cramped -> doomed

done -->Nuclear fall-out

radiation -> Uranium

Uranium => Use Protection

// its radioactive substance. hence you must use some sort of protection ;)

User protection -> Father Christmas Worm

Father Christmas Worm --> Earthworm Jim

Earthworm Jim --> Genesis

(I was never impressed with that game myself)

garden -> salad

Sin --> Sin^2(x) + Cos^2(x) = 1


Alone --> Kevin McCallister

Kevin McCallister -> who cares

who cares -> monster inc. :cheesy:

monster inc. --> The Munsters

Kevin McCallister -> who cares

Do you know who he is without doing a Google search?

The Munsters --> Bad TV

Bad TV --> Mad TV

Mad TV -> TV Time

Do you know who he is without doing a Google search?

No, I have no clue who he is or what he does. Is he real?

TV Time -> TV Dinner

TV-Dinner --> Howerd Stern

is on...later

Howard Stern --> Babbabooie

No, I have no clue who he is or what he does. Is he real?

Have you ever seen this movie:


Which is why I responded with "Kevin McCallister" when someone said
"Alone." The kid's name is Kevin McCallister played by Macaulay Culkin.

Babbabooie --> Ape

(I can't say I liked home alone much but it was better then some comedys I've seen)

commented: Babbabooie --> Ape BIG"B"Affleck +30

Ape --> Donkey Kong

(That movie rules!)

Nintendo -> ps2

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