I need to display a pound currency symbol before the amount that is calculated

Below is the code I currently have

<th class="text-right py-1 px-2 grand-total">0</th>

function calc(){

        var grand_total = 0;

        $('table#list tbody input[name="total[]"]').each(function(){

            grand_total += parseFloat($(this).val())


        $('table#list tfoot .grand-total').text(parseFloat(grand_total).toLocaleString('en-gb', {style:'decimal',maximumFractionDigit:2}))


I'm not sure where to add it within that code, can anyone help please

Yes, but you might want to also add currency: 'GBP', as so:

$('table#list tfoot .grand-total').text(parseFloat(grand_total).toLocaleString('en-gb', { style:'currency', currency: 'GBP', maximumFractionDigit:2 }))
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