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Member Avatar for vegaseat

God is dead - Nietzsche, Who's laughing now? - God "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary" - unknown Stupidity is doing the exact same thing again and again in the hope it works and being suprised when it doesn't. - unknown Fail to prepare, prepare …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

What really annoys me especially with having a young < 1 child in the house is you are watching the show at a reasonable volume when suddenly the adverts come on at what sounds like twice the volume waking the sleeping baby.... Also, in terms of most sci-fi, why if …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for Quinncunx

Hi If Sortedlist doesn't work for you you can also try a DataTable. A DataTable has a DefaultView property, which is a DataView for the table and a DataView has a Sort property which allows you to sort your data by any column in either direction e.g. "PlayerPoints Desc"

Member Avatar for randysoft1
Member Avatar for devianleong

Try moving the line `` to above `cmd = new oledbcommand(sql, con)` i.e. have your connection open first To check that the connection is open before executing the command, you may want to try this: If Con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then dim dr as OleDBDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader .... End if

Member Avatar for Ansh8390
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi good people of Danniweb, I've looked at a lot of examples on line and I cannot figure out what is going wrong. My program has to transfer a simple delimited text file from the local machine up to a specified directory on a FTP server. After I have run …

Member Avatar for Dennis_22
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi Are you using a common networked database for all users? Or is it that you are deploying the database with the program i.e. one database per user?

Member Avatar for YASHNIT
Member Avatar for dibakarmishra

For the save dialog part, there is a built in [SaveFileDialog Class]( This will enable you to put up an on screen Save File Dialog without having to design your own interface etc. (like we used to have to do in VB 6.0)

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi you have added the panel twice once to the Main panel and once to the form: 'Adding to main panel pnlMainPanel.Controls.Add(pnlOrderLine) pnlMainPanel.Visible = True 'Adding to Form i.e. me Me.Controls.Add(pnlOrderLine)

Member Avatar for Enrique_2
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I've recently "inherited" a part built project from a developer who as left our company. He had decided to use Entity Framework but I am finding it to be unstable and slow. I periodically have to reimport objects and stored procedures from the database as the model gets corrupted. …

Member Avatar for Aleksey_2
Member Avatar for MukeshZ

I know this thread is inactive BUT has a built in text parser for handling delimited files such as CSV: [MSDN: Read CSV File Content](

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi, I'm writing code to connect to Oracle through ODP so I added a reference to the Oracle.DataAccess dll on my machine. Trouble is I'm writing a 64 bit app and I appear to have both x86 and 64 bit versions of this dll on my machine. No matter which …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I think I maybe falling victim to the "double hop"! We have a windows form program that uses a 3rd party web service to validate bank details (BIC, IBAN etc.) It uses a class we developed that creates a uri and passes it through the firewall upto the …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, This issue keeps reocccuring and I can not for the life of me figure out why. When I add ANY AJAX control to my ASP.Net project, I end up getting an error that a reference in the designer is not defined. For example, if I add an UpdatePanel, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

My main pet peeve is when an oh so helpful “spelling” program insists on marking up words as misspellings (or worse, “auto-correcting”,) when they are typed correctly because I write in English not American English. E.g. colour, (and ironically,) localise etc.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for cgeier

Hi, Seeing same behaviour here, it opens I close it, it reopens - it's annoying...

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for cagrifromearth

Hi, You need to give more detail. What methods are you using for the log in (Off the shelf package? your own design?)? How are you storing if the user is logged in or not? Maybe post some code? For example if you use a session variable to hold if …

Member Avatar for Lau_1
Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi, A bit Rusty at PDF creation so forgive me but you don't seam to be adding Rows to your pdfTable. Anyway I would put a check in to see if the datagrid cell had a value: '...... For Each cell As DatagridViewCell in rows.cells If cell.value isnot Nothing andalso …

Member Avatar for zinist
Member Avatar for no123

Is this a class or code behind a form? Anyway for a class, create a `Sub New()` and set your `location` variable to the location you want then run your `ShowMapImage`. If it is a window just do it in the `OnLoad` event

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for mazintech

Take the relevent fields from one table and pass into an insert statement to run on the other one... Perhaps if you show what you have tried so far we can give help and guidence

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for razree

Hi, There are a couple of things I'd try (some of which you may have done already) 1. Check the Build version under the Project properties 2. Under the Build menu I would Clean the solution then Build and deploy

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Riaz_2

Just loop through the rows in your grid extract the data you need then use a stored procedure(prefered,) or a SQL Insert statement to add to the other table?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for batoolhussain

Hi, You're retreiving the image file as a binary object from the database and then you're trying to open directly in the browser? Do you set the content Type in the response so the browser knows what you are sending it? e.g. `Response.ContentType ="image/jpg"`

Member Avatar for David_50
Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi, I don't see where you are setting your Connections connection string, you look to be passing in blank strings on the New DRConnection object (unless you are hiding the values your using for posting here.) so how does your DRConnection know what it is to connect to?

Member Avatar for nimz143
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi all, I've searched in the ASP.Net and AJAX forums but I can't see any matches to this issue. The reason I'm posting in the ASP.NET forum is that the Error is being caused by my ASP.NET designer page. Myself and another developer are both working on different parts of …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for batoolhussain

Hi, You've posted a similar issue on another post...(I answered that one for you) but in that one you were opening the file directly in the browser, this post you are wanting to open the image inside a page? Could you post your ASP.Net page code?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame

<M/> > he only posted once and hasn't returned... Could that be because he is a newbie and the reaction to their first post (probably sent as an intro,) was basically F off and stop spamming?

Member Avatar for overwraith
Member Avatar for André_2

Hi, Are you using a datasource to provide the dropdown values? Could the values be either NULL values or spaces?

Member Avatar for krishnap2w2
Member Avatar for Rahul47

Hi I take it this is the standard Menu strip class? In which case, you are not actually selecting an item, you are clicking on it. So what you would do is use the on click event of each item to populate the messagebox or carry out the other actions. …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl

The End.