Yeah, I read about this yesterday ;)

i had the same feelings when i read that earlier today. i cant believe it. and they only offered him 10 bucks which is also bull

i dont know but i dont think this kid shouldn't give up his site for anything less then 100,000 dollars, jst because he isnt violating any copyright laws, i wouldn't think jst cause the name sounds like microsoft doesnt mean ppl are goin to get it mixed up. everyone in there right mind knows you spell it microsoft and not mikerowesoft its jst plain stupid that microsoft is that bad about every little thing. they jst need to quit worry about all this little stuff and focus on there software they are putting out so there software doesnt start goin thru the crapper :) and maybe trying to fight off linux and the Open source community which i dont think they will be able to do. but thats not what this thread is for talking so i will end it now :)
/end rant

i dont know but i dont think this kid should give up his site for anything less then 100,000 dollars, jst because he isnt violating any copyright laws, i wouldn't think jst cause the name sounds like microsoft doesnt mean ppl are goin to get it mixed up. everyone in there right mind knows you spell it microsoft and not mikerowesoft its jst plain stupid that microsoft is that bad about every little thing. they jst need to quit worry about all this little stuff and focus on there software they are putting out so there software doesnt start goin thru the crapper :) and maybe trying to fight off linux and the Open source community which i dont think they will be able to do. but thats not what this thread is for talking so i will end it now :)
/end rant

i agree :)

Well, if you had 50 billion in the bank, what else are you going to spend it on? ;)
I agree though, alot of this kind of stuff just gets out of hand.

Oh man.. I want to see what happens to him / microSoft. :P

He really aught to fight this. $10 is an insult. Even $1000 is nothing to that company. He could really give Microsoft bad publicity if he tried. Seeing this as a risk, only then would Microsoft come in and give some money for his troubles. I still can't believe... $10.... *sigh*

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