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719 Posted Topics
Re: My country is the world and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Plaine | |
Re: No gamers here? [Steam](http://steamcommunity.com/)! Steam community it's huge! It's almost only about gamming, but there's a few design group as well. Lot's of forum threads, messages, videos, images, you name it! | |
Re: Do you want to learn how to code a site or just want to make one as fast as possible? In the first case, read, read and read even more about it. In the second case, I suggest using Joomla, WordPress or WIX (as suggested by <MICHAEL>) | |
Re: May I suggest [EPPlus](http://epplus.codeplex.com/)? It's a c# open source project for reading and writting excel files. It's quite simple to use and have a good documentation. The only setback, as far I'm concerned untill now, is that it only accepts xlsx(excel 2007 or later). | |
Re: As Slavi said, [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) will give you some anonimity and it's really easy to setup and use. I've been using it for a couple of weeks and it does the job. Besides the lower load speed, there's only one more thing that bothers me about Tor: if your request reaches … | |
Re: None! I use Windows as my main SO and I gave up AV more than 5 years, ago and I only had one problem with malware because I plugged in a infected USB. After that I started using AutoRun Exterminator and had no more problems! Why don't I use AV? … | |
Re: Hello Tko, when you call `countdown('08/26/2016 09:07:13 PM', callback);`, 'callback' is not defined. I made an fiddle if an example based on your code, except the css. I think it's what you want: https://jsfiddle.net/alemonteiro/s0wwkLfp/1/ | |
Hello everybody. I'm starting to build an event calendar for employees in my company, and the first thing I needed was an working calendar to build from, so I wrote a simple one. Hope it can be usefull for someone. Cheers. | |
Re: Choose your IDE (Eclipse, Android Studio or even Visual Studio now a days), install the stuff, install the sample apps and start playing! Almost every release of an API version has an attached API Samples with dozens of apps each one demonstrating one or more features. If you got and … | |
Re: Change $_POST['s'] to $_GET['s'] or to $_REQUEST['s'] | |
Hey fellas, Do you think it's possible to live in a organized society that doesn't have a government? And why? I can't remeber when I lost faith in our current system, it's been a while for sure. Year after year is getting more clearer to me that we need radical … | |
Re: A simple replace should do it: // removes duple spaces $result = str_replace(" ", " ", $tags); // removes space after comma $result = str_replace(", ", ",", $result); but yes, regular expression would be better I guess... something like `(,[ \s]+)` and replace with "," sorry but not time to … | |
Re: Checkboxes values are only submited if they're checked, and text values are always submited even if blank. So if you check only 5 boxes, the length of `$_POST['checkbox1']` will be 5 but the length of `$_POST['quantity']` will still be 10. I suggest you to name each input text with the … | |
Re: What do you mean? Are you going to change the navigation menu after the page is loaded? Or do you just want to know what page was loaded to do something on the contents? Or do you want to have an tree-like structure that dinamically changes the navigation upon user … | |
Re: You could just make an replace for any special char into an space and then split it with explode, but if you want something a little more elegant, you probably want regular expressions. Take a look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9088391/splitting-large-strings-into-words-in-php | |
Re: There's hundreds of jquery gallery plugins out there, just google "jquery image gallery". I don't remeber any one that does exactly what you want, but there's probably a few. Here's somewhere to start: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2011/08/25-jquery-image-galleries-and-slideshow-plugins/ | |
Re: How about the facebook developer homepage? It's has the best, and most up to date, documentation you could ever find. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login | |
Re: Your button is of 'submit' type, so it means that it'll submit the form (an reload). I didn't check all of your code, but i'd replace your input button for this one: <button type="button" class="btn-login" onclick="toggle_visibility('foo'); toggle_visibility('sidebar'); toggle_visibility('tiles'); toggle_visibility('wsf');">Login</button> | |
Re: It's a silly thing... you're reaching for the form with `document.getElementById('myForm')`, but your form doesn't have `id="myForm"`. Just add the id to your form or use `document.forms['myForm']` to get it by it's name. Example: function onSelectedOption(sel) { var frm = document.forms["myForm"]; if ((sel.selectedIndex) == 3) { frm.action = "a.php"; } … | |
Re: No where in your code exists an INSERT... But let's say you want to insert $tolak.. $no1=$_POST[asal6]; $no2=$_POST[tuntutan6]; $tolak6=$_POST[baki6]; $tolak6=($no1-$no2); $sql = "INSERT INTO table_name(col1, col2, col3) VALUES($no1, $no2, $tolak6);"; // Assuming that you're using MySQL: $result = mysql_query($sql) OR die("Error: " . mysql_error()); | |
Re: Oh boy, it would be much easier with you could post the SQL to create the tables already. It's much easier to analyse an entity relationship on a diagram viewer than on a doc. I won't take a look at this now, but I suggest you to create the tables … | |
Re: Is your column name a reserved word? If it is, you should enclose it with **"**: http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/errors/ora01747.php | |
![]() | Re: On a similar approach of @rpoffitt, you could built it with NodeJS and just make an wrapper for each plataform. This way you can code almost all of it in JavaScript/HTML/CSS and with little effort you can have an app for each plataform. Basically your app would be an site … |
Re: Are you asking us to do your homework? Please have some self-respect and do your own homework! We're here to help, not to do your ****** ****. http://www.learnalgorithms.in/ | |
Hey fellas. I've been using Windows as my main OS since I sat on an PC with win 95. Now I think is time to finally change to Linux! The main reason I didn't change sooner was because the .NET dev env, but now there's Mono. So, I really would … | |
Hey fellas, some time ago I started trying out Brackets, and guess what? Loved it! If you don't know, it's an open soude editor made out of html, css and javascript, powered by node JS and chromium and sponsored by Adobe. A lot of open sources projects coming together to … | |
![]() | Re: Now a days it's rare to find those posts that fulfill the urge of learning and helping at the same time. Because I'll tell you, the posts I most enjoy contributing to are those that I need to search at least a bit to make sure I do help instead … |
Re: The connection string depends on the driver you're using. Which probably is NET Connector, so it should probably be: Server=;Port=3306;Database=moneycs;Uid=root; Pwd=mysql; If you are using any other driver to connect to mysql check out the connection strings here: https://www.connectionstrings.com/mysql/ To connect from the server it self use `localhost`. If you're … | |
Re: Yeap, there's something already: https://www.pureftpd.org/project/libpuzzle One of it's sampled application it's called "finding duplicate images in photo libraries". | |
Re: Don't know if it's only this, but the uploaded image is at `$target_path.$userpic` and your are creating the thumb only from `$userpic`; I think it should be this: `$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($target_path.$userpic);` And the same to get the size: `list($width,$height) = getimagesize($target_path.$userpic);` |
The End.