53 Topics
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My name is Ray Brad. I am a learner in Salesforce development and administration, and I also have knowledge of Java concepts. If anyone has questions related to these topics, feel free to comment, and I will do my best to answer them. | |
What are the best practices for ensuring data consistency and integrity when using cloud storage for large-scale applications? Specifically, how do different platforms handle issues like eventual consistency, data replication across regions, and conflict resolution in distributed environments? Are there any recommended tools or strategies to optimize these processes for … | |
A couple of weeks ago Alfresco CTO [URL="http://twitter.com/johnnewton"]John Newton[/URL] posted the following tweet on Twitter: [I]"Does Cloud = SaaS [Software as a Service]? I don't think so. Cloud is computing, more like electricity."[/I] My gut reaction was that they were equal, and up until that moment I had used the … | |
How does Cloudwatch work and how does it integrate with other AWS services? | |
To put it mildly, it's been a bad week for cloud computing. First of all word got out that Microsoft, the keepers of the data for users of Sidekick phones [URL="http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Microsoft-T-Mobile-Sidekick-Data-Lost,8832.html"]completely hosed the data.[/URL] I mean kaput, gone, vanished. See you later, bye. If you don't have a back up, … | |
I'm trying to find a concrete example where that type is used, I can't find any on the whole internet, the documentation of the package is very advanced or doesn't give details. It all started from trying to find an error that was "*goneException*" when using *postToConnectionInput* to a client … | |
When it comes to enterprise computer technology, everything seems to be happening in the cloud these days. Offsite storage was one of the first iterations of cloud computing and is continuing to gain traction as a smart way for companies to safely retain data. You're probably familiar with the typical … | |
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Hi to all ! I need your help. Actually I have enrolled in final year project and chosed Data Warehouse. According to the project scenario I made dimension tables and fact tables. Before making star schema, I want that you check my dimension and fact tables. I am giving you … | |
Well i know its an online file storage web service but i wanted to know specifically hwo do you use it? Let's say i have web application where people upload a lot of files and later on edit and store those file on the server. Ideally i would save files … | |
Hi I am currently working on an honours level dissertation in the field of cloud computing and particularly the areas of online backups. To gather primary data I have put together a simple 5 min survey that should provide me with enough information to either prove or reject my hypothesis. … | |
Hi please anyone know what is the différence between a DatawareHouse in cloud and a traditional DataWareHouse(in the company)in the Extraction of data (ETL)!!!!! pleaaaaaaase help me thunk hana | |
Hi, Anybody have an idea of extracting data from tables of a database to another one in Cloud. I want to know the steps of extraction transformation and loading ETL. a diagram can be very useful. Thanks in advance Best regards Hana | |
My distributed operating system lab requires me to implement the election algorithm (bully and ring) in c. My current idea is to run several instances of an ouput file on different terminal, each symbolizing a different process. Now i'm facing the following problem and if you guys could just point … | |
One of the frustrations of using the Apple iPad is that there is no conventional file system on it. What's more, there's no SD card slot or USB port to connect some sort of external storage, making it difficult to get files from one device to another without connecting the … | |
Last week, Google's [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#marissa"]Marissa Mayer [/URL]and [URL="http://www.google.com/corporate/execs.html#eric"]Eric Schmidt [/URL]appeared in separate interviews on the [URL="http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/10129"]Charlie Rose [/URL]show, and not surprisingly they spoke in one voice where privacy and trust were concerned. They both said that when we use online services, we give up privacy in the process. There it is … | |
I have the following template that I am using to upload files into AMAZON S3. I'll display the template right here: [CODE]<cftry> <!---ACCESS KEY ID = SECRET ACCESS ID = BUCKET NAME = cic-audio FILE NAME = amazon_s3_test.txt---> <cfparam name="URL.step" default="view"> <cfoutput> <cfif URL.step eq "view"> <cfscript> // IMPORTANT: Set … | |
Hi all, Just would like to introduce myself. My names Mark. My interests involve Social Media, Cloud Computing and Virtualization. I am currently co-running an IT Blog at IDG Connect. I believe that it is the only global IT blog aiming to compile thoughts, opinions and analysis from every country … | |
Steve Ballmer dropped a bomb shell in a speech the other day at the University of Washington, letting it be known that the desktop software company was basically betting it all on the cloud. In a report on the speech [URL="http://paidcontent.org/article/419-ballmer-microsoft-betting-our-company-on-the-cloud/"]on PaidContent.org[/URL], Ballmer reportedly said the company was committing as … | |
Not everything Apple touches turns to gold, a case in point is the .mac service which has recently been rebranded with not terribly clever moniker: MobileMe. What Apple fails to understand from the get-go is that people expect their cloud services to be free or at least extremely cheap and … | |
[B]Web Site[/B]: [url]http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/online-backup/[/url] [B]OS[/B]: Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 [B]Cost[/B] $4.95/month or $49.95/year for 250 GB [B]Reviewer's View[/B]: Overall this a fine backup choice. It provides a generous amount of space for a fair price. They could do a better job of defining how to get started, and the … | |
The other day I was writing a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review271593.html"]review of an online backup product[/URL], and I wrote about the advantages of backing up to the cloud. Even though I have two external backup drives, they are both tied to the same electrical system in my house as my computer. If the … | |
I've[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4290.html"] speculated in the past[/URL] that nothing could keep Google from moving Android from a phone to a computer. After all a phone is just a hand-held computer, so it should come as no surprise that [URL="http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html"]Google officially announced[/URL] yesterday that it was getting in the computer operating system business … | |
[I]How come I can't let go? I'm between two worlds ~Tom Petty, Between Two Worlds[/I] As I watched vendors navigate the changing software world last week at [URL="http://www.e2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0 in Boston[/URL], it struck me that the old companies are trying desperately to hold onto to the markets they have dominated … | |
I received a newsletter from [URL="http://www.rpath.com"]rPath[/URL] concerning Lean IT and it occurred to me that Linux is the keystone in each one of the elements listed in it: Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Cost reduction mandates. As more businesses work toward saving money, they'll look for ways to save on IT … | |
I've been to a couple of conferences recently where I was surprised to see representatives of the U.S. military on panels discussing various uses of technology, but I was shocked to learn that the military was on the cutting edge of the technologies being discussed. To be honest, my perception … | |
A lot of companies are attempting to hitch their wagons to a star these days with a long layover in the Clouds. Big companies like [URL="http://www.sun.com"]Sun[/URL], [URL="http://www.ibm.com"]IBM[/URL], [URL="http://www.hp.com"]HP[/URL], [URL="http://www.cisco.com"]Cisco[/URL], [URL="http://www.amazon.com"]Amazon[/URL], [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL], [URL="http://www.vmware.com"]VMware[/URL] and [URL="http://www.citrix.com"]Citrix[/URL] are making major financial investments in Cloud culture. Are they chasing rainbows or will they find … | |
I recently had a conversation with [URL="http://www.coda.com/about/management-team?KeyPlayer_ID=13"]Jeremy Roche[/URL], who is CEO at [URL="http://www.coda.com/"]CODA[/URL], a high-end accounting software solutions vendor with more than 30 years in the business. Roche told me how his company began on the HP 3000, then moved to the DEC VAX, client/server and all the way to … | |
[I]This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall. ~Led Zeppelin, The Rain Song. [/I] It's been quite a couple of weeks for Google. First there was the mistake that caused the entire Internet to be [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/31/google-flags-whole-internet-as-malware/"]flagged as malware[/URL]. Next came the great … | |
The great Gmail outage, which as far as I can tell lasted a couple of hours over night in the US has prompted some nasty articles such as this one from [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/02/24/trouble-in-the-clouds-gmail-turns-into-gfail/"]TechCrunch[/URL] where they derisively refer to Gmail as Gfail. Let's grow up, people. Software fails all the time and … |
The End.