27 Topics

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Member Avatar for khess

I've had several people ask me what I think the best, top, most user friendly, ultimate, and so on distribution is--so now I'm publishing my Top 10 Linux Distributions in reverse order of preference. Ease of installation, commercial support, community support, updates, administrative tools, stability, performance, and to a lesser …

Member Avatar for eldergeek
Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

I have a slackware 13.1 tower computer and an Ubuntu 10.04 netbook. The netbook has an Atheros AR9285 wireless adapter, and I just recently got a Netgear WG111v3 USB wireless for the tower. I got the ndiswrapper driver working for the Netgear, and I have been previously been using the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

Hi all, I have a Pentium 4 with hyper-threading on my Slackware machine. Currently I am running the non-SMP kernel, but I want the option to be able to boot with the SMP kernel as well. I already have Lilo installed on my computer and have a large …

Member Avatar for tallship

I was urged to do this write up in the form of a new thread... so here we go! --- Installing from source on Linux is indeed about as easy as it gets (Much easier than installing a wYNd0z3 app). There are excellent tools to accomplish this in Slackware Linux …

Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

I am adding a secondary hard drive to my dell tower. I am wanting to duel boot Windows XP and Slackware Linux. I currently have only Windows XP on my computer, but I am not sure what formating it has on it. My question is: what format should I use …

Member Avatar for zelkea
Member Avatar for lenni

Hi everyone, I find myself having to administer a linux web proxy server, and I have hardly any knowledge of linux whatsoever. So far google has given me a huge helping hand, but I've come across a little problem I cannot get round, so I desperately need your help now. …

Member Avatar for lenni
Member Avatar for Grand666

hi all, i hope this is in the right place. im a newbie and want to gain much experience with linux as server and maybe say 2 or 3 clients, all different OS's. at my work we have lots of pc's laying around and I have the okay from my …

Member Avatar for Firewolf
Member Avatar for Grand666

hey guys. okay. i googled my a s s off and I can't find someone or a website that explains what these files mean when you download the dvd for slackware? I want to make a quadruple boot external hard drive with Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware and CentOs on it. Basicaly …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for khess

Welcome to the 10th installment of the Crystal Ball Sunday series. This is an exciting time to be involved with Linux because the temperature is right for some Linux vendor consolidation. In my August 22nd post, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3012.html"]Microsoft and Novell: Buying In or Selling Out[/URL], I subtly predicted that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] would …

Member Avatar for blink22
Member Avatar for khess

Since I check my linkbacks religiously, I noticed one of the comments over at [URL="http://www.linsux.org"]linsux.org[/URL] (An anti-Linux rant site) on my recent post, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story226405.html"]5 Things You Can Do to Put Linux in the Driver Seat[/URL]" and thought I would share one of the entries with you. He wants us Linux …

Member Avatar for legolas558
Member Avatar for gerard4143

Hi everyone, I recently installed Slackware 13/x86_64 on one of my boxes and now I'm having troubles with Python code that uses threading and Tkinter. This problem never existed on other Linux distro's, it just appeared with Slackware. The box in question Acer Athlon x86_64 single core used to run …

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for rich3800

Hi, I'm (fairly) new to Daniweb, coming in from Linux Today, my favorite Linux info web site. As far back as I can remember, I remember downloading and installing Slackware 95, Download stacks and stacks of floppies over a dialup connection. and then do the "toaster" thing. Out comes one …

Member Avatar for khess

If I hadn't already known--or at least had some idea of the religious zeal I was about to face, I would have been more shocked at the response to my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4525.html"]2009's 10 Worst Linux Distributions[/URL] post from the other day. I now have definitive evidence that Linux is a religion--a …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for khess

Prejudices and opinions aside, at some point in your career you'll be asked to select a viable Linux distribution for your corporate network. How will you choose? Will you use the same distribution that you use at home or will you do some research and find something that's corporate-ready? Are …

Member Avatar for rachanta
Member Avatar for slacke

The time is right now - I'm going to move my server from SUSE Enterprise to Slackware. It is not about that I don't like SUSE, I just like Slackware more. The main job will be the mail server - I did use postfix and cyrus imap in SUSE with …

Member Avatar for slacke
Member Avatar for KF4SQB

I've just installed Slackware version 12.0 on an Acer Aspire 5520. When I boot to Linux, I just get a command line. Why am I not getting a GUI? I selected for X and KDE to be installed during setup, so why do they not work? BTW, I'm a Linux …

Member Avatar for AceofSpades19
Member Avatar for KF4SQB

I've installed Slackware 12.0 to my Acer Aspire 5520, and the sound doesn't work. It recognizes the soundcard, and it appears that the drivers are installed, but I don't get any sound. Where should I check, and what should I look for.

Member Avatar for KF4SQB
Member Avatar for tl2050

Okay, i have this computer that I...yes...found in my garage. It was a gift from my parents when i started highschool (its OLD). At one point it got a new harddrive, so its got an 80gig drive, 256MB RAM, Athlon 1.2Ghz (which variant I am unsure of), various USB ports, …

Member Avatar for Sturm
Member Avatar for mepnoob2005

I've been reading some posts where some newbs have had trouble installing slackware. So I have put together this little how to so they can get slackware installed. I usually only help with MEPIS as I feel it is the best linux but for those who want to try and …

Member Avatar for jay.smith
Member Avatar for linux

I have a Redhat computer, and am going to install Slackware on another HD, so: Is there an app that can read / run Windows Executables (EXE's)? Such as something called KEXE or GEXE?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ganooch

I downloaded the Slackware iso images from the Slackware site and burnt them to CD. I have Windows XP currently and want to dual boot with Slackware. I put the CD in the CD dirve and rebooted after ensuring that my boot order was CD-rom first. I can't get the …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for extofer

You can read about my linux experience here: [url]http://www.gabrielvilla.com/forum/?p=9[/url] and my question is about Gentoo. I decided to install Gentoo, but after printing pages of the installation guide, I could not get too far. Two things??? is there a ditro as good as gentoo (not red hat or mandrake or …

Member Avatar for extofer
Member Avatar for epsos

hi i want to install slackware onto my laptop i have a 10g hardrive and i dnt wnt a partition for windows as my desktop is my windows i want linux straight down on me laptop lol i have read guides but get stuck partitioning for linux dpartitions is it? …

Member Avatar for mittelgeek
Member Avatar for roadhippie

I have a small server that I would like to install Slackware Linux on but am not sure whether the 10.1 would support the hardware I have. dual Opteron 240 AMD processors Tyan S2880 K8S motherboard 1 gb ddr ram Adaptec Ultra 320 SCSI controller 2 30gb maxtor scsi drives …

Member Avatar for mittelgeek
Member Avatar for TKSS

Hi all, For all of us slackware users out there...I was wondering what version you run currently. I met someone last week that was still running 4.0 at his home and had a hardended kernel and the machine had been up for years. Made me think that there may be …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Sphyenx

I've been tweaking with it. I want to reinstall linux on my PC, considering I just said f**k it to the wireless nic, and purchased a nice 50 foot cat5 cable. lol. I Poped in the CD, and walahhh, im half way there, im run up Fdisk and/or cfdisk, neither …

Member Avatar for Sphyenx
Member Avatar for big_k105

[URL=http://science.slashdot.org/science/04/11/16/1846207.shtml?tid=134&tid=106]http://science.slashdot.org/science/04/11/...tid=134&tid=106[/URL] This is the slashdot article about it which will point you to [URL=http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware-current/PAT-NEEDS-YOUR-HELP.txt]http://slackware.osuosl.org/slackware-curr...S-YOUR-HELP.txt[/URL] the report that Patrick Volkerding wrote himself. Hopefully the doctors here in fargo will beable to help him :)

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The End.