The info we could extract from it, were indeed kind of useful.

You can't really say, they revealed anything new - what they revealed was, that many "assumptions" SEOs made over the years were correct and Google was rarely saying the truth (understandable, if you think about it).

What impressed the SEO Community was the complexitiy of Google's Algo.

We discussed for years if there a only 200 ranking factors or more than 400, and so on... The leak showed, there are more than 14400.

Some industry leaders (US) published ai-powered webtools to navigate through the docs, which are very helpful, to understand the correleations of the ranking factors.

some interesting stuff we've learned:

  • There IS a seperate Ranking Mechanism for "Small Sites". So it IS about Authority.
  • A Backlinks "link juice" is also deternimined by the amount and quality of traffic it serves.
  • User Signals are nowadays an equally important ranking factor like backlinks
  • the list goes on :)

What many seem to forget, is the Yandex Leak.

FI_BEAST_HOST_MEAN_POS is a bit complex.
In a breakdown: You sites Ranking Positions affect your overall Ranking.
So if you have irrelevante sites on your domain, for which you rank on Pos. 40 or above, it will be hard to rank on the first page for any other Keywords.


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