Hey fellas,
some time ago I started trying out Brackets, and guess what? Loved it!
If you don't know, it's an open soude editor made out of html, css and javascript, powered by node JS and chromium and sponsored by Adobe.
A lot of open sources projects coming together to make a beautiful IDE.
And it's made of sutuff we know about, so it's possible to tweak and improve and mess things out.
Anyway, the play was so fun that it turn out to be an SQL Browser Extension.
If you use brackets you should check it out: https://github.com/alemonteiro/brackets-sql-connector
It's only on the beggining, but the possibilities are inumerous =)
And I tell you, it's a beautifull mess coding the extension on the extension IDE and debugging it like it was an browser, I get confused some times yet =x.
Have a good week!