Is it true that a java website faces much more page speed and core web vitals issues as compared to a wordpress website?

I have seen many wordpress websites doing nothing on technical seo issues but having very good page speed whereas my website is a java website and i am struggling to fix my core web vitals.

Can you substantiate such a claim?

It's been over a decade but we deployed a Tomcat server to do vehicle tracking and didn't have any speed issues. Then again we didn't bother with Google's pagespeed testing. The site was just fine.

I think you might be confusing Java with Javascript. Is your website built with Javascript technologies such as Node.js?

commented: "Tomcat, web server and servlet container that's used to host Java-based web applications." That's what we deployed. +17
commented: Yes Dani, By Java i meant Javascript, my website is hosted by Vercel server +0

I understand that's what you deployed, rproffitt. My question was directed to Masood.

commented: This system doesn't allow replies in the way that Reddit and such do. Odd, but you own this. +0

This system doesn't allow replies in the way that Reddit and such do. Odd, but you own this.

DaniWeb was started back in 2002 at a time when flat forums were far more popular than threaded forums. Threaded discussions were more closely associated with bulletin board systems and Usenet back then. Even though DaniWeb actually began as a threaded forum, we found that early users back then were confused when the platform was designed as anything beyond a simple question followed by a flat list of responses. Fast forward a couple of decades, and sites like Reddit successfully introduced threaded discussions to Gen Z. It didn't seem quite right for us to follow suit and reintroduce threaded discussions here, especially as we're primarily a Q&A site. I would say that flat forums are a bit of a mix between Stack Overflow, which is one question followed by answers to that question that are never meant to engage with one another, and Reddit, which is one question followed by one or more follow-up questions and answers of infinite depth.

commented: Dare I? sure. ok boomer. +0

I think I'll add that, when it comes to core web vitals, the most important thing to do is ensure you have fast running javascript, stylesheets, images, etc. It doesn't really matter what language is on the backend as long as it's coded efficiently to be fast loading. You might also wish to use a performance CDN such as Cloudflare or Fastly to cache your content.

commented: Thanks, that was helpful +0
commented: Basically what I would say, Node JS is FAST when I was playing with it, Java I hate but I dont think it would have to be slow if you program it right +9

Java-based websites are known to be difficult for speed optimization because they contain certain technical stacks. But with caching and image compression, java website can generate page speeds which are equivalent to those of WordPress websites.

The OP was confused. He meant JavaScript, not Java.

commented: Still a good question for those that need to know about Tomcat, Java and more. +0
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