Japan --> Anime

Anime -> Shrek

shrek > Disney

Disney --> Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse --> Public Domain

public domain > jpg

jpg -> JPEG 2000

jpeg 2000 --> algorithm

I heard that jpeg 2000 used relatively the same algorithm as the original jpeg, the main difference being it was just coded much more efficiently.

algorithm --> mathematics

Mathematics -> Panic attack :)

nose---> nosey (like me)

Nose..? Where'd that come from? :)

Anyways, I'll use that then.

Nosey --> smelly

smelly -> yuck

yuck -> duck

sucks > liposuction -> localhost

Not really a word there, Camel. :)

oh sorry I didn't know...

Localhost -> eavesdropping twenty-five

hope this is okay..

eavesdropping twenty-five --> spies

spies-->james bond

007 --> password

encryption --> md5

md5 -> Caesar cipher decryption software

Caesar cipher decryption software -> Coding Theory

// coding theory is a wonderful subject. just 1 week to go for my semester exams, and this onez gonna be the first one.

Coding Theory -> Hamburger

Don't even ask.

Hotdog -> Sandwitch

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