I’m suddenly having issues regarding my Google Search Console -> Page indexing has it has 1.13K pages not indexed and 1 indexed.
Therefore, what do the settings have to be so that all the pages are indexed? I’m not a guru on Google technologies and this interface so I must be missing something simple. Attached are what the domain settings of my site is showing regarding pages.


Is the issue with something in my robots.txt file which I currently have as such:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: /

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: https://sharepointaddiction.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml

Any steps for what and where to go in this search console to remedy would be great!

AussieWebmaster commented: Would start by fixing the canonicals unless you have that many sub pages from the main canonical +5
bulkemaildata16 commented: Great +0

It looks like you have 800 pages that have been successfully crawled by Google, but Google chose not to index them because it felt as if they were too low quality (or some other reason) to make it into the index. Start by reviewing the pages that are in this category to see if you spot any obvious reasons why Google might consider them thin content, not enough unique content on the page, duplicate content (content that is largely the same or similar to other URLs elsewhere on the web, or elsewhere on your website), in violation of any of Google's policies, etc.

Pages in the category of alternate page with proper canonical tag are URLs that Google has discovered that have similar or identical content to other URLs on your website. Pages that are in this category are not indexed because Google instead chose the other version of the page because it was identified with the link canonical HTTP tag to be the primary version of the content.

The DaniWeb thread on Google Search Console page indexing discusses how to use the tool to monitor and manage your site's indexed pages. It covers indexing issues, improving page visibility, and ensuring search engines correctly crawl your content for better SEO performance.

All - just seeing the responses now - many thanks for all the suggestions - my biggest issue is that a lot of the terminology and GUI interface I'm not a guru in by any means! I'll look thought the items and see what makes sense to me.

Errors in robots.txt file settings and sitemap failures frequently trigger indexing issues. Verify if the robots.txt permits Googlebot to explore all pages and make sure your sitemap is fully updated with proper submission to Search Console.

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