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5,209 Posted Topics
Re: Firstly, I'd suggest you edit your post to remove your real email address from the code. https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php Some things to try. 1. Headers is an optional parameter, can you send without the headers parameter? Many examples I've seen suggest there should be a space after the :, as in `'From: … | |
Re: I'm a long-time moderator on cprogramming.com, but it's getting awfully quiet on many of the old forums. DiC was a loss, as was devshed. I seem to be most active now on reddit. | |
Re: Based on evidence here, s..t-posting on forums seems to be the new use-case. No end of dweebs drive by with the latest "helpful" pith generated by some LLM. | |
Re: There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that know binary, and those that don't. | |
Re: Why don't you just type that into a search engine, then go and bother those sites instead? | |
Re: Guidance? Maybe you should read your topic and post before pressing submit. That would be a starting point. | |
Re: Apparently, I joined December 2005. Probably followed someone's link to some post I guess, then decided to pull up a chair. | |
Re: > I'd rather have a phone that can make calls, texts and take UNALTERED BY AI photos. How long before AI eff's up some key witness photo, resulting in the guilty going free or the innocent jailed? | |
Re: > But it's also in everyone's interest for AI to be trained on reliable information, if we want AI to be useful to us Yeah, that ship slipped it's mooring when facebook appeared, drifted out to sea on the twitter tide, and promptly sank when muck took it over. Domain … | |
Re: It's probably going to depend on the number of connections your hardware supports. https://man.archlinux.org/man/hcitool.1.en > lealsz Read size of LE Accept List On my machine $ sudo hcitool lealsz Accept list size: 25 Bluetooth is generally low bandwidth, so if you're just sending moves as short ascii strings, the machine … | |
Re: For someone claiming to be an "SEO Executive", you seem remarkably inept at doing even the most basic web search. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=blockchain+MVP But then again, most of your posts look like bait for spam. | |
Re: > my hard disk has been damaged, and entire project has been collapsed. Did the disk just "stop working" one day, or has it been rotting slowly over time? Or does "damaged" mean "I deleted the source folder". If that happened yesterday, you might have a chance. If that was … | |
Re: The first question is, who is your "enemy" here? What you need to do to protect yourself from the average consumer is far different than what you need to do if some "Three Letter Agency" is involved. Any attempt to wipe a disk with a Windows OS still in residence … | |
Re: Since 90% of all posts are AI generated garbage to begin with, perhaps all newbie posts should go into a moderation queue before being allowed on the publicly visible board. Most of them are 1-post drive-by's that simply don't care where they post. Just so long as the result is … | |
Re: You guy's must have the same script generator. https://www.daniweb.com/community-center/say-hello/threads/542896/hi-everyone-i-m-rrocksbd | |
Re: If you're sufficiently curious to study how the data arrives at your browser, and can wrangle some Javascript, then perhaps https://www.tampermonkey.net/ You can post-process the data to be whatever shape you want it to be. | |
Re: Your app always needs to "phone home" to query the actual member status with your server. Otherwise, someone could log in twice, delete their account in one session and merrily carry on using their 'account' in the other session. Sure, you could use the cached version if the user is … | |
Re: > Anyone who knows how I can solve this problem? The short answer is don't put code in header files. Declarations go in header files, definitions go in source files. You get away with it in small projects where you only have one source file, and each header is included … | |
Re: You can do this with `xargs` find . -name "*.c" | xargs -d'\n' grep -w "main" Or if you know you want to search the same set of files many times. find . -name "*.c" > tmp.txt xargs --arg-file=tmp.txt grep -w "main" xargs --arg-file=tmp.txt grep -w "void" | |
Re: You have all the answers in your other thread. https://www.daniweb.com/digital-media/digital-marketing/search-engine-strategies/threads/542587/what-are-the-most-effective-seo-strategies-for-improving-organic-traffic | |
Re: How big is each record? If it's like say a customer record with maybe a dozen fields and taking up several hundred bytes of space, adding a single 32-bit timestamp isn't going to impact you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity%E2%80%93relationship_model Draw one of these for your [database schema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_schema) then consider which of the perimeter … | |
Re: > hladysz said > please fix the condition: Please explain why you think this is the wrong condition. | |
Re: If the drives are dropping out during normal operation, check the OS log files to see if any particular reason is reported. For all the drives, gather the [SMART](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitoring,_Analysis_and_Reporting_Technology) statistics. | |
Re: I would suggest you do `pip list` in your working and non-working environments. It seems that `wrap_socket` is deprecated (and insecure) https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/795 I would have thought your `mysql` would have depended on the right version to begin with. | |
Re: Which of the following things have you tried? 1. Cleared the cache and deleted all cookies in your browser 2. Tried with another browser 3. Tried with a browser running in "safe" mode - ie, without a bunch of plugins potentially messing with things they shouldn't 4. Tried with another … | |
Re: Passing familiarity with a search engine would be high on the list of skills. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cyber+security+training&t=newext&atb=v296-1&ia=web | |
Re: If your batch size is say 1K, and your user decides to spam you with say 10K+ records, what does it matter to you? - flush your existing batch queue - loop through the large request 1K at a time and immediately commit to the database using some batch update … | |
Re: 1. Get something working in Python if that's your comfort zone. 2. Profile it to find out where the bottlenecks are (do not make guesses, find evidence) For example, if the program is spending a lot of time waiting for I/O (aka the disk), then writing chunks of code in … | |
Re: It doesn't require any 3rd party software. For example, I use Firefox profiles to separate my bank from my shops. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-remove-switch-firefox-profiles Coupled with quick-launch icons on the desktop, I find it to be a very easy to use solution. |
The End.