231 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

For me, it's a forum for forum owners called Forum Promotion, which gave me the idea to start this thread.

Member Avatar for Heatman
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for samaru

Is everyone familiar with this game? Just reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the last word posted. You can't respond to the post with a comment, just the word that comes to your mind. It can only be a word or a …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for The Dude

OK -- You take the LAST word of the sentence and make a new sentence. EX: A man lived by the water. The Result: [b]Water[/b] the grass.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for vesto
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for moderate_rock48
Member Avatar for tinhchet.mai.1

As every coin has two sides, making this the situation with each and every aspect in our life - having both pros and cons. With regards to playing games online, there were different opinions from people around the world, rooting with either the positive side or the pessimistic of it. …

Member Avatar for Israr_4
Member Avatar for mattyd

The game is as follows: You may change [I]up to two[/I] (2) letters in the given example by either: [LIST] [*]adding one\two letters [*]removing one\two letters [*]adding one letter, removing one letter[/LIST]Example: [LIST=1] [*]Ruin [*]Rain[/LIST]I will begin: [B]Flume[/B]

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for John_165

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way ~ Christmas is around the corner. Wishing you all Merry Christmas ! Let's us play a game by guessing the correct answers for the emoji pictionary given :)

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KevinVernon

I saw this game at other forum. I think its interesting. Lets play ;) Post something about the person above you, I'll start.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for exsoft
Member Avatar for Brandon Hatch

I used to love some of these games, and was wondering if anyone knew of any games that were similar. Games are Cookies and Cream, Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy (I think), and Spore.

Member Avatar for exsoft
Member Avatar for cproger

Anyone can type their best yo mama joke For example: Yo mama so fat, she rolled down the stairs.

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for <M/>

Lets get "nosy" about each other. So lets just ask those childish questions where you would be like, "Have you ever... went to Las Vegas". Do you guys get it? When you answer the above post, you can ask your own. Alright... Hopefully you guys get it. Here is the …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for Aeonix

I'm sitting in classroom, trying to find more advanced usage of pointers in C++, suddenly Googling, not suspecting a thing I almost fell of the chair in middle of class laughing like a donkey (I'm young adult, so "immature" jokes tend to be funnier for me than for you likely). …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for XP78USER

Seems like a new Game day! How About What's Next? HAVENT SEEN THIS GAME YET, CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG. You start off with a small phrase and the next person follows with a PHRASE starting with the last word of the phrase and so on... Examples: Want to play …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for <M/>

Think of someone's career/job and think of what will make you go "wait, what?"... Basically an irony is being built (i don't think irony is the best word). Anyways: Here is an example: A vet owning a slaughter house. Do you guys get it? Anyways, that was the first one. …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for christina>you

[B]The rules are simple:[/B] [B]Use [U]one[/U] word to start a story and then continue it.[/B] I will start: Once

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for jemdev03

Okay so I just invented this game and I don't know if this kind of game already exist here. Anyway, here are the simple rules: 1. Mention a game title (e.g. Pacman World) 2. The other players will then get the last letter of the previous entry and mention another …

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for ShouldAt3

Anyone played this game? Act 2 coming next week, i want to see the end of the story :D.

Member Avatar for MasterChat
Member Avatar for chilly_peppers

In this game you need to give wierd reasons to ban who's on top. i will start: **I Ban you for looking at me!**

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for Smn

any games like limbo and closure?? with atmospheric or real like sounds? any other indie games or any??

Member Avatar for KevinVernon

Post the **names** of your **favorite artist / band** and **Songs** of your **favorite artist / band** with the same letter as the 1st alphabet of name of The Band or Artist. My favourite band is "**Linkin Park**" and the song start with letter "L" is "**Lost In The Echo**"

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Jack_11

Maybe is there a way to make a feature so that we could code interactive posting games to make this even more fun.

Member Avatar for abelLazm

I found this game on another forum and found it really very interesting lets start it here :) hope everyone will enjoy it Make a wish, and let the next poster give you some bizarre result based upon your wish. Example: I wish I had a million dollars. Reply: "You …

Member Avatar for James_40
Member Avatar for awesomelemonade

here is how it goes, I played it on tnbforum.com ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer for example, why do dinosaurs lay eggs cause they are permanent why don't you lay eggs ...and so on I'll start why is the sky blue?

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for <M/>

What is your favorite thing/person/animal/etc.? Basically, all you do is say what is your favorite based off of the previous persons subject. For example, **Favorite Forum** Response: **Daniweb**. And after you give your response, put in another question saying what is their favorite whatever. Okay, hopefully you guys get it... …

Member Avatar for Bensirpent07
Member Avatar for mattster

So the game works like this: We start with a word, and each person must change that word. You must change **one letter only**, and you **may not add or remove letters**. For instance: fame -> game -> gate We'll start with the word **tool**

Member Avatar for Jack_9

The End.