How do i check if my website is hit by a google Penalty? In the attached image, this is where i checked on google search this method correct?

That is the area in Google Search Console where you can check if you have been hit by a manual penalty. A manual penalty is when a Google employee specifically looks at your website, and all the backlinks pointing to your website, and makes sure that your site is not engaged in any funny business. In other words, they check to see if you're violating any of the Google policies such as paying for backlinks, or doing any obvious black hat techniques.

However, just because you have no manual penalties doesn't necessarily mean that Google loves, or even likes, your site. It's very rare to get a manual penalty because almost all "penalties" are algorithmic ... meaning they're factored into Google algorithm updates, as opposed to a human individual manually flagging your website for review. Google does not let you know if you've been hit by an algorithmic penalty. Additionally, they don't let you know if your website has just been knocked down in ranking due to a core update, or one of their other 300+ algorithm updates per year. You may have heard of Google Panda or Google Penguin algorithm "penalties". Today, those are built into Google's core updates.

commented: So the gist is there is no menthod to check the algorithmic penalty from can understand from ranking and traffic change on their website +0

You can start with Google Search Console. It proves to be very useful. You can also leverage tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to check for Google penalties as well.

So the gist is there is no menthod to check the algorithmic penalty from can understand from ranking and traffic change on their website

Yeah, that's correct.

commented: Thanks, that was helpful !! +0

If you're working outside the parameters Google set for you to use and improve your ranking, I believe that you should be aware. It's like when you're using Black-Hat SEO, you should be expecting to be found by Google soon and punished accordingly.

I stand corrected. :)

I just came across this website that keeps a pulse on how much traffic websites in the wild get, and overlays that with announced and unannounced Google algorithm updates.

Give it a whirl.

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