sandwitch -> parantha
// guess what it is
parantha -> fat
// loads of ghee
fat --> weight
weight --> measure
Measure -> Dickometer
Dickometer -> 8086
// wtf is dickometer
8086 -> l337
l337 -> j@y@n7
// 8086 was a processor by Intel before 286's 386's 486's and then pentiums
j@y@n7 -> R2D2
R2D2 --> Star Wars ??
star wars??? -> I speaks very very Good english !
dualies --> dual processor
dual processor -> single mindedness
single mindedness -> focussed :)
Focussed - DIMM
Dimm --> Ram
Ram --> Scoop
scoop -> ice-cream
icecream -> h0t
hot --> cold
cold --> Nova Scotia
(OK not all the time, just in the winter - BRRRRRR)
Nova Scotia -> state
// i am going off to study as i post this one
state -> status
status -> blending
// btw , i made my self-made nova as an avatar? does it look like an actuall
Blending --> Milkshakes
Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do druuuuugs... But I have my weeknesses all the same. Mmmmmmm..... Junkfood! :)
Milkshakes -> knoppix
knoppix --> CD-ROM
CD-ROM --> disks
disks --> storage
Storage --> Cramped
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