What super power would you most likely want?

Mind reader/controller for sure!

This way I'll be able to tell what people are thinking about me. Also, if I can control peoples minds, can you say "WORLD DOMINATION"? 8)

i dont know its hard to say i went with super strength but it was a hard decision to make. super speed looks pretty good, and so does metamorphisis.

Yeah I know. I went with metamorphosis. Think of how many people you can mess with and get away with it. 8)

metamorphosis is something i would want my girlfriend to have. jst think of the possiblilities. :twisted: a different women everynite and its not even cheating. :D

Hmm, can't a character in X-Men 2 do that?

What superpower would I most likely want? Simple. The ability to fart at will. When I was at school "Lanky" Richardson could do it, and he commanded respect.

Failing that, the ability to invent things that would truly benefit the human race:

- self-washing dishes
- a never-ending toilet roll
- a cordless hoover
- a plant that grows pizzas
- a supermarket trolley that hovers, without wheels
- a ladies perfume that smells like a bacon sandwich

... the list is endless ...

Also, a nice ability is to get "yes" for answer, no matter what you ask and want.


I'd just like to invent a money tree. :P

Or have a magical pocket that contains infinite $100 dollar bills.

Dan, I like your idea better, because knowing me I'd forget to give it water and sunlight and kill the money tree within a week and then look where I'd be! Then again, pockets aren't always the greatest fashion statement either ;)

What super power would you most likely want?

mind reader/controller by far.

Does mind reader/controller come with telekenesis? ;)

Does mind reader/controller come with telekenesis? ;)

Don't you mean "telekinesis." :shock:

Rule #1: Spelling isn't essential on my free time! =oP

Telekinesis would be a different ability all together. Oh yeah, how could everyone forget the best ability of all... being able to see through clothes!

Mmmhm indeed, the ability I yearned for the majority of my younger years =oP

Dan, I like your idea better, because knowing me I'd forget to give it water and sunlight and kill the money tree within a week and then look where I'd be! Then again, pockets aren't always the greatest fashion statement either ;)

Yeah I know what you mean. That plant in your dorm room was dying for water. And you left it next to the heater too!

Pockets aren't always in fashion? What are you talking about? The only time pockets would look bad on someone is if they were naked. Yeah, naked with pockets.

Ok how about this. A magic glove that when you put it on, everything you touched turned into diamond/platinum/gold. Just make sure you do not go to the bathroom with it.

Oh yeah, how could everyone forget the best ability of all... being able to see through clothes!

And the ability NOT to, when it suits you of course ;-)

Of course! You would have to be like Superman, able to turn the power on and off at will ;o)

I've always wondered how someone would control their super powers. I can understand controlling flight. Even super speed. But super strength, I think would be hard to control, especially when you're angry.

If you could control minds, then you could make everyone else *think* that you had all the other superpowers. I'll take that one.


If you could control minds, then you could make everyone else *think* that you had all the other superpowers. I'll take that one.

Well, what if they still threw a building at you? Or worse, if someone you didn't even know planted a bomb in your city and you had 10 seconds left... hard to do anything if you're stuck at home doing the dishes and you need to get/find/diffuse the bomb without teleportation/super speed/intelligence/strength. :cool:

Oh, that avatar is freaky.

The power to produce TV Dinners on demand (preheated of course)

Edit: Oh, guess I should pick one from the list... the ability to fly. Hmmm.... I would settle for a mobility chair, the less effort the better I say. When they put twin turbos on those I'm all over it.

I choosed mind-reader/controller like Yuri because then he could even control a teleporter!

I choosed mind-reader/controller like Yuri because then he could even control a teleporter!

choosed? or chose?
how can u control a teleporter w/ a mind-reader or a mind-contoller.

some ppl like being thrashed

You guys are missing my point. If you're a mind reader, you have to know who's mind to read. An alien from out of space could easily launch a bomb the size of the sun to the earth and you would never have expected it. Ouch.

I went with Teleportation. I always wanted to just be able to think of being somewhere and then just being there. That and that it is the other superpower that I would want at the moment. I mean flying through the air can get you where you want to go, but it is just not fast enough. I am late all the time

I thought mind-readers or controllers had the ability to monitor everyone's minds that's why I took mind-reading.As for the Alien-thingy,hey come on we are the greatest creation of God isn't that a lame idea - though a bit realistic - to expect Aliens to throw bombs at us without any investigation ?

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