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5,225 Posted Topics
Re: Given who owns github (M$), and their location (U$A), I wouldn't trust anything commercially sensitive with them. Why do you even need it, apart from the simple convenience of it all (that's the trap, make the honeypot sweet enough, plenty will arrive). There's not much there that can't be replicated … | |
Re: And who's head is in the noose when you mess things up with my enterprise account? Like for example, bad software gets signed with my key, or your "company" is in an embargoed jurisdiction? If you need it, buy your own. | |
Re: Is this for remote workers anywhere in the world, or actual bums-on-seats in a downtown office in NY? | |
Re: > Cannot convert parameter 1 from char[16] to system::String ^ You need to convert your char array to a CLI string in the first instance, before trying to pass it onto some other function expecting a CLI string. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/extensions/string-cpp-component-extensions?view=msvc-170 > I don't know why DaniWeb keep on crashing whenever I … | |
Re: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=key+components+of+ServiceNow+Managed+Services&t=newext&atb=v296-1&ia=web That'll be $2M, thanks. | |
Re: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hire+developers+in+USA&t=newext&atb=v296-1&ia=web That'll be $1M please. | |
Re: https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.select-db.php I think the key word in all of this is "default". You can probably do what you want, but you have to refer to each DB by it's own handle. Using `select_db` is fine, if you only have one DB and you want to be lazy about referring to … | |
Re: Your chrome is 9+ months out of date. https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2024/07/ | |
Re: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44969852/javascript-number-tolocalestring-currency-without-currency-sign Maybe use style 'currency' rather than style 'decimal' ? | |
Re: > But it's also in everyone's interest for AI to be trained on reliable information, if we want AI to be useful to us Yeah, that ship slipped it's mooring when facebook appeared, drifted out to sea on the twitter tide, and promptly sank when muck took it over. Domain … | |
Re: Firstly, I'd suggest you edit your post to remove your real email address from the code. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php Some things to try. 1. Headers is an optional parameter, can you send without the headers parameter? Many examples I've seen suggest there should be a space after the :, as in `'From: … | |
Re: And you need 5Gbps because...? > AT&T just became in our neighborhood available and I'd love to go back to it. Yeah, I'd be letting the neighbours be the guinea pigs. I have little doubt that the "it's available" came from AT&T marketing department as soon as someone in provisioning … | |
Re: How about engaging with the responders on your other thread with basically the same topic? https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/543080/how-to-implement-lazy-loading-for-faster-web-portals | |
Re: Use threads - lot's of threads. | |
Re: The density of popes outside the Vatican is 0.0, invariant of the chosen unit area. | |
Re: 10+ year old no-name desktop put together by my local computer shop. | |
Re: What's the use-case? "Black Duck" is an existing application for scanning your in-house proprietary software to make sure it doesn't get tainted with open source software with vague/incompatible licence terms. | |
Re: Based on evidence here, s..t-posting on forums seems to be the new use-case. No end of dweebs drive by with the latest "helpful" pith generated by some LLM. | |
Re: > And of course the line "Would you like some toast?" -Talky Toaster, everyone's favorite breakfast companion. Aah, so you're a waffle man. | |
Re: I'm a long-time moderator on cprogramming.com, but it's getting awfully quiet on many of the old forums. DiC was a loss, as was devshed. I seem to be most active now on reddit. | |
Re: There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that know binary, and those that don't. | |
Re: Why don't you just type that into a search engine, then go and bother those sites instead? | |
Re: Guidance? Maybe you should read your topic and post before pressing submit. That would be a starting point. | |
Re: Apparently, I joined December 2005. Probably followed someone's link to some post I guess, then decided to pull up a chair. | |
Re: > I'd rather have a phone that can make calls, texts and take UNALTERED BY AI photos. How long before AI eff's up some key witness photo, resulting in the guilty going free or the innocent jailed? | |
Re: It's probably going to depend on the number of connections your hardware supports. https://man.archlinux.org/man/hcitool.1.en > lealsz Read size of LE Accept List On my machine $ sudo hcitool lealsz Accept list size: 25 Bluetooth is generally low bandwidth, so if you're just sending moves as short ascii strings, the machine … | |
Re: For someone claiming to be an "SEO Executive", you seem remarkably inept at doing even the most basic web search. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=blockchain+MVP But then again, most of your posts look like bait for spam. | |
Re: > my hard disk has been damaged, and entire project has been collapsed. Did the disk just "stop working" one day, or has it been rotting slowly over time? Or does "damaged" mean "I deleted the source folder". If that happened yesterday, you might have a chance. If that was … | |
Re: Since 90% of all posts are AI generated garbage to begin with, perhaps all newbie posts should go into a moderation queue before being allowed on the publicly visible board. Most of them are 1-post drive-by's that simply don't care where they post. Just so long as the result is … |
The End.