Is everyone familiar with this game? Just reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the last word posted. You can't respond to the post with a comment, just the word that comes to your mind. It can only be a word or a short phrase.

Also remember to use the arrow --> in between the previous word/phrase and the new word/phrase you just thought of.

Also, You can't go twice in a row.

I'll start it off with:


Wireless -> Networking

in the sky with diamonds ---> Sean Penn

Penn Station --> Subway, eat fresh

sandwich --> yummy

Gummi Bears ;-)

gummi bears -> Mr. Bear (my little cute cuddly teddy bear)

Mr. Bear --> Yogi Bear

Jellystone Park -> Picnic Baskets

ants --> aardvark

nose -> dani

dani -> the best friend a nerd could ever have

(am i allowed to go twice in a row?)

a nerd's best friend --> a fast computer

(aww thanx tek LOL)

nose -> ears (why ears?!!!)

music -> Sound of Music

The Sound of Music --> These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things --> Iced Tea

lemonade --> Green

green lemonade?? :?:

green --> purple

purple => Fluffy

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