I have an SEO client from Dubai with a kitchenware brand, and I’m looking for high-quality, niche-related backlink submission sites. These can include article submissions, forums, directories, social bookmarking, link insertions, blog commenting, business listings, etc.

I specifically need websites that are exclusively related to kitchenware in Dubai for backlink submissions. If anyone can help me find relevant sites, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Why don't you just type that into a search engine, then go and bother those sites instead?

commented: The result i got on search engine was not accurate plus the websites were not particularly related to backlinks +0

Have you tried Dubai Kitchenware Directory and Kitchen Appliances UAE. They should give a successful result. You can also try r/Cooking on reddit. The Reddit community is an excellent opportunity to create backlinks as well.

commented: Have you successfully acquired backlinks from Reddit? I’ve tried but haven’t had any luck yet. You can share your trick for Reddit !! +0

I have found it’s really hard to create Reddit backlinks unless you already have a really strong reputation in the Sub. If it sticks though, it’s definitely valuable!

Olu, what’s your trick with Reddit?

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