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I am a college graduate with a degree in Computer Science Security. Ever since learning Java my freshman year, I have fallen in love with code. Currently my preferred language is C# for project (I also like to write SQL when I get the chance)

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Intel Core i7-920 @ 2.67GHz; Corsair XMS3 2GB DDR3 - 1333MHz (x6); Seagate Barracuda 1TB Sata; Seagate…
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282 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for emin_2

Are you trying to keep a running counter that every new item you index is on a new row? (kind of like you would do if you inserted into a SQL server database)? If the code isn't working you may want to check this link It appears to be …

Member Avatar for Jack Green
Member Avatar for arun.gtm11

If you still haven't figured it out let us know, I wrote some code awhile back that did a lot of work of reading and writing to an excel file and would be more then glad to share it if you need (I'll have to dig it up)

Member Avatar for jackflint
Member Avatar for andy1981iron

You shorted your motherboard! I accidently did this and would get similar problem as you. Now I just recently had a problem that I finally fixed thanks to a friend. I would have this issue where I would turn on my PC and everything would boot up fine, except no …

Member Avatar for ytttt
Member Avatar for islander7

WEll I stumboled on this threat as I to have been having issues with my GPU. I woke up one morning to wake the system to find that the system woke up but no matter what monitor (or TV) i used I got no image. I have run into this …

Member Avatar for Robert_65
Member Avatar for jonymanolo

What your asking isn't that easy. I mean you could insert any photo you want, but that doesn't guarantee the color you will get. Now I have a theory how this might work, it's a long shot, but you could give it a try. First you have a collection of …

Member Avatar for Paul_45
Member Avatar for deceptikon

Interesting design. I have actually been working on a few of these myself. After really learning SQL at my job, I have written one for connecting and interacting with like SQL/Oracle/AS400/IBMDB2, as well as one for SQLite. Have to say, the approach you took, and your design is somewhat different …

Member Avatar for Yushell
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Alright this one has me stumpted. I have a piece of code to do TCP Listening running on a thread that was executed from the ThreadPool, using this little one liner `ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ServerListener);`, that will continue to run until a status flag is altered. When the thread has ended I need …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for geoamins2

I know this is solved, but I wanted to bring something up in that you should really think about the security related to storing these finger prints. Long story short, my last year of college was a granduate level class on Applied Cryptography. For my final paper I focused on …

Member Avatar for caiofoglia
Member Avatar for Abdelaziz_1

Security program to do what exactly? Encrypt a password? Authenticate a key?

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for marcolanza24

Hey marcolanza24 If I am reading this correctly, you want each individual word as its own element in the collection (in relation to a line). You could try something like foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(@"..\..\InputApriori.txt")) { itemsDataList.Add(new DataSets() { line.Split(new char [] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) }); } What that does …

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Alright I got a question for you all that I just can't seem to figure out if it's working as I expect it to or not. Recently I have begun re-writing a piece of code I wrote that is used to generate QR Codes (square barcodes). Part of the reason …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Back in college, on my laptop and desktop, I had NetBeans and Visual Studio 2012 installed on the same machine at the same time. It had no problem what so ever.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for bayron209

A little addition to Shark_1's post, You probably will also want to add a Group By onto that select statement. So for instance if you want to see how many occurances there are of the s_monthname in the table, but only return distinct records in relation to the month name …

Member Avatar for bayron209
Member Avatar for CJMW

My advice, use an engine. These are specifically design for the very purpose for people to build their games upon. They take care of all the nitty gritty bits that can bog you down if you tried to do everything yourself (such as rendering, lighting effects, sound and how it …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Tharindu_1

Do you have any of the code you have tried? For instance what approaches have you attempted that have caused errors? This can help prevent duplicate work, or possibly finding the bug in what you have tried

Member Avatar for Tharindu_1
Member Avatar for Suzie999

SO you are running your application on a seperate machine, and have to downlioad a 600+ MB file? That is weird, because .NET has all the libraries needed to connect to a SQL Server database, local or remote. (System.SQL or something like that). How are you connecting to the database …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Alright this one is bugging the heck out of. I am developing some software that can auto generate a solution and projects within. I have the project templates already created (done by another co-worker), and zipped up. I have then added these as an embedded resource into my project. However, …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Tomas_3

No offense, but this seems a little fishy. The way you are posting on every level possible makes me think you are going to try and find anyone. You also claim it's going to be open, but there's a side of me thinking you might be wanting more from it …

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

So what's the problem exactly? Looks like you spin up one thread and are your way. You should be aware, that `Thread.Sleep(60000)`. Once you hit that, the thread it's running on is going to sleep for a minute, and any command you try to send it, won't be acknoweldged until …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Nah you did it correctly. The reason you got a stack overflow, you were calling print in your Class1, which was calling itself. Usually you use a virtual/override when you want the base class to function a certain way, but you can override the logic (there is also the abililty …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Hamza_13

Actually if you are trying to get the DateTime from a string, you should be using the something like `DateTime.Parse`, `DateTime.TryParse`, `DateTime.ParseExact`, or `DateTime.TryParseExact` If I remember right, the Convert.ToDateTime, never worked for converting a string to a DateTime. However, I do know for a fact the above ones work. …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

One other thought, a more brute force way, since you are doing FIFO, is to create duplicates in the queue. So say you have a unique identifier to specifiy each record type. For a normal random engine you'd have 1 entry in the queue to select from for each record. …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for altjen

ReverendJim, that tool looks nice, I'll have to check that out myself. Another suggestion, is you could always look on how others do it. There is CUPID as well as Open Hardware Monitor. They both offer the source code or a dev code that you can look at (note that …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Hamza_13

So it sounds like you want to populate your ComboBox with all the distinct values from a column. Look for the event "CellValueChanged" in the DataGridView. This should fire after the cell's value has been edited, and focus has left the cell (so like leaving edit more). However, I would …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for omimo

You've pretty much already answered your question. You convert the image to a byte array, and then store it (it's like a varbinary type). Just be aware, this can easily grow the size of your database quickly if the images are large enough.

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

So if you are trying to programmically click a button, you can do something like `btnCalculate.PerformClick();`. Is that what you trying to do, is programmically click the button? Or did I misread this?

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

This can be tricky. It really depends on how the login is done for the page. You would have to log in to the base using your webKitBrowser1, using the code. Unfortantly I can't find the code awhile back, but you should be able to google and see what's possible …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for David_66

So are you trying to create an application to generate possible random numbers that you could then use to create your tickets? Or are you planning to try and find a pattern in the numbers that have been drawn (I will tell you if it's the 2nd option, you probably …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for ogsirus

It appears you are trying to treat you ints as a collection ... which you can probably assume will NOT work. ddanbe does bring up a good idea, that you could use a dictionary. This gives you a "key" based on the 'i' value (which is kind of like "Number1", …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for Hamza_13

So I did some quick Googling real quick, from what I can tell, the Calender control is designed for System.Web.UI, not System.Windows.Form which is what you'd be using for a Windows Form design. It looks like, the MonthCalender is the WindowsForm equivalent of the Calender

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

The End.