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20+ years experience in C, C++, VB. Helped create AutoIt3. Learning VB.Net, C#, Java

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183 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki

I am eating nothing right now. I do not like having to clean the crumbs out of my keyboard, so I don't eat around my computers.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Pradeep_24

There is a syntax error and a logic error I can see in this. First, a variable name is always 1 word, with no spaces in it. You could use an underscore (_), but it is generally not needed. Also you should make your variable names descriptive of their use. …

Member Avatar for ashishhhroe
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The first episode of Doctor Who (November 23, 1963) aired the day after President Kennedy was shot (November 22, 1963).

Member Avatar for John_smith
Member Avatar for Tom@123

Adding 4 numbers and multiplying 4 numbers makes sense: `A+B+C+D`, `A*B*C*D`, but subtraction and exponents can only operated on 2 numbers at a time. Factorial can only operate on 1 number as a time. I think you need to define your problem a little better to get a clearer vision …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for nxcx

The error is really on line 18, but it is reported on line 17. The **switch** statement must be followed by **case** clauses, each with a constant value for comparison. Line 18 is not a **case** clause, so the compiler reports that the **switch** statement is malformed. Also, individual cases …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

fflush() on an input thread is not actually defined in the C standard, thus its behaviour is compiler-dependant. It would be nice if it cleared an input buffer, but for most compilers, it does nothing. It won't fail, but it does not clear the buffer either. The behaviour of fflush() …

Member Avatar for liammasson33
Member Avatar for Ilia_2

In your original functions, I would pass the std::vectors by reference, not by value. If a value is not expected to change, apply a *const* modifier to the argument. Now the compiler will warn you if you try to change it. Do not use the same name for your data …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Unix is like sex. Until you have had it, you are not sure what all the fuss is about. After you have had it, you wonder how you ever lived without it. Edit: I think I have used this somewhere before. Oh, yeah, my signature.

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for squeak24

According to your specifications: Item 1: `=IF(OR(U20=W12,U20=W13),1,0)` This will set the current value to 1 if U20 equals W12 or W13. Otherwise it gives 0. Item 2: More detail is needed to help with that. What status values apply for what dates? Is a specific day, day of the week, …

Member Avatar for Shankar.Shiv
Member Avatar for

How are the values for TextBox1 and TextBox3 getting into the textboxes? I would like to see more explanitory names, describing how you are using these controls. TextBox3 seems to be user type, but what is TextBox1? Are you sure that those are the **exact** text appearing in TextBox3? Put …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

Break Mode usually occurs when you have stopped your program with the Pause button in the IDE or hitting a breakpoint. You can also put a `Stop` keyword in your code to get to Break Mode. What were you trying to do when you got the message that you were …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Mrra

There were several problems with your code. I had to make some significant changes just to get it to compile. 1. I added `#include` lines at the top to read in the required function declarations. 2. You had two different names for your file handle. `Student_Info` was a better name …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Zulhilmi_1

Take a look at the Listview.ItemChecked event. In that event handler, Add the item to a List<ListViewItem> defined at the level of the form. If the ListViewItem gets unchecked, Remove it from the list. When it is time to output, go through the list and output the Text in order.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Adm666

I am assuming that `command A` actually tells the program how to manipulate the two numbers, so you can check each command in a `switch` statement then if the command given is not recognised, have a `default:` clause to report "Unknown command". Read each line into a buffer, making sure …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Brittany_2

You should also consider if the user enters a capital letter as well. The `toupper` and `tolower` functions in <cctype> can be useful for this.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for johans22
Re: bits

A union with bit-fields would provide you most of the functionality, but you can not address the bit-fields using array notation. You may want to create a function which returns the applicable bit(s) by bit-shifts and &. c=0x65; printf("%u\n", bitfield(c, 3)) /* display bit 3 of c. */

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Nestory
Re: c#

When you are providing extra information for an existing question, it is better to reply to your original question, rather than creating a new question.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Nestory
Re: c#

There is some critical information missing in your question: 1) You are supposed to display the information from a object. What information from the object are you supposed to display? In what way are you supposed to display it? 2) Where is your effort to answer the question already? What …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Did you intend that `class a` has no data and only 1 invariant method? Is that even valid?

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for Parth_3

Why is everything commented? When you declare `sql_empid`, you assign a value from another control, `cmbaaa`. Did you want to assign from `Combo1` instead? After opening the connection, you reassign `sql_empid` with a totally different string, referencing the initialized value. This is not generally considered good form; use seperate variables …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Ketan Satani

If you are wanting to see how long somebody was logged into your applications, record the log-in time in a variable that will survive the life of your application (in a module or main form) and when the user logs out, use DateDiff to determine the time that the user …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for vishalsingh1080

There are various ones for each language and some or any langauge. You could check out: [The Obfuscated C-Code Contest]( for an example of a C programming contest. If you are into creating small games, there is the [Java 4K Game Programming Contest]( A quick look with most search engines …

Member Avatar for vishalsingh1080
Member Avatar for Nyron

In your third loop, you are assigning each element of `arr3` with the sum of the last values of `array1` and `array2`, which would be 1065. To get the array reversed, you need to reference an array subtracting the index from the end. e.g. printf("The reversed array is: "); for …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for amvx86

I am assuming you are working in Windows, as GetLogicalDriveStringsW and GetDiskFreeSpaceExW appear to be Windows functions. What specifically is going wrong? Are you getting compiler warnings and/or errors? If so, which compiler? If the program runs, what behaviour are you getting that you are not expecting or what behaviour …

Member Avatar for amvx86
Member Avatar for sashiksu

More context is necessary before answing the question. 1) What are specification for the assignment? 2) Please post the code you already have for the profit/loss page. 3) Based on this, we may be able to give you some advise, but we will not do your homework for you.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for kxjakkk

How are these functions being called? Where and how are `rank` and `atype` defined? I need more context to answer this question.

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Eskindir_1

What you need is a *nested loop*. For each element in `standard`, go through `sample`, looking for matching elements. If you find one, assign 'y' and quit the inner loop. If you get through the sample loop without finding anything, set the standard value. Do you really want to overwrite …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for Shoaib_6

What is the intent of this program? What specific error are you getting? What are you doing when the error appears? Is it a compile error or a run-time error? Which **if** statements generate this error; you have more than 2. Please enclose code samples in a code block. On …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for James_43

First of all, your two tables are identical. I think LIKES is defined slightly differenetly, based on your other comments about it. When the database engine is comparing your tables, if matches each record in one table with each record in the other. If all the conditions are met, then …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for almostbob

- What were you thinking? *Were* you thinking? Well, there's the problem. - I think I see the problem your code. **You!** - Is there actually a question with this code or are did just want to post a code snippet? (Subject was "Help me") I must admit to using …

Member Avatar for almostbob

The End.