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Ranked #4K
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PC Specs
Celeron1.7 - 384ram - 2-40gig HD - 1 is Win XP - 2 is RH9

44 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for bigpoppapumpg

Which is better, dunno, what is it you are trying to do? Why don't you try them, and find out which works best for you. I could tell you which one is the clear winner, but that won't help you. My needs will probably be differant than your needs. Try …

Member Avatar for tyson567
Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Is Alice still around or turned off? quote: I'm told that "you can have anything you want in Alice's resturaunt. Now that is a good album. :)

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for A Monkeys Uncle
Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for alc6379

alc6379, I was starting to learn python. I am working my way towards LPI 1, and was looking through 1 & 2. I found in topic 213, you have to be able to write simple perl scripts and install Perl modules from CPAN. So now I will have to start …

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Knoppix is a great idea and works well. Slax-Live CD is another good one that I use at work and school. You do have to remember that these live distros will run slower on you machine than a hardrive install will. Check out this site for more: [url][/url] One other …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for njwnews

quote: Anyways, I installed Linux Redhat 7.3. Redhat 8 and 9 didn't work, it just woden't boot. I also tried Mandrake 9.1, same thing. I guess older versions only work on my Gateway. First of all, make sure you burn your cds as isos, not data cds. Second, go into …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for twilli227

Hot Air Baloon A man is standing on a hilltop when a man riding in a hot air balloon starts to drift by. The man in the balloon asks "Do you know where I am?" The man on the ground replies "In a hot air balloon." The man in the …

Member Avatar for jbarry315
Member Avatar for BLynch

Blynch, the popups do not have anything to do with the wiring in your house. That is your computers problem. Now as far as the wiring and not knowing anything about your house or what the electrician actually did, what did he do? He should have made sure the polarity …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for bluedos82
Member Avatar for condorcanqui

quote: I already extract the files to my documents and is name samba-3.0.1 There is no "MY Documents" in linux, unless you created a file or directory with that name yourself. Like you said, you have extracted the file, then did you do like BigB told you above? You have …

Member Avatar for tarsis
Member Avatar for f575gtc

f575gtc, nice screen shots. I really like the one on the left. Now I am not much of a window user, but how hard is it to change to a look like that? And please don't laugh at me. :D I tried going to that web site, but it would …

Member Avatar for omi
Member Avatar for jleach45

quote: Just install both... and decide for yourself Good point Tekmaven, I installed both to see what they both offered. I have migrated to kde, just didn't like the feel of gnome.

Member Avatar for ayksolutions
Member Avatar for movielad

I use ext3 on my RH9 box. I will be switching distros shortly and will probably check out a couple of the other ones. This is just a home box, so I don't know if I will see any differances.

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Redshift

Redshift, I posted the same thing on another forum back in December. The ending was a little different: The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. And you're one …

Member Avatar for moderate_rock48
Member Avatar for bluedos82

I was just wondering, what is it with the avatars? I have never used any in the forums that I sign up for. Just wondering if it is a way to express yourself or just something to do?

Member Avatar for Junior89
Member Avatar for Zachery

I have used tigerdirect and not had any problems. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for YoungCoder
Member Avatar for windowsMEsucks

What kind of hardware do you have? Can you put more ram on your system?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ep2002

I don't know how much he allready knows, but check out these sites, some might be dated [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Do different searches in google to find more info [url][/url]

Member Avatar for ep2002
Member Avatar for Slade

slade, you should feel lucky, I click on the search button and get nothing, nada. :cry: sorry, if I right click on it and open it in a new window or tab, the search feature shows up, my bad

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for blindxp

Quote: But I lost a $17 PSU that I can replace (yeah right) and then fork out the $600 in parts burned up. I have 2 HDs on a raid card and 512 PC3200 RAM and a Athlon XP1800. Not exactly impressive. To me that is a decent system, to …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Monte

Does it move only when she is online, or does it move offline also? Is the mouse speed set too high?

Member Avatar for Monte
Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL

The thing is, there are "zealots" in any of the os camps. Just learn to deal with it and move on. One of my IS professors is a big Mac user, but does not preach about it. He is always interested in my linux experiences, and even asked me to …

Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL
Member Avatar for TKSS

TKS, alot off people learned to use a computer using windows. They either don't want to get out of their comfort zone or don't need to. Windows will take care of their needs(word proccesor, e-mail, games, etc.) Just be glad that you have an option to use a different OS. …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for afdrano

afdrano, do you leave your computer on at night? You may be sleeping, but if the computer is on, well then.... Have you tried to google for more info? I also noticed how big that file is 261 - 279 megs, have you tried to delete it?

Member Avatar for afdrano
Member Avatar for CLEARICE01

So let me get this straight, you are missing about 1.6 gigs on your harddrive? Well, I am not sure about xp pro, but xp home takes about 1.5 gigs to load on the harddrive. That would be about right though, the operating system does use disk space. Am I …

Member Avatar for drummerboy
Member Avatar for The Soundman

quote: Nobody should ever buy a Celeron, for any reason, no matter what. That is a bit extreme. I have used celerons for some time and I have not had any problems with them. Remeber, most people use their computers to write reports, e-mail, and surf the net. Celerons will …

Member Avatar for ZeekeDaGeek
Member Avatar for stoudta

Try resetting you ram sticks first, if that does not work, try another stick that you know is good. That is all I can help you with so far. I tried googling, but did not come up with much. Seems like you are having alot of problems with new parts. …

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for J☼E

Will you pick me up a couple of them for that price? I don't think you will find a better deal. 2.99 huh? :cheesy:

Member Avatar for J☼E
Member Avatar for viperman224

I agree with The Soundman. I have a P11 400Mhz 100 fsb and I use PC133 memory. I have not had any problems. Also check around for pricing. I just got a Tigerdirect catalog and the prices are around $50 for 256MB. Check with friends, family, or school to see …

Member Avatar for twilli227

The End.