Hey there forum lurkers - all you people who are browsing the site but still haven't taken a minute to sign up. I just thought it would be a nice idea to welcome you all to the forums. Why not drop us a line and say howdy here? Heck, you don't even need to register to reply to threads here in the Geek's Lounge forum! Go ahead, introduce yourself ;)

<< update >> This thread has been moved to a new Introductions forum. (We're no longer just a single thread in the Geek's Lounge - we've moved up to a forum of our own). In addition, guest posting has been disabled due to abuse and spamming.

Hi This ids Airman new to this forum. I need help at times on problems I create for myself and some I don't. I still don't know how to post my problems to this site, I do have a few questions . Well Hello to all...

Up Up And Away

If you can respond to this thread, you can post your own question! The same way you clicked the post reply button while visiting a thread, go up one level, visit a forum, and click the new thread button :)

sry csc, I just took a course on AI and studied it in a lot detail.
my statement "rightly, they have not been programmed to do so" clearly reflects that it IS possible, and infact I know its pretty easy to do, which makes your comment rather redundant :p

eh ;)

now I know how you got those nearly 2000 posts ;)

eh ;) I meant it as a joke, mainly

oh so u edited it. but i was quick to reply :p
it was a poor joke, inviting thrashing for you :lol:

Hi, I'm The Soundman. You may have seen me in such posts as "Philosophies on Theology?" and "The Word Association Game".

Today I'm here to tell you a little about me, and what I'm doing to make the world a better place... Oh, wait a second... (papers rustling in the background) Sorry, wrong speech.

Yes today I'm here to tell you a bit about how I'm going to eventually take over the world using several boxes of rubber bands, toothpicks and an avatar that looks like a small white mouse with a disproportionately large head.

Seriously. I just a semi avarage - abnormal Canadian with interests in home audio, video, and computers (when the damned things work), and a perculiar sense of humor which I'm not afraid to use to my (dis) advantage!

I also have a serious background in things like classical and post modern music, (everything from Peter Frampton to Dave Matthews) and anamation and science fiction (I spent a great deal of money aquiring the dvd box sets of the early transformers animated series)

I have dabbled in a fair bit, and I don't claim to know everything, (hey if I did know everything it would take the fun out of this place.) but as David Wilcox put it "I know a little." I also have to say I'm glad I ran accross the place. And the picture on the cover certianly makes the place look interesting. (ducks head just in case of random slap.)

Hear's to a long and happy yap attack. :cool:

Welcome to the TTF community Soundman! If you or anyone want to check out what others are like (or share more about yourself), please check out the post "Tell Us About Yourself" found at http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread115.html

Well it's been a long time but I am finally back. I told everyone, I think when I left, I need to get my life on track well it is on track.

So now I am at work and I will be going home soon I will be posting again just a matter of this week. Starting tomorrow you will see a lot of me & I will try to answer questions as well as post.

See you guys in a bit hope everyone had a good weekend.

Welcome back. So, are you a C++ guru yet? Remember you said you were going to take up the language like two years ago? ;)

Yep I know haha not yet but I am doing some hardcore batch programming. So far I am designing this program like a RISK process where the batch file runs a set of commands once it is finished it kills it's self and another batch file pickups the slack. That way it never crashes. I been playing with a lot of stuff at work learning a little bit of SQl/Oracle so databases kinda of getting the hold down on there power and what they can do.

But for the programming side I am learning slowly and I think maybe this year I will pick up the basics of it. But right now I dont know jack about programming in general expect cool little batch scrpits that page my pager then something is up. Those are my two cents I will be back talking more about programming this coming up week.

Cool. Let me know what programming language you go with.

Hey, that's cool. That's what the Geek's Lounge is for! Enjoy, post, chat, and have fun. If you choose to register, it's free and instant.

Whoops keep forgeting to do this. Well I'm Redshift I found this forum through Dani's post on another forum. I live in Ireland where I work for the national Telco in my spare time I play around with computers and networking and such I also recently started a website and bulletin board for a voluntary organisation of which i'm a long time member. Thats about it i'm glad to be here it's really a great forum.



greets everyone. Im a noob and I think Ill kick my feet up and stay for a while.

Welcome to you all, Lurkers and Newly Registered Users. Nice to see the community growing, hope you find the solutions to all your tech problem's.

hi all... me here... not much to say, well, bye now... so little time, so many posts to read...

Hey all! I wanted to take the opportunity to say:

Thank you so much! I was freaking at not having that info bar at the bottom of IE, and a quick google search landed me directly at the solution posted by floris in the IE support forum. Thanks to floris!!

Thanks to "cscgal" whom I assume is *the* Daniweb Dani? You're very adorable in addition to being intelligent; please forgive the compliment from a stranger :)

Also, inscissor, very awesome graphics :) Naruto is the best!

Thanks for helping me out, everybody! I think I might be sticking around for fun.


That all sounds just great! Yup, I'm Dani :)

Also, inscissor, very awesome graphics :) Naruto is the best!

It most certainly is! My favorite Anime so far. Lee's story is so encouraging. ^_^

Hello. :)

My name is Patrick O'Keefe. I am 19, live in Brandon, Mississippi, USA and I was homeschooled for all grades through high school. I own the iFroggy Network (maybe I will be able to get a sig setup here soon ;)), am a SitePoint Advisor, regular contributor to SitePoint as well as other things.


What up .... my name is maRC, passed high skool barely... not going to college yet do own my own biznez though... www.trickpipes.com... (really its a shop here in Paxton, the website we sell exhaust.mufflers.etc.).... i also build my own Subwoofer boxes... and computer and Remote Controlled Cars.... im now racing a mini t ---> team losi ... its great... other than that i get my knowledge from others like me and yous.. forums are a key to open many doors... thanks to all and i hope i can help ... laterz..

haha just by what you have in your sig I like you all ready. Welcome


what up mad_dog. thanks.. . YO everyone we'd like to meet yous.. post about yourself!!!

Greetings and Salutations.....

I happened upon this site during one of my pointless web searches. Turns out I may have found a good source of info as well as a good group of chums in the process.

I probably would have continued on had it not been for the bubbly smile of a certain member... *:o*

But since this isn't the singles thread...I'll save that drivel for another day. :cheesy:

Cheers! See you round.

Welcome to the TTF

this will become confusing if Im not careful, my forum's abreviation is TF

Hey, Im me what more can I say?

Unregistered, welcome! Please register with the forums and then post your message in the appropriate forum. This isn't the place for any form of support.

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