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About Me

Just moved home back from Austin, Texas. I've been in the semi-conductor industry down in Texas for the past five years or so, programming and doing Linux administration. Now I do the same, in a much colder climate.

Guitar (just like half the people in here I'm guessing) Reading

63 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Dani

Hey soundman, you like animation? My company partner is also partner in another company* called [url=""][/url], check out these trailers, let me know if you like em: [url=""][/url] [url=""][/url] *Note: Not trying to sell anything, Arik (the animator and producer) is really talented, just sending the trailers from one animation …

Member Avatar for jamesjoseph1
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for AlPhA

PHP is pretty easy to learn, quite honestly. Just go here: [url=""][/url] When you are ready to begin more advanced development, use this: Classes and Objects (PHP5): [url=""][/url] PHP5 now has many of the OO features included in Java. In my opinion, PHP would be the way to go. You …

Member Avatar for vouxiong
Member Avatar for klejeune

This may be of some help: [url=""][/url]

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for harmeet

Perhaps this will work: 1.) Open your device manager. 2.) Search for Mouse Device Installed. 3.) Go to properties 4.)Check our the advanced setting for VMWare Virtual Mouse pointer 5.)Try changing some of the settings 6.)Restart VM Also, are you using an Optical Mouse?

Member Avatar for anunay.amar
Member Avatar for fakespike

[QUOTE=gkdmaths]Based on the assumtion that power is derived from, or otherwise is faceted to knowledge, I'd have to agree with him in the idea that knowledge is not power. Basically, you must first define both power and knowledge. If power is the ability to develop spontaneous advantage over a competitor; …

Member Avatar for anu07
Member Avatar for michael123

This should work: [CODE]class replace_this { public function replace($replace,$replacewith,$inme) { $doit = str_replace ("$replace", "$replacewith", $inme); print("$doit"); } } $rp = new replace_this(); $rp->replace(" ",'',"This is text");[/CODE]

Member Avatar for bhebs_quines
Member Avatar for fsn812

Who here would prefer Java over PHP, or PHP over JAVA? If you prefer one over the other, for whatever reason or application, why? Specific code comparisons are appreciated

Member Avatar for mama_rock
Member Avatar for fsn812

A very simple PHP/Javascript snippet to detect the resolution of a user's monitor and create a table using that resolution to best fit within the user's browser (to avoid scrolling). Note: This is a PHP script which includes Javascript

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for michael123

Straight from [url=""][/url] regarding [url=""]array_unique[/url]: [b]array_unique[/b] (PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5) array_unique -- Removes duplicate values from an array [b]Description[/b] array array_unique ( array array ) array_unique() takes input array and returns a new array without duplicate values. Note that keys are preserved. array_unique() sorts the values treated as …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for vnnguy

As YoungCoder stated, become familiar with [url=""][/url] You can search for functions, tutorials, and a vast array of information provided through My suggestion is to start with PHP 5.x and Mysql 4.x combo. No reason to start with (PHP) 4.3.x or (Mysql) 3.x.x at this point. What are you …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for dina

I have worked on large scale projects using Oracle, medium sized projects using MySQL, and some small projects using Access. All have worked great for the most part. However, I have seen problems with Access and I am not impressed overall. I'm sure Access is great for small single user …

Member Avatar for morphosin
Member Avatar for leroytrolley

[QUOTE=sarahk]I use a free script called [url=""]phpMailer[/url] which lets you do attachments really easily as well as embedded images. The docs and examples all go with it but if you get stuck just post back here.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the link. :)

Member Avatar for mike4
Member Avatar for fsn812

This is probably a little off from the regular threads, but here goes: How many of you actually like Wine, expensive or cheap (over 21 please, we don't need any incriminating threads)? I have tried wine ranging from cheap to expensive, recently aged to very aged... and it all tasted …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for nissiinfotech

I'm not a networking guy, but can't this be done through a router on the WAN -> Local level? Perhaps looking into a firewall might help.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for fsn812

I've been gone from the forum for a few years now and I have to say, I'm quite impressed with the route this forum has taken. It appears quite a few people have gained knowledge and help from this site. Just curious, how many of you where surprised (in a …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for mitchdawg22

This may help. I have a speaker/sub setup that is meant for RCA. I was using it for my DVD player/Television. I went to Radio Shack and bought size converters, and a converter for merging two lines into one, so it could be plugged into my SB16 (yes. sad old …

Member Avatar for ehfr
Member Avatar for samaru

Name: Ross Nickname: They call me the 'tin-can-man' at the shelter... I don't know why. My wife calls me the hamburgler. My son (2 year old) just looks at me and throws crayons in disgust. Age: 22 Height: Tall enough not to be considered a midget, short enough not to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ashneet

From Zend: == [b]Chapter 35. Cookies[/b] PHP transparently supports HTTP cookies. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the remote browser and thus tracking or identifying return users. You can set cookies using the [b]setcookie()[/b] or [url=""][b]setrawcookie()[/b][/url] function. Cookies are part of the HTTP header, so [url=""][b]setcookie()[/b][/url] must be …

Member Avatar for ashneet
Member Avatar for ashwinperti

You are already running the latest stable version of WAMP: [url=""][/url] If you want the latest RC release, go here: [url=""][/url] You may want to read this first (taken from site): [QUOTE] RE-RELEASE OF THE WAMP5 1.4.5 A special "unofficial" release for those who would like to try …

Member Avatar for ashwinperti
Member Avatar for JC_McGeekster

I have never used TPL, but somewhere (on another forum I think) I read: [QUOTE]TPL files are text files filled with blocks of html that are included in their respective spots.[/QUOTE] I found one [url=""]tutorial[/url] that may be kind of close to what you are looking for. It certainly was …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for server_crash

Does the header's domain name differ from the 'From' domain name in the email received? The reason I ask, is because the spam filtering software for the registered user's may not allow your mail to come through normally if the domain names do not match. It might help if you …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for jeepj27

The following code might help for what you are looking for. I took the width and height in the table from the screen resolution (taken from the cookie and split) and reduced them by 300 (so that it would fit inside a browser without scrolling - set this to whatever …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for pdewijs

Is this on your home box? If so, is it safe to assume you are accessing your web server locally or within your local home network (as opposed to having the site/server offsite)? If that is the case, I would lean toward the stability of your setup (especially if you …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for ashneet

[QUOTE=ashneet]I m not sure if this is right question to ask. I am trying to get php to make PDF file and email it to some one when they enter enough information. is it even possible as i have no idea how would you do this...[/QUOTE] [url=""][/url] Quote from site: …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for aarya
Re: Lamp

Here is a great tutorial for building a LAMP Server: [url=""]Lamp HowTO: Building a LAMP Server[/url]

Member Avatar for ihostdev
Member Avatar for jewboy

[QUOTE=Narue]>Does he or she win a free turkey? A life. And he or she can have yours since you're obviously not using it.[/QUOTE] Holy crap, that's kind of harsh as the comment seemed innocent enough, don't you think? ;)

Member Avatar for >shadow<
Member Avatar for aarya
Member Avatar for aarya
Member Avatar for aarya

aarya, I would recommend that you purchase one of the following: [url=""]Professional LAMP[/url] [url=""]Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL, Web Development[/url] [url=""]Core PHP Programming: Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites[/url] You seem to have quite a few questions, and this is a great place to start. However, you may want to …

Member Avatar for digital-ether

The End.