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Yet another web developer from NY. =) The name's Dan. I'm a web developer/designer. I develop web applications using open source technologies for contract work and work with Microsoft technologies at my day job. I have a bachelors in computer science,…

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Member Avatar for samaru

Is everyone familiar with this game? Just reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you think of the last word posted. You can't respond to the post with a comment, just the word that comes to your mind. It can only be a word or a …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for samaru

I'm curious if anyone here likes Anime. If so, what are your favorite series?

Member Avatar for thompsonmax
Member Avatar for Dani

Welcome to the TTF community Soundman! If you or anyone want to check out what others are like (or share more about yourself), please check out the post "Tell Us About Yourself" found at [url=""][/url]

Member Avatar for jamesjoseph1
Member Avatar for Ziggynet

[QUOTE=Aussie_Here;1213119]Something like that might work: [CODE]UPDATE dembel SET userid = 8908 WHERE [Name] = 'o''reily'[/CODE] But before doing that you need to replace the name in ur db with double apostrophe using Replace: [CODE]Replace ("o'reily", " ' ", " '' ") [/CODE][/QUOTE] Why would he replace the data with a …

Member Avatar for Sherin Mathew
Member Avatar for samaru

Just curious. Hehe, I was thinking about this the other day and now I'm wondering what all you fellow coders out there have done. So what's the HARDEST most complicated program you've written? It doesn't have to be efficient, heck, it can all be spaghetti code. The hardest thing I've …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for floris

How could you have missed Oracle?! :p Sure I'd like to help, but ODBC and Access are not database servers. Access is just a database file and ODBC is an API to a database. If you want a list of databases, visit: [url=""][/url] Here's a list of what I think …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ajelliott

Personally, I recommend you stay with Dreamweaver. It has so many features that other authoring tools don't have. Then again, all those features may be overwhelming. For people starting off, for those who don't want to be web developers/designers, I recommend FrontPage. It's very easy to use because it resembles …

Member Avatar for Paul_49
Member Avatar for doctor_voyager

It might be because you went over their bandwidth limit or because they restrict your images to be viewed only from your site. Not from other sites. So you can't have your pages running on a different server. Depending on what free host you have, there's sometimes a trick to …

Member Avatar for John_79
Member Avatar for Mr Gates

You can create windows applications with pretty much any popular language out there, even Perl. I take it you haven't explored deep enough in the C++ realm to do any Windows programming. Visual Studio comes with premade classes where you can instantiate windows, buttons, controls, etc. You just use them. …

Member Avatar for melissad
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

You can use JavaScript to load a txt file via the XmlHttpRequest object (AJAX). You can code this yourself, or use framework like jQuery, which makes the process easily, basically use 1 line of code. For writing, since the txt file is on the server, you need a backend service, …

Member Avatar for Donald_2
Member Avatar for sayvari

Start here: [url=""][/url] Read through it all. They'll get you started in no time. They use an excellent non-boring tone so you won't kill yourself with techno-babble. That's how I learned web design/development. Once you're done with that, go to: [url=""][/url] And once you're done with that, go to: [url=""][/url]

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for doctor_voyager

Well, the first thing I noticed was that the image on the top wasn't loading (shinratopbannerv.2.gif). The second, your layout is being stretched out too far to the right. You make your table widths to 127%. Is there a reason? Change them to 100%. The rest are design issues. For …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for janzaldo

For a one dimensional array, use the implode() function: [php] $array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone'); $comma_separated = implode(",", $array); echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone [/php]

Member Avatar for mihai_daniel
Member Avatar for rhall

What you're trying to do I think is impossible, within Flash anyways. If you're trying to automate this process, all from within Flash, and by that I mean, when you press a Flash button, it takes a screen shot and saves it as a PDF in the background. If this …

Member Avatar for supadeni
Member Avatar for luckydude

I own this book. It's pretty good. [url=""][/url]

Member Avatar for geric823
Member Avatar for lgriess

Well, this topic has been beaten to death in other forums, but I'll give it one last whirl. Here's my personal take on it, after programming in CF for 10 years. There's no easy answer. When comparing technologies, there are some things that ARE JUST NOT quantifiable, like: > Which …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for Mr Gates
Member Avatar for theQube

I think for serious Java development, you should go for JBuilder. The features are just overwhelming. If you're starting to learn Java and are writing small programs (maybe for school) you'll want a light quick editor, and in this case, JCreator. That's the editor I use for most quick Java …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for charter

There is no problem with updating/inserting more than one record in a php page. [code] <form action="results.php." method="post"> [/code] Why do you have a period after results.php ? I hope it's just a typo in the post. As far as your other code, where in the code are you updating …

Member Avatar for ToniAdams
Member Avatar for aan160

Depends on what you're willing to do *[B]after[/B]* work hours - do you see yourself reading blogs, news sites, reading books, and doing personal projects and experiments about programming? Networking? It's hard to stay competitive by just doing a 9 to 5 job and not learning extra stuff. Tech moves …

Member Avatar for innocentlogic
Member Avatar for himerus

Yeah I remember this. It's a good thing that he pasted his code because I don't think one site exists that shows how to do this. Especially this clean. It's rare.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for gnomix

[QUOTE=Patrickske]It is possible to compile PHP code into a standalone application. I've seen a media-database that was written in PHP, but all I had to to is run an EXE file. I googled a bit and this is what I found: --quote from website [url=""][/url] -- Compile Stand Alone Applications …

Member Avatar for jakubmisek
Member Avatar for sciprog1

Aptana Studio 2. It's great because it supports code insight and autocomplete for JavaScript and JavaScript libraries, like jQuery. [url][/url] You can also try Notepad++. It has code coloring but not autocomplete/code insight: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for Moderns

[QUOTE=Moderns;1428506]Assume we have one button that fires ajax request[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Moderns;1428506]I am not looking for a solution to disable the button because the user might click on a link <a href='javascript:function()'>link</a> Also the user might click on others links, so it's not good solution.[/QUOTE] Not sure I follow if you first …

Member Avatar for Moderns
Member Avatar for Moderns

Pritaeas's solution is probably the simplest. Another option is to use the browser's offline local storage. To see what I mean, check out [url][/url] However, to make it "easy to use" as you say, you would have to use a framework (use the website's jStorage library), otherwise you'd have to …

Member Avatar for Moderns
Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks

Please also include your HTML. Where you say it fails is early enough in the code around where you're initializing your variables. Most likely you're trying setting an undefined variable and it's throwing off. Also, be aware that with parseInt, if the argument is invalid, it will throw a NaN, …

Member Avatar for ckdoublenecks
Member Avatar for michd77

Is your data properly encoded in XML safely? I would do a check by taking the XML document you're posting, keeping all the nodes intact, but replace all the data with simple like text. For example, replace every text node and attribute value to xxxxxxx. Try submitting that. Also, it …

Member Avatar for michd77
Member Avatar for ALorenzo91

Good start, but I think you could use a better defined data structure. How about an array of objects, like so: [CODE] // Defines an array of objects: StudentList = [ {}, {}, {} ]; StudentList[0].age = "29"; StudentList[0].semesterHours = 12; StudentList[1].name = "Venom"; StudentList[1].age = "32"; StudentList[1].semesterHours = 14; …

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