147 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

I just thought it would help us get to know each other a lot better if we each just gave 1-2 sentences about what we do for work. I'll start :) For the past 24 years, I have owned and written the code for DaniWeb. For the majority of that …

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for YashSmith
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hi. I am a college student and I am in my third year of college. I have an associate degree in general science and i am studying to earn my bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I have been trying to get an internship (basically for job security and work experience) …

Member Avatar for WendyDolan
Member Avatar for BigPaw

I'm in my 50's and my IT credentials have lapsed. Pre-cancer I was a consultant in software licensing, but my background is more dominantly hardware and developing. I am self-taught in a couple of old irrelevant-to-today languages, and hold a certification for VB6. Hardware I'm certified A+ and some Toshiba …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**Scared that AI will make your job obsolete? Discover five strategies to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a future where artificial intelligence reshapes the employment landscape.** ![south-park-ai-jobs.JPG](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/5ee90a5a4f109a528a4b29a12e6ea378.JPG) *Has AI rendered white-collar work obsolete? Image credit: Screenshot from ‘South Park: Joining the Panderverse’* ## The End of White-Collar Work? ## In …

Member Avatar for peol
Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**AI is shown to significantly increase productivity among top-tier consultants. This performance boost holds the potential to reshape economic power structures—if we're willing to take the reins.** The [productivity explosion](https://jczeller.com/2023/05/04/singularity-loading-bar-1/) initiated by AI continues to take shape: A [new study](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4573321) spearheaded by researchers from Harvard, Wharton, and MIT has shed …

Member Avatar for Johannes C.
Member Avatar for Johnny2x4

Uh. Hi! I am sort of new here. I post maybe once in a blue moon. This place is honestly 100x better than StackOverflow. Anyway. I won't post my entire resume here but I will post relevant details. Graduated two years ago, currently *under*employed, but happy. No internships. My first …

Member Avatar for compshooter
Member Avatar for estherschindler

The job you’re applying for says, “Redis experience required.” Are you ready for the questions a hiring manager is likely to ask? Here’s [how to prepare for the job interview](https://redis.com/blog/redis-interview-questions/)... as inspired by Lord of the Rings. Nominally the article is written for someone getting answers ready for Redis-specific questions, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jwatson

How to create tool for sellers like delimiti for bulk product listings on Alibaba eBay Etsy stores.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for VinsysIT

Have understood that ISO 14001 is related to environmental management system. Wanted to know what is **ISO 14001 Certification** and why companies need it?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Malivice26

Hello Everyone, I am new to this website and have some questions about programming as a career. I feel that this may be a long post, so I don't particularly expect anyone to read it through to the end; although if you do and happen to possess some helpful advice, …

Member Avatar for Lisa_20
Member Avatar for manasrathore43

21 year old female here. Just wondering if anyone can tell me their experiences please and hopefully provide some tips. I'm currently in cc right now and never heard of this major until now. I heard it is challenging, but I'm up for it! Coding definitely sounds interesting (and it …

Member Avatar for Lisa_20
Member Avatar for Atahladte19

Hi Guys, Will AGI take all jobs that are currently done by humans? Maybe it will eliminate most jobs that don't have a technical background or most low-medium skilled jobs? I am not talking about A.I as it is today or ASI but in the future lets say 2060 Or …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for manasrathore43

Hi, I have created a two player board game url deleted - rule 2.7 Thes problem is that AI is easily beatable. I used heuristics to find best move for the AI. The rules of game are as follows 1) 9 by 9 grid is divided into 9 grids of …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Alamgir_3

I am a final year student. Now I need to start work for final project. But I am not familiar how to do it. Can you help me out, How to prepare a index page for my website ( Complaint website). Or if you have completed project before, Please send …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for misstj555

I am currently studying for an "Associates in Computer Science" with the intention of tranfering to a four year collage to get either a "Bachelors of Computer Science" or a "Bachelor of Applied Computer Science" hopefully this spring. Before I can make a decision on which Bachelors I would like, …

Member Avatar for misstj555
Member Avatar for Hale_1

In general it's great to get some web 2.0 backlinks, High DA backlinks such as PR9 (DA 70+) backlinks & senuke campaigns Those are the best for websites

Member Avatar for lewisclark019
Member Avatar for iqlas

Laravel App checks redis database for data pushed by 3rd Party. Laravel Scheduler runs artisan command `php artisan check:redis` every 10 mins. I am expecting about 20k records to be checked every hour at peak times. Please also suggest me if my whole approach as a whole is flawed. 1. …

Member Avatar for V3N0M

Hi Guys, I am looking for career advice. I am currently pursuing my associate's degree in computer science here in Texas. And I wanted to know if you guys know how people with associate's degrees get a job. As an international student, I would like one year of work before …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for estherschindler

I’m thinking of writing a (hopefully both fun and useful) listicle with advice from “women who have been there” for spotting companies that really mean it when they say, “We want more geek women here.” There’s lots of articles about negative things that should scare you away. What are your …

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for Raymond_12

Hello everyone, I will take this chance to reintroduce myself to the community. I was a member on the Daniweb forums back in 2006 and 2007. I can see a lot has changed on the site since then, and its great to see that the community is still alive. In …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for ckide

i like c++, Is C++ enough to bring me a job or should i study something else?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Anqi

Hello, I am running a social app called Fakenamez. You can download in App Store or check www.fakenamez.com. I am currently looking for a business partner who is good at coding. Your share will be 50/100. Please contact me if you are interested.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Kasia_3

**Hi I would be thankful for your help.** I am dealing with the topic of factors that **motivate developers** and make them feel good at their job, **and frustrations** that make them work less efficient. I would like to get overview of conditions that unlock and block the potential of …

Member Avatar for Kasia_3
Member Avatar for Chris_38

What programming/computer science skills are employers looking for? I want to increase my chances in getting a job.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for panduranga_1
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Gideon_1

I am a 19 year old guy who is yet to get a CS degree from the university. I learned web development on my own from resources online. Mostly from youtube videos precisely from thenewboston and phpacademy and a few text-based tutorials from w3schools.com. I am good with HTML, HTML5, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gideon_1

I am a 19 year old guy who is yet to get a CS degree from the university. I learned web development on my own from resources online. Mostly from youtube videos precisely from thenewboston and phpacademy and a few text-based tutorials from w3schools.com. I am good with HTML, HTML5, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for akromyk

After graduating college around 6 years ago I was told that I should climb the ladder of certifications to increase my chances of getting a job. I often heard that a good route to take was to get the A+ ->Network+ ->CCNA ->MCSA ->MCSE. Unfortunately, I was immature at the …

Member Avatar for mohankungumaraj
Member Avatar for morfious90

What salary Should I expect in New Delhi as Fresher ASP.NET web developer .net developer,in small company. I'm BCA and GNIIT(2 years software engineering diploma)?

Member Avatar for janeleonard

The End.