOS for this very reason, and was wondering if anyone has made the move …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for harukichi

My mac book is a little angry so I take the drive nd used it as external. How I run my IOS on windows pc?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for arjun_8

I just upgraded the software to OS X Sierra and I use a multi usb port for connecting my mouse since there are just two usb port and the harddisk has to be plugged in directly. The light appears at the bottom of the mouse which means that the power …

Member Avatar for Steve_52
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Start with https://www.google.com/search?q=google+banned+all+apple+repair+ads and there it is. It appears to be mostly about Apple products and when two juggernauts, dare I write collude even if openly, we all lose. Apple's repair system is OK when your device is under AppleCare but beyond that we see the repair price climb to …

Member Avatar for phoneninja
Member Avatar for khess

Someone left a comment on one of my posts similar to, "Linux won't be popular on the Desktop until it runs [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Windows[/URL] applications." To which I silently responded, "Huh? and, "You've got to be kidding me." We have [URL="http://www.winehq.org"]WINE[/URL] for running Windows applications and it works reasonably well for those …

Member Avatar for subhankar_2
Member Avatar for darren2005

Hi, I seem to get an Assertion failure with the following code: if (Butten.tag==1) { //int errorCount = 0; //UIImage *filterImage; GPUImageAmatorkaFilter *ColorMatrix=[[GPUImageAmatorkaFilter alloc]init]; [ColorMatrix prepareForImageCapture]; UIImage *filterImage=[ColorMatrix imageByFilteringImage:img_MainImage]; //while (! (filterImage = [ColorMatrix imageByFilteringImage:img_MainImage]) ) { // ++errorCount; //} //if (errorCount > 0) { //NSLog(@"GPUImageiOSBlurFilter imageByFilteringImage button clicked:"); //} …

Member Avatar for les_3

I have been using a wal-mart wireless mouse for months. It got slow response yesterday and today will not work. Plugged in a new mouse and it's not working either. Settings /mouse not detecting. Batteries good. any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for tompatrick

**Video players** 1. [VLC Media Player](http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html) - VLC is a cross-platform and open source multimedia player for Mac OSX. 2. [Perian](http://www.perian.org/) - Perian is another open source video player for that are based on multi-platform form of FFmpeg project. 3.[ Mac Media player](http://www.macblurayplayer.com/mac-media-player.htm) - Mac media player provided all the …

Member Avatar for Zed_2
Member Avatar for Shyam_3

We have developed an app for iPhone. Our business requirement is to run the app at the background and listen to our server for the updates. We need to get the list of online users. This helps us in getting the list of online users and also in listenning to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MiketheBook

I run El Capitan but had the same problem with prior operating systems. I can't use the single quote key to type a straight quote mark in the apps that I want, in particular an abc notation app called EasyABC. Having just stated that I notice the word can't does …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for rproffitt

For years I've seen the industry trend more and more to where you can only fix something by replacing it. Now it is expensive to have a good tech to do work so this bill may further impede those that offer repair services. I'll pause here and offer a video …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Steven1142

I have bought 2 different types of HDD and still I am unable to format using Disk Utilities it always gets stuck halfway. Will buying an installation disk fix this problem? or is there somethan out there besides disk utility to format the HDD Regards -Steve

Member Avatar for dannyniu
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Daniweb Community, It has recently come to my attention that my website does not load on iPhone's, my website is (also I'm not trying to advertise) [http://twisteddigital.com.au](http://twisteddigital.com.au). So could someone help me with this problem, I've tried searching around for a little bit but couldn't find anything.

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Lp_baez

I keep getting a direct identifier error. I have tried deleting the pillarPlat004 assets and re-importing it and connecting it to the code, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I'm using swift in xcode. ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.27_.25_.png](/attachments/small/4/1f4a31b4ae5c37226cc4901e500e6fcd.png "align-left") ![Screenshot_2016-04-09_19.31_.50_.png](/attachments/small/4/4d94fd0a79c2f6fa708b11ec67f58885.png "align-left")

Member Avatar for khess

It's hard for me to admit it but there are things, ten things to be exact, that I really hate about Linux. Sometimes I think it's just me but I do see other people stating a few of these in the forums so I'm at least not alone with some …

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The End.