lagoon --> coconut

coconut --> pie

pie --> e

e --> phi (1,618....)

For the record it was a Monty Python reference.

I'm a Python fan, but have to say I didn't get the reference - had to go Google it.

Yours T.F. Gumby (my brain hurts...)

gibberish --> again (as in, "Me again?! You guys are slacking on your word associations.")

I got the Monty Python reference. But that doesn't mean it's not gibberish. I hate slapstick humor.

Seriously?! I need to go twice in a row b/c after almost two decades of this thread staying alive, no one's posted in 4 years?

OK, fine ...

snobby --> princess

Babel -> JavaScript 🙌

termites --> clint

As in "I have a pet termite named Clint. Clint eats wood".

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